sorry, gotta go now, the Bar-B-Q has started!!!
This is Bigdice reporting from the Florida Frontline
It is an adorable propeller. Where the propeller meets the hat, there is a little grey mouse!
Just found y'all *here* and mighty glad to see the checking in and checking up and folderol! Greetings and blessings to everyone!
Peace, Love and Hugs,
I'm lovin' the blow-by-blow! Keep it up!
Can't wait for pics!
Rae fired up tthe BBQ, and was ready to put the food on, when a drunken neighbor usurped the BBQ- After a mild confrontation. we reclaimed the BBQ
God, I wish the wretched and stoically silent London A2kers had done this!!!!!
Yay for Misti and Rae!
We're gonna grab the grub now...
Letty and Roger are still talking on the patio, Urs and Rae are at the BBQ, the rest of us are politely waiting for the feeding frenzy!!!
This is the best virtual gathering ever! Where did Roger find that hat!?!?! Did he make it? Is the BBQ set and ready? Or has it moved next door again? Did anyone tickle roger yet? I'll add my quarters and pennies!
Yup, Deb, you're right! But my guess is that they had a ball as well
Food's ready! More later!
Dangit littlek! I am HONGRY now, aren't you? You are right - this is soooo much fun! There used to be some great all-night beach parties on the Fired Up threads and elsewhere in abuzz, but this variation and improvement over in a2k is a great source of joy to so many! Eat up everyone!
I'm eating too! Pasta, not BBQ, but I'm living vicariously!
<aren't they done eating YEEEEET?>
i wanna know if roger adopted any of my other wardrobe suggestions! :wink: or is the propeller beanie enough?
sooooooo i've got some u.s. change to throw in the tickling roger pool - or do we wanna just skip that and go straight to throwing roger in the pool?
The neighbor took the BBQ?????? Really! Wow. A Wild Party!
Could the little gray mouse that BD described really be a little gray rat?
Well, Roger wanted it to be a rat, but he prolly scared it...
The pic above is meant to be a rebuff to c.i.'s questionnaire... you got us there, buddy! Now you tell everyone who's who!
now i have to open a second window so i can do my guessing!
p.s. c.i. thanks for the shirts!!! They look good, don't they?