just make sure you pull it all the way to the side otherwise, ooops!!! after a few times, it is no problem!
ooh heeven, i have that high arch problem too. fortunately, my job now has me sitting most of the day (well not sure that is fortunate other than on my feet), so i am not quite as concerned about the shoes. i tend to buy pointy toed ones although they kill me, i just love how they look. ugh, maybe i have gotten into the whole image of women thing...its trickery i tell you!!!!
Boomer - one word - tankini.
Seriously high insteps here. I was never able to wear MaryJane's as a kid because the strap wouldn't go over my arch. I also have a hard time getting into clogs or slip on boots.
Love this thread! Dragon, we must have the same shoulders... that is, Really Broad.
If I leave shoulder pads in, I look like a football player!
These days I just automatically rip out shoulder pads... coulda stuffed a whole mattress with the number of shoulder pads I've thrown away....
A sister of a friend of mine made a sculpture of torn out shoulder pads..
Sozobe stated that she didn't like low-riders.
Have you ever watched a young teenager in those pants and all of a sudden you see her do this:
"Lifts one foot off floor, reaches around back and pulls them up by the belt loops!"
Can we say...."Does not need to wear them, if you have flab hanging over the top of them?"
Or I got one better for ya...The other day at the football game, a young lady I know...was wearing those things and all of a sudden, she sat down in front of me, I looked down and saw.."THE CRACK OF DAWN Smiling at me"......NO THANK YA! LOL
I look my best in a pair of Wranglers...stacked, with boots on...then find one of my husbands shirts that has a long tail on it...makes ya look longer legged and longer all around. Kinda slimming effect...if I must say so.
But I don't wear Wranglers or Jeans everyday. I have to work...and I usually have on Nike Flip-Flops and Capris and a tank...until winter comes on. Then I'll change to something else.
At work, its all about comfort, as long as its clean and your presentable!
Wow, great thread, maybe we should send it off to someone in the fashion industry.
It's nice to know they're lots of us that have burst into tears of frustration in a dressing room, just because we want to find something that fits!
Even when I was young and thin, I always felt like I was "between" sizes.
Then, as now, I very curvy, you would that would be swell, but put on pants that fit in the butt and you're swimming in the waist.
If if fits in the waist, you can't even get them pulled up.
The length? I'm 5'2 and 1/2. Too tall for petites, too short for regular.
Jeans, forget it. I have NEVER owned a pair of jeans in my life I felt comfortable in.
Yeah, the armholes in a sleeveless blouse? Just because I have a chest doesn't mean my arms are so huge. Can't wear them because they hang down low and show half of your bra.
I've found myself up at a size 14 (want to get back to 12), and was at the mall and very frustrated.
Noticed for the first time the sign on the Lane B. store says 14 and up.
God, the 14's in there swim on me.
Just another in between.
I know what colors I look best in. The only color I absolutely avoid is yellow. Can find a shade in other colors that I can wear. However, I'm not comfortable in clothes like saris or gypsy stuff or patterns. It doesn't suit my personality.
I don't ever look frumpy though, since even though I'll wear 1 or two colors at a time, they make a statement.
I actually like conservative, tailored clothes. If they fit well, it's one more thing I don't have to think about or assessorize.
I got so frustrated last year. I really needed some pants for a business trip. Was getting no where.
The salesperson asked if I needed some help, she probably thought I'd give the standard "no, I'm just looking"
Instead, I asked her....."Do I look like I have a really odd figure? Do I look really disportionate"?
Actually, she did take a good look at me, and said, "no you don't"
"well then, WHY can't I find one pair of pants that fit me in this whole store"?
I then asked her if she had any suggestions, or anything she could show me.
I'll give her credit. She actually did walk me around and look. everytime she pulled something out though, we would both say something like "oh, look at the size of that waist, or, you're short, so putting these pants with the wide legs will make you look like a box.
Like I said, even when young and of the proper weight, it was hard.
Oh BTW, having small feet is no picnic either, they used to be 5, now I'm a 6.
You put shoes on and look like someone could push you over. Very odd.
OK - what are we going to do?
I'm mad as hell, and not gonna take it any longer!
We are NOT the wrong shape. Someone is making the clothes in the wrong size and ugly to boot, with old lady flowers and chickens and stupid ribbons I wouldn't be caught dead in.
BTW Noddy - You know how you get a mental impression of people?
I NEVER would of thought of you as an apple shape.
hm, you live, you learn.
Shewolf, do you have a big booty in comparison to your waist?
Probably doesn't matter to me now, I think I'm starting menopause, and can feel my waist expanding by the second.
Ha, Chai Tea, my waist is doing that too!
And about the girls in low-riders... yep, listen, girls, just don't wear 'em if you're heavy, especially with those little tops that leave a big strip of flab exposed. Sorta looks like you're about to lie down on an operating table for an abdominal procedure.
And the butt-crack thing, seen that too! Can you say, PLUMBER?
I understand the new term for that puffing-over-the-waistband look is "muffin top".
Noddy24 wrote:I understand the new term for that puffing-over-the-waistband look is "muffin top".

That's a good one, Noddy, never heard it before!
Neither have I...lol
Muffin Top, will have to remember that one.
Plumber butts...thats why your mother told ya to say no to crack!
I have now read the entire thread, and feel that I have to switch off my computer immediately and go down the Pub for some masculine company.
I first started to get worried when I found myself, by page 3, whooping in a high pitched voice and waving my hand at the screen.
By page 5, I had opened a pink coloured box of chocolate truffels and was sipping on a pina colada, shouting "You go girls".
What REALLY brought me back to reality, however, was when I realised that the person who descibed the "gypsy" look with SO much enthusiasm, was none other than SPENDIUS!!.......I repeat....SPENDIUS!
I am now dressing scruffily, going to the nearest Pub, and playing darts with a group of bricklayers until I feel normal again.
<flicking tampons at Lord Ellpus>
I love "muffin top"! What a great description.
Listen your highness,nice though it looked from the point of view that it could be tied in a knot above head height without too much effort I never for one moment forgot the reality underlying it.
Nor the cash the sap paid out in sweat.
Whooo WEEEEE.........the "Reality underlying it?"
What you talkin' bout Spendius? hehe....
<flicking tampons at Spendius>
Who ever started the muffin top thing that Noddy mentioned was quite the visual associator - much applause from me.
Which brings to mind that I am reading two writers, Julia Alvarez and Elizabeth Tallent, who have me visually associating all over the place...
Atop the head, though, wouldn't it be hard to balance one lonely blueberry muffin?
This thread (I admit, I was hooked) has reminded me of a night, several years ago, that I spent in a house with five women (aged up to 72), all related, four of them I'd never met before.
They'd been out to a warehouse clothes sale and come back with a stack of bargains, a pile that amounted to more clothing (in weight) than I owned in the world at that time. By nine that evening, I was caught up in the excitement.
While the women were all upstairs, I sorted the music and listened to them having what sounded like a lot of laughs.
This was followed by what can only be described as a hysterical fashion parade.
Men don't talk much about things like 'shopping for clothes' - not with each other, anyway.
If they did, I'd like to ask:
Is the fly of your jeans buttoned or zipped?
I'm a button man - and I often find a pair of jeans that fit and I'm happy with - only guess what? The shop only stocks them with a zip. They have some buttoned jeans, but they're not the kind I want.
Being told by the shop assistant, "They're exactly the same jeans... only with a zip..." adds to the frustration.
I've tried asking myself, "How many friggin pairs of jeans d'you need?
But I like having different colours and styles to wear depending on how I'm feeling or where I'm going.
The pair I'm wearing now are worn soft and one knee is going, but they're good for a while yet.
And anyway, as many blokes will tell you, it's buying a suit that's a real pain in the neck (unless you're loaded).
When I was about 8 my mother took my brother and I shoe shopping. After much trying on, walking about and flashing many little pairs of shoes in a mirror I picked three pairs - pink ballet types, a classic black maryjane, and what was called go-go boots at the time (white).
When it was my brother's turn the saleman said to my mother brown or black? "Brown" my mother said "size 6". The man went into the back of the store and came out with a brown pair on standard young boy's shoes. My brother tried them on, said they felt fine and popped them back in the box.
I thought "how awful to be born a boy".