Bush Hitting the Bottle Again?

Reply Mon 26 Sep, 2005 06:17 am
I dunno, KW .... do you have the details about Bush's falls? I'm aware of a couple of spills on his bike. You do realize the experts suggest wearing a helmet when riding a bike. Why do you suppose that is? If there are other falls, perhaps you can provide us with the details?

Now if Bush was pulling a Gerald Ford ... just falling for the heck of it ... then there might be cause to question what is going on. Even so, it doesn't mean he's hitting the bottle, because there could be any number of explanations.

And BTW, the elderly manage to fall frequently. Yes, most manage to get through the day without falling and injuring themselves, but falls do occur ... hips do break. Both my grandmothers have fallen, one quite regularly it seemed ... neither drink alcohol or use drugs. Therefore, I question your thesis that, "it takes alcohol or drugs to inhibit their remaining reflexes enough for them to get injured."
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Reply Mon 26 Sep, 2005 06:28 am
No clue if he's drinking again, but if not that means he's a real klutz. Course, we knew that. He fumbles everything.

I would guess there aren't that many mid 50 year olds that fall as often as he does,. Or, choke... Or physically run over people, let alone officers.

Has anyone her of any age done so in the past 5 years?
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Reply Mon 26 Sep, 2005 06:31 am
kelticwizard wrote:
...even old people, whose reflexes have deteriorated, manage to get through the day without falling and injuring themselves. It takes alcohol or drugs to inhibit their remaining reflexes enough for them to get injured.

To the people on this thread who find Bush's two falls in the White House the first year unconvincing evidence that he was hitting the bottle: why? If even the elderly generally require the addition of alcohol or drugs to impede their reflexes before they get injured from falls, how can you NOT be suspicious a physically fit man in his early fifties is hitting the sauce if he ends up with injuries in the home when he happened to be alone?

And if Bush did go back to the bottle in the first year of his presidency, that would explain why the lengthy and frequent trips to Crawford, where his support systems surround him and possbily treatment can take place inconspicuously.

I'm really surprised that people are not putting two and two together.

Where oh where (and I do mean WHERE) should I start in this absurdity kelticwizard?
1)Yes, old people do get the through the day without falls and injuries. Many are homebound and have healthcare attendants during the day or others who look out for them. Come nightfall they are often on their own and so more injuries at night (also the diminished eyesight after the sun sets causes added problems.) It does not require drugs or alcohol to cause severe, even fatal injury. Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinsons disease, lot's of other health issues without drugs or alcohol entering the picture can cause problems with physical stability.

2) Didn't Bill Clinton sustain some injuries in his years in The White House? Come to think of it he was with other people at the time (and it was actually away from home, involved a slip on some stairs). Clinton had the advantage of others being around him so they should have been able to prevent his injury. Injury when alone is much more serious, since there is often no way to summon help.

3)If Bush had been drinking those early days of his Presidency and if that is the reason that he spent so much time at his Texas abode, then how do you account for his recent stays there? How about Ronald Reagan who used to spend a great deal of time at his home out in California during his Presidency? Your theory is greatly flawed Kelticwizard.

4) Reasons for falls and injury during the early Presidential years? Unfamiliar surroundings. Getting to know the place. Many people when in new surroundings become somewhat clumsy, and prone to falls. Stairs are different, the feel of the floor or ground is different from what has become familiar.

Bottom line is that drugs and/or alcohol do impede a persons reflexes, however those alone are not the only reasons for falls or injuries. If a 40 year old man falls down a flight of stairs because he stepped on his childs toy on the step and he breaks his neck, legs, and back and subsequently dies, it does not mean he was drinking. Maybe he didn't grab the banister as he started to tumble or he tried and it threw his balance off even more. If a 35 year old woman reachs for an item on a shelf and it hits her head and knocks her backwards and she cracks the back of her skull as she hits the floor, it does not mean she was using drugs or drinking alcoholic liquids. As I indicated kelticwizard your theory is greatly flawed. The fact that you are not content with Mr.Bush as President is fine, but now you have decided to accuse (even if it is in a round about approach) all persons who fall or are injured of being drunk or high on drugs.

Let me explain it to you in this manner... 10 years back, I was leaving my home and heard a loud pained scream. Across the street, my neighbor had just fallen down 7 steps. 7 tiny steps. He had slipped on a small (almost invisible) spot of ice on one of the steps (melting snow from the porch roof had frozen) he had a severely broken leg and a huge bleeding wound on his head, he was not drunk or doing drugs. Oh wait! He was alone at the time...that must be why it happened.
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Reply Mon 26 Sep, 2005 06:39 am
I have no personal knowledge that Bush is off the wagon, but I bet he is. Why? Because I don't like the sob. But, really, alcoholics fall off the wagon at the drop of the hat. This guy is a man who enjoyed enormous popularity, then fell off the pedestal. Reason enough for these types to drink.
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Reply Mon 26 Sep, 2005 06:41 am
I just heard Jebs kid was smoking crack in rehab.It was his daughter. Crack and xanex. This is as hardcore as it gets. Worse then heroine. She'll be back. I wish her luck. (Did I just wish luck to a Bush! Ack,ogh, Take it back, take it back.)
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Reply Mon 26 Sep, 2005 06:50 am
One is sometimes disposed to wonder what Mr Bush thinks of the American people.He could be forgiven if he was heard to quote Caligula's famous remark-

"Aah,if only the Roman people had but one neck".


"My illness is due to my doctor's insistence that I drink milk, a whitish fluid they force down helpless babies." -----W.C.Fields.
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Reply Mon 26 Sep, 2005 07:02 am
edgarblythe wrote:
I have no personal knowledge that Bush is off the wagon, but I bet he is. Why? Because I don't like the sob. But, really, alcoholics fall off the wagon at the drop of the hat. This guy is a man who enjoyed enormous popularity, then fell off the pedestal. Reason enough for these types to drink.

And now Edgar speaking from my own strength, hope and experience there are also real alcoholics who don't fall off the wagon...for any reason at all. Alcoholics who are forced into homelessness, alcoholics who have a spouse who leaves or dies, those who have children who die. Alcoholic recovery as such from the onset is tenuous and only a fraction of those who try ever succeed in getting there at all and within a few years many of those pick up again. However; (and this is a biggie) once an alcoholic has been able to acquire some life experiences they have a better long term prognosis. If the alcoholic can get through the death of a loved one, a loss of a job or a home or any of a number of other major life circumstances then they have better than average odds. Falling off a pedestal may cause some to drink but that alone is a rare reason. Take a look at Mr.Bush and realize he is one of the few who does not give a darned spit about his ratings in the polls. If President Bush had started drinking again, those lower numbers would be upsetting him no end.

An alcoholic who wants to pick up and drink again will do so for no reason at all. The alcoholism is a disease. It is part of the mind and then the soul and the body and when it flares up it demands it's so called cure...a pint of whatever is on sale at the liquor store. An alcoholic will pick up over a split toenail sooner than they will over the death of a loved one.
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Reply Mon 26 Sep, 2005 07:06 am
When he lost a race for governor (I forget where). He went on a drinking binge. If he was going to start drinking any time it would be now.
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Reply Mon 26 Sep, 2005 07:11 am
Amigo wrote:
When he lost a race for governor (I forget where). He went on a drinking binge. If he was going to start drinking any time it would be now.

He did? Where is the link to this drunken binge? Give me proof positive.
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Reply Mon 26 Sep, 2005 07:32 am
Ticomaya wrote:
I dunno, KW .... do you have the details about Bush's falls? I'm aware of a couple of spills on his bike.

Not counting the spills on his bike. Riding a bike, especially a mountain bike over uneven terrain as Bush does, is an athletic activity and anyone can fall.

The falls in the home were:
A) The "pretzel incident"-where Bush claims he was eating pretzels alone, choked on one, anad in a frantic attempt to dislodge it smacked his face so hard on the furniture it gave him a facial injury. Hard to believe that one.

B) Another incident lesser played up, where he had an injury in the eye area and it happened while he was alone in the White House. I am not sure details were given.

Bush does not have Parkinson's or any of the other diseases mentioned, nor is he wheelchair bound. Neither did William Holden, who was considerably older than Bush. In most incidents, when a fall has occurred in the house, the elderly person either has a real disease causing them to fall, or in most case their reflexes have been slowed by chemical means.

In my own personal experience, if a non-elderly person falls, it is usually off a ladder or because they put themselves into an awkward position trying to fix something. Bush has staff to do that, so that's not an explanation.

Those who think this is such an unfair analysis, ask yourself this question: How often do you see a healthy person in their fifties with accidental facial injuries? When they do get injured, usually they were in an unusual physical position, and most often what gets broken is a limb, or maybe their back gets wrenched. But we instinctively protect our head when we fall, and while we might break an elbow or wrist doing so, the head is protected.

Don't forget we are not talking about one fall here, but two. And both resulted in facial injuries. And nobody was around either time.
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Reply Mon 26 Sep, 2005 07:42 am
Give Bush some training wheels, a little kids helmet, an eightball of coke, A bottle of whiskey and send the Manchild on vacation. Thats what I say.
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Reply Mon 26 Sep, 2005 08:46 am
kelticwizard wrote:
...William Holden...

I'm really surprised that people are not putting two and two together.

I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right now and go to the window, open it, and stick your head out, and yell, "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!" I want you to get up right now. Get up. Go to your windows, open your windows, and stick your head out, and yell, "I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore!" Things have got to change my friends. You've got to get mad. You've got to say, "I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore!" Then we'll figure out what to do about the depression and the inflation and the oil crisis. But first get up out of your chairs, open your window, stick your head out and yell, "I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore!"
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Mon 26 Sep, 2005 08:50 am
CoastalRat wrote:
I was wondering when someone would use the Enquirer as a source to smear Bush. Integrity and honest journalism, hallmarks of the Enquirer.

a perfect combination for the Integrity and honesty displayed by this administration.... Laughing
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Mon 26 Sep, 2005 08:50 am
Amigo wrote:
Give Bush some training wheels, a little kids helmet, an eightball of coke, A bottle of whiskey and send the Manchild on vacation. Thats what I say.

In downtown NO
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Mon 26 Sep, 2005 08:56 am
Well if I behaved like bush, and performed on my job like bush, I'd welcome any excuse for it.

Because if there's nothing wrong with him, not a drunk, no drugs, not crazy and he still behaves and performs like he does, then the only conclusion to draw is that he's a chronic f**king Goober. Laughing

How pathetic is that?
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Reply Mon 26 Sep, 2005 08:56 am
I have no opinion on whether Bush has started drinking again. I'd like to think that he would be a better president if he was a drunk (he couldn't be much worse), but America's record with alcoholic presidents is not particularly good. One list of alcoholic presidents includes the following:
    Martin Van Buren, Franklin Pierce (died of cirrhosis), James Buchanan, Andrew Johnson (appeared drunk at the inauguration in 1865), Ulysses S. Grant, and Chester A. Arthur.
I have some reservations about Johnson (he, like Bush, had sworn off the bottle before he became president, and reports of his behavior at his inauguration are subject to some controversy), but the others are a who's-who of mediocrity. Still, I think Bush should make it his mission to give this country its first great drunk president.

As for the matter of the provenance of this story, the National Enquirer may have a tawdry reputation, but it has managed to score some notable journalistic coups. It was the Enquirer that first published photos of Gary Hart and Donna Rice, and it broke the story of Jesse Jackson's illegitimate child as well as the story of Bill Clinton's half-brother peddling influence for presidential pardons. The Enquirer deals in sleaze, to be sure, but then sleaze is its metier and the Enquirer tends to do it quite well. Often, other more "respectable" publications will not touch a story until the Enquirer covers it, at which point it becomes "news." So to say that the story of Bush's drinking is not credible because it was printed in the Enquirer is, I think, unwarranted.

Ticomaya wrote:
Both my grandmothers have fallen, one quite regularly it seemed ... neither drink alcohol or use drugs.

That's what they say.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 26 Sep, 2005 09:12 am

N.B.: This is from a humor site. Not real odds.
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Reply Mon 26 Sep, 2005 09:13 am
He's repressed. Laura seems a little prim. They need to get naked, go crazy, lose some inhibitions.
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Reply Mon 26 Sep, 2005 09:15 am
Don't forget JFK, Joe. Remember ... he was Irish.
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Bella Dea
Reply Mon 26 Sep, 2005 09:28 am
Ticomaya wrote:
Don't forget JFK, Joe. Remember ... he was Irish.

He did more things in his presidency than the last 5 presidents we've had in office. That man was wild. He didn't stop at a bj in the office...oh no. He had his women all over the country. And he was always hopped up on meds. I wouldn't doubt he was addicted to something, considering the amount of drugs he took every day for his back.
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