Lash wrote:You need not respond to me further re this. You're intentionally avoiding the facts as they were presented in the 911 Commission Report. Pretending it's not there, doesn't make it go away.
As the first person in this thread who actually quoted from and linked to the commission report, I can only say that I find your attempt at "revisionist history" as baffling as the precipitous decline in your GPA.
Lash wrote:It's what you're doing. You're taking all the evidence compiled by the CIA and completely disregarding it.
I specifically cited various passages from the commission report. That we drew different conclusions from those passages is apparent, but you cannot say that I disregarded them.
Lash wrote:This is the only thing you've said that is legitimate, IMO.
Then you disagree with your previous statement that a preponderance of the evidence is sufficient.
Lash wrote:The "popular theory" advanced by the Democrats and other assorted liberals in and out of government, was that Bin Laden would NEVER deign to associate with SH--over religious purity issues. OBL's meetings and varied overtures blow that lame theory out of the water. Good vibes were a major issue--and squashed a major anti-war assumption.
If "good vibes" were a major issue to
anyone, at any time, then Brian Wilson should have been chosen as secretary of state.
Lash wrote:I'm quoting the evidence. You are the one in denial.
I quoted the evidence first. What does that make you?
Lash wrote:I don't have a dog in this sematic war--but you CAN be personally involved and also have that involvement be indirect. If they thought SH assisted in the planning of 911, I'd have to disagree with them.
What sort of "personal-but-indirect" involvement did Saddam Hussein have with regard to 9-11?
Lash wrote:It proves you aren't interested in the facts surrounding this issue.
I've seen very few facts coming from you -- strange, implausible conjectures perhaps, but few facts.
Lash wrote:You certainly DO NOT know that.
I know as much as Dubya:
We have no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved with the Sept. 11 attacks.