Lash wrote:They LOOTED the stores. They steeled the gunsies!
Exactly my point. What if there wasn't any guns to loot to begin with?
They'd be killing people with knives.
All this whinning! what the **** is wrong with you people? you act like a bunch of pussies clamoring for a nanny government. What should be happening is for the US Govt to be air-dropping m-16s with ammo for every man/woman/child in NO. Give them the means to protect themelves from themselves, pull themselves up by their own boot straps. This is an excellent example of just what's wrong with america, lack of self-reliance! I say we secure the oil production facilities (make america strong) and stop throwing good money at every god-damn problem as if money is going to make things better. Next thing you know France and Germany will be over here showing us how to become just like old europe, is that what we want? Hell NO! Take it on the chin brothers and sisters, this is just nature and we can always beat nature just like we always have. To paraphrase Ronald Reagan "Tear down this FEMA and let my people go free."
We could just nuke 'em... looting bastards... thin the herd. There might be some collateral damage but hey!!! it's the war on Katrina..
You liberals are so violent and ready to kill innocent people.
Thank God, you'll never get anyone elected to public office again.
god bless america? one more of those pleadings for god to bless america and we might as well write off california for the impending earth-quake sliding the entire state into the pacific.
Lash wrote:You liberals are so violent and ready to kill innocent people.
Thank God, you'll never get anyone elected to public office again.
So lash, you another one of those "nanny government" supporters? I shoulda guessed.
That would be a bad thing?
Please save minorities from the blood-thirsty liberals!!
We are all vampires. Yeah, that's it.
I want to suck you blood <shows fangs> LOL!
Setanta wrote:That would be a bad thing?
well Set, think of it this way, is the economy of South Carolina going to pay the bills to support our little war in Iraq? Star-wars? Putting "jesus loves you" plaques in every class room and court house in america?
liberals ain't blood thirsty, they are just realists.
Lash wrote:Montana--
My fangs are fairly smaill, so I'm just a baby vampire
I knew you couldn't grow big ones!
But, dys!! He's Nosferatu!!!!!
Yeah, watch out for that one. Dys has the jumbo fangs and I think he might have recently had them gold plated ;-)
She knows him well....
I ain't never been near no gothic rock band, let alone one named Nosferatu.