Mapleleaf- Nothing was firmed up, but I think that a lot of us would LOVE an annual Florida gathering!
GREAT idea, Mapleleaf! Count me in!
Until I met the Florida crowd, I didn't realize how many members had to stay close to home (family responsibilities). An annual event would serve their needs, yet be available for the traveling gang who hop around the country. I believe there might be a few British Isles laddies/lassies who might fly in.....
I was very encouraged by the quality of the discussion and fellowship. H*ll, the next one...I might even smile more.
Mapleleaf ~ you smiled plenty! At least I thought so! (Don't let him fool ya, folks ~ he is a party animal!)
I'm already looking forward to this 'annual' event!
And while you have your "annual" event, don't forget the rest of us! Try to make it to our "A2K Three Continent Gathering" in San Francisco around April 1, 2004. c.i.
We need a calendar thread, so folks can see every date in one place.
we saw one alligator at Kennedy Space Center, lazy as me on my vacation... It was really amazing there, the size of those rockets!!! I would never step into such a little capsule! Not that I'm claustrophobic, but you gotta remember that those things are put together by the cheapest bidder

We'll be back in Florida for sure, not sure when though. Friday's the last day, boo-hoo, snif, snort....
Oh my goodness, reading again and seeing pictures--I'm glowing again with the good times and good friends!!
Mapleleaf, it would be great fun to make this an annual event!
I love having the pictures, but they make me sorry that BigD and Urs have to go home. You two are the sweetest couple!
I leave next Monday for Connecticut and a few days in New York, then back to FL for a couple of weeks before our sons come down. After that, the drive back to Connecticut for the summer and a trip to the southwest gathering while I'm out there to visit Colorado relatives. I LOVE being retired! The gypsy in me has come to full flower. I think I'd be perfectly happy just going around the country visiting a2kers, with side trips to Europe and Australia.
Misti, I'm afraid that Sammy thinks of cats as fluffy toys that run away--making them great fun to chase. He loves our cats, but the cats are quite indignant at his cheekiness.
BTW, the guest room is ready and waiting here in Ponte Vedra Beach. I've even put some dreamy lavender bath salts in the guest bathroom--just let me know when you can make it. Misti, Rae, Letty, Phoenix--come on down! (Or up).
I would take advantage of that offer....think of all the talking you could do.
Quick update from BigDice and Urs
We went to the Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge today and it was really great. Mapleleaf, you would have loved it. We saw dolphins, alligators, all kinds of birds and even manatee. Unfortunately, it was pretty cold and very, very windy.
Tomorrow we are off to Germany again - we are very sad :-(
Bigdice here... yup we're really sad going home, all fun has to come to an end... :-(
Tonight we're gonna see a rocket launch!!! And have some beer
I definitely will include Merritt Island during my next trip.
Mapleleaf, you definitely have to.
We had a nice evening at Rusty's - unfortunately, no rocket launch :-(
Then we played some pool. And now I think it's bedtime...
We will write more when we are back in Germany.
Urs53 and BigDice just left, we wish them a safe trip and lots of good memories.
This has been such a great week, meeting all our A2K friends was like 'old home week' because we didn't feel we were meeting strangers. I never would have believed we would all get along so well, and laugh so much.
Phoenix, Urs53, BigDice, Diane, Letty, Roger, Mapleleaf, I cannot express how much it meant to Rae and me that you all came here for this get together! It was so wonderful of you, and it is a week that will hold a special place in my heart always!
I know my life is enriched after meeting you all.
Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for being you, for the priceless memories we now have, and for the gift of laughter during our time together.
I'm looking forward to meeting again, and I also hope other A2K'rs will enjoy such gatherings and have as much fun as we did.
Hugs to all of you!
Awwwww!!!! I'm sooooo glad you all had such a wonderful time :-D