hmm..couple of thoughts...jespah, did you know that asians are the most underrepresented nationality on TV? just thought that was odd being half asian myself.
oh and on top of that, funny people see me and literally ask, you're asian? but you're so big??? is that supposed to be a compliment? yes, i am asian and german...that is why i am 5'10" 170lbs of asian love. the man in my life...i think the last time he actually bought clothes was when we met in 2000. since then, yup you got it, good old dragon was out there buying him clothes. he will come to me one day and say, "honey, my jeans are getting ragged, can you get me some more? honey, my sneakers are wearing a hole in them, can you get me some more? honey, i don't have any nice dress shirts, can you pick some out?" not a joke, he doesn't dress himself except to go to work, which he is in fact a plumber and i refuse to let him out of the house if he is even risking plumber's crack. his butt is way too cute for others to see.
and i love the muffin top expression. that was priceless.
and lord, you could find your way over to the A2K football pool thread, i get my testerone feelings out on that one

it's ok to be in touch with your feminine side lordy, embrace it, just dont let it run your life or you wil be obsessing over which color shoe to's not a fun fate...