Sometimes there is no more appropriate word for the moment than ****.
Look how powerfull it looks here. Truely, the words got everything a word could want. Definition builds character. I try not to swear , but occasionally I have great fun in the Chinease Restaurants, When I go in and ask for an order of their Fuking Rice. Then I try some and say this is the Greatest FUKING rice I've ever had.
Notice the eat in Greatest. See, somewords just Hamburger it over others.
Did I just type that?
Help ! wheres the rolling log to log out.
I think that sh!t is far more powerful and more acceptable by "proper society".
I totally miss saying it at home. The other day I stubbed my toe and did my usual g-rated grumblings, suddenly realized the sozlet was outside with E.G., and really let fly. SO much more satisfying.
Keeps the blood pressure down too.
In no conversation is the "c" word
ever acceptable. It demeans all of womankind and is never said in humor.
Welcome to A2k.
I agree with goa sunset, the c-word can have erotic overtones when used in the appropriate context. It's not always demeaning to women when properly used.
Please give an example of using the "c" word in proper context.
I am also with Lola.
I think c**t is just a word - it has taken on demeaning overtones, in my view, because of its linkage to women and women's sexuality in a society that has been both patriarchal and highly uncomfortable with sexuality generally and women's sexuality in particular - leading to the old pure angel/sexual whore dichotomy.
To some extent I think these things are being subjected to challenge and are shifting - but still the dirtiest genital to be called is the woman's.
In my circles, we say that, if you are gonna demean someone's genitals by swearing by 'em, demean your own - but I am still almost unable to use c**t as a swear word.
A modern example of the kind of thing I mean re words coming to reflect the prejudices and deep hostilities of a culture is the way in which the word "gay" has been colonized by a homophobic society, so that it is now used by unthinking and un-politicized - or simply homophobic - young people as a pejorative term. I would predict that this will happen to any words espoused by marginalized groups as long as they are marginalized.
However, in an erotic relationship I am perfectly happy to use it and do not find it demeaning at all. The demeaning aspects are in the sociological loading carried by the word - and in its use as a swear word. The word itself is a word for a body part.
WH - I cannot illustrate because, in this context, the words would be seen as highly offensive. Within the context of an extremely intimate relationship I do not find them so - I think this mirrors the contextual appropriateness or inappropriateness of actual behaviours.
What is perfectly appropriate in a sexual relationship in privacy is not appropriate in public, nor is its verbal quivalent appropriate on a public board.
Said very well, dlowan. There are times in an intimate, sexual relationship when the word is needed and promotes good communication. Do I need to say more?
I agree with Lola and dlowan inre the word, c--- in that it is just a word and the effect is directly linked to the intent. I don't however think the word is ever 'needed', there are many other synonyms that work just fine
what the f*ck is going on here!
What's put a burr up your bum, Owl?
I think this is an interesting discussion!
Language is so central to being human.
I was hee heeing at Lola, BTW, Little k, not at you.
That owl has gone weird.....
I always hated the c word. Just can't stand the sound of it.
i hate that "c" word too. confection, why can't they just say candy dammit!