It is great to see these pictures, you all look like you're having a great time!
PS -- I think shots, too!
Gorgeous kitties... they look happy, too!
This is so so so so cool!!!!!!!!!!
OK, I've got Misti, Rae, Roger, Mapleleaf, BigDice and Urs figured out. But Phoenix, Letty, and Diane are giving me a bit of a hard time. Phoenix the brunette, Letty with the short blonde hair, Diane with the longer blonde hair...?
Sozobe, with Letty and Diane it's the other way around...
And I'm not telling what happened! okokok, we did shots, JackD... but it was actually more about playing pool and feeding the jukebox... ;-p ...
believe it or not!
this is bigdice reporting from the florida front
I'll post some catpics (half of the 1000's that urs has made), and I took some nice pics of Lacey and Paddy at the gathering
hahaha, why not believe you played pool?
Thanks for straightening me out, bigdice.
So cool to see Phoenix! She simultaneously looks exactly how I expected her to and radically different.
waddaya mean, radically different?
heeeheee... watch out, Sozobe... with that green color, I'm thinking, that's Phoenix!
As a favor to people like me with poor eyesight... at some point will somebody give us descriptions of the tee-shirts? I can't quite focus on them and I'm sure that each picture is meaningful.
WOW!!!! SPEECHLESS...............
THe t-shirts was made by c.i. and we won 'em doing his test... y'all gonna see that test at the San Fransisco Gathering in 2004
The t-shirts have pictures on them that c.i. took in Africa. They are very neat!!!!!
Where are the pictures really posted? littlekb?
I don't think they're on littlekb......
hey Lilk what was you do'n at the backstage?
ooooooooooh, with my pal Kevin? Hanging.
Yeah, who are all those nice look'n people? Any names attached to the faces?
