Eep (hides RP).
Actually, Rosh Hashanah is a two-night affair. We celebrate a lot. C'mon over, we'll have chicken, some wine, a little apples and honey (so that you all have a sweet year) and the like. The big greeting is, "May you be inscribed in the book of life for another year." On Yom Kippur is when you get sealed in the book of life (well, your name is, you, on the other hand, are free to move about 'n stuff).
But I digress.
Maybe, Lord E, you dashing gentleman you, you could suggest a steak & kidney pie stand next to every shoe shop. You drop off the missus, she takes care of, ahem, her needs, and you go next door and fulfill, um, your, er, desires. Meet afterwards, everyone's content.
There is definitely a genetic difference between men and women shopping. Men tend to be more hunter-gatherers (this isn't always true, bear with me here), e. g. grab it fast and leave. Oh, look, it's three sizes too small. Or, uh oh, it's the wrong color. Or, oops, I meant to get a tie but I got a speedo instead. And you tend to not return such things. These things are left in the back of the closet until the next time you move.
Women, on the other hand (again, not always), tend to be more deliberative, it's more of an experience. Slow process. Check rack, check rack a second time, try on, fiddle, push up, pull down, whatever, twirl around, then weed out or maybe don't weed out, even take it home if unsure, and try on with other wardrobe things before trying. Then either return (sometimes after one complete wearing) or shove in back of closet, also to be left there until the next moving date.
PS Will make a New Year's topic in S & R if there isn't one by now. Thanks for the reminder, Chai.