Lash, whose GPA is still better than yours wrote:Use your lawyerly razzle-dazzle. Make a case for the defense--and then the prosecution.
If you are "prosecuting" SH and OBL for culpability in 911, where do you start? You start with establishing a relationship between them. Did they know one another? Did they have reason to work together? Is there any evidence that shows that they were interested in working together toward this goal?
(1) Vaguely; (2) not really; (3) no.
Lash wrote:The defense would try to find an alibi for any alleged meetings--say they never contacted one another...they were not interested in the same goal....if they were faced with evidence of meetings, it would look very bad for their clients, but of course, they could then defend them as you are--and say just because there is evidence of several meetings and they are highly motivated to work together and there are clear signs that OBL was calling off his Al Ansar goons for SH, and SH had a Terrorist Med going on...well. That's not proof.
Yeah. OJ got off too.
Well done,
Lash, you've made it seem like I defend terrorists. Musta' taken that right out of the Republican campaign strategy guide.
Lash wrote:IMO, neither side has enough evidence to mount a convincing case, so the decision has to made on a preponderance of the evidence.
Not when the decision to go to war rests on the verdict. Then, in my humble opinion, you need far more than a preponderance of the evidence.
Lash wrote:If there had been no evidence of any meetings or good vibes between them, I wouldn't be having this conversation. I would have shut up about this a couple of years ago.
"Good vibes?" We went to war over "good vibes?" How can you take yourself seriously?
Lash wrote:But, there is more evidence that they DID work together than they DIDN'T.
Only for those who are willfully blind to the evidence.
Lash wrote:You won't see me marching in full uniform, blaring that it is a slam dunk case. But, you also won't see me avoid confrontation when some yahoo starts insulting those who think there is credence to the belief SH and OBL possibly worked together. The 62% thinks SH, at least indirectly, assisted with 911. So do I. There is good reason to.
No, the poll said that 62% of Republicans thought that Saddam was
personally involved in the 9-11 attacks, not "indirectly assisted" in them.
Lash wrote:Never said it was proven. I said it was possible and likely.
I never said you offered proof. I said your argument proves nothing.
Lash wrote:You are unaware of the conclusions to both men's requests of the other. If you are holding out with the tapes of their conversations, please call the 911 Commission. They'd be quite interested.
I know that nothing came of the tentative contacts between the two.
Lash wrote:We may as well stop, though. You tie the reality of SH and OBL working together with Bush being correct. You'd sooner die than admit it--so you'll never discuss the testimony and the facts rationally.
Not true. When Bush says something that I agree with,
I say so.