I'm sending my vibes out to join the rest.
Get well quickly! And post a message as
soon as you can. We're all anxious to hear
from you.
Having a broken toe isn't helping me to lose any weight. I'm not gaining any, but it's hard to exercise.
Damn - is it true abt noddy ??????
Sending all the best wishes I have noddy's way !!
Best wishes to our dear Noddy! Hurry back!
Unfortunately, the news is true. My stress fracture spontaneously turned into a "real" fracture--thanks to the family genetic curse, this is not uncommon, but rather painful.
Bright spots: I hurt far too much to toddle to the refrigerator; I have a double sheet of exercises to do in bed--mostly devoted to the leg muscles, but the abs are also featured' I'm glad for good friends.
Omacneil is my son--and was glad to be able to Do Something by posting the news.
Dominion is fraying, but holding.
Noddy - I'd hug ya, but I'm afraid of hurting you.
so virtual hugs only, and very gentle ones at that.
Thank Omacneil for getting the message to us. We can't send the good vibes to each other, if we don't know people need extra ones.
I'll keep on vibing in the direction I think you are.
hmmmmm, could I perhaps help you macrame some knots into that fraying dominion, so you can hang on better?
God's speed in getting well Noddy.
Struggling but holding on this week.......
The question at work is, how much longer can Beth have salad at lunch?
Well, not today, bucko!
We're having a little A2K get-together around 1 p.m. - and I want some soya chicken with garlic, green onion and ginger in oil dressing! Pfffffft. Salad tonight and tomorrow though.
We believe in Noddy. She is seeing us all through. So we also believe her dominion will not wither away, we'd all be doomed! Get well soon, Noddy!
I am holding on, still not losing much weight scale-wise, but I almost don't care anymore, because I SEE the changes. My man is frowning a bit, but I think he likes how I took to working out also. He may be frowning for my biceps is (again) bigger than his. But so what, I like it a lot, and I don't care what he has for bicepses as long as he has strong quads. And he's a biker, so it comes as a given. It's all good. Felt beaten yesterday, so intended to just go to sauna, ended up doing 20 mins eliptical and 30 mins running (at 6.5 m/h speed) , and a 40 mins round on weight machines. Feeling awesome. Biking today, before littlek comes to help with a garden disaster. OK, I'll go ramble some place else, you good people don't deserve to have your ears ringing just because I got up with my right leg out the bed first for a change!
Noddy, so good to see you. I like ehBeth's macrame knots idea, perhaps weave some nice colorful silk threads in in honor of spring? (Silk is mighty strong, you know.)
Bah on genetic curses.
I told omacneil, flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone, to let loose with the Family Attitude, but he's a little diffident with strangers.
He was impressed with the outpouring of good wishes and with what seemed to him to be a laudable paranoia in this Wicked World.
Any minute now, a Visiting Nurse will be doing a house call to be sure that I understand how to do the exercises.
My dominion is holding.
So good to hear from you!
Sending special bone-strengthing vibes atcha.
Bled into a bag this AM so I'm going to treat myself
to some forbidden munchies.
Mr. Scale said 164.
Blood donors earn kudos--but you also have to give up tears and sweat.
I'm very fond of blood donors--I got two units of Type "O" this week--Type "B" stocks were low.
my special a2k lunch was great. now, it's back to the leaves and ferns.
Protein builds muscle and a little fat elevates the disposition.
Fell off the wagon this week, back up to 230. but still one/tenth of pound under my goal for this week so that's something.
Noddy: you need to dish a little about what's going on with you. We all love you and need to hear the whole story, soes we can say "Aw, and Oooo and poor, baby."
I hope you are mending well. Joe
where did Noddy post the tale?
it is indeed ooooh and ahhhhhhhh-worthy.
Our friend can definitely use our help with dominion-holding.