Anyone else think Chrissee is trying to figure out how to hover her cursor over the title at this very moment, and what might happen if she clicks while doing so?
Ticomaya wrote:Anyone else think Chrissee is trying to figure out how to hover her cursor over the title at this very moment, and what might happen if she clicks while doing so?
Dim bulb - must be dark - not all 75 watts firing.
Cycloptichorn wrote:Alright, I'll drop the Rightie bit if you drop the Vegetable bit, lol!
I don't know how much she is 'cashing in' on what has happened. She seems pretty serious about protesting to me. I'm sure there is some political motivation; I mean, if you want the guy in office to get out, for whatever reason you might have, you either have to go about it militarily or politically, and Sheehan is no soldier. So it is all politics. But is that a bad thing, that a private citizen is politically motivated?
I don't find the statement from the rest of her family curious in the least. I'm sure there are many who disagree with what she is saying and doing, and just because someone is family doesn't mean they agree all the time. I don't happen to agree with them; I think protest and citizen involvement in our gov't is underrated and you are going to see a LOT more of it in the year or two to come, I guarantee.
Cheers to ya
Deal -
I agree with you that this is more politically motivated and she is using the death of her son as a point of rally. FINE...JUST SAY SO...STOP WITH THIS GRIEVING MOTHER BIT! I blame the media and possibly these PAC's for exagerating her motives.
You know that no-one wnats these soldiers out of there YESTERDAY more than me. But certain people are unable to look at a situation and objectively debate the intentions and potential outcome. Do I think we can realistly pull out tomorrow? OF COURSE NOT! GW blew this BIG TIME. But we are where we are and we need to somehow get the soldiers out without enhancing the extremists position. Not easy to do based upon how GW handeled this war.
Ticomaya wrote:Chrissee wrote:Ticomaya wrote:Chrissee wrote:When are you going to provide me with a link to the source of the "transcript."
That way, everone could judge for themselves. Of course, you don't want to post a link because it is from an extreme right-wing nutcase site.
Is it possible you are the only person incapable of seeing I posted a link in my original post? Do you need a map?
Why are you playing games? Either post the frigging link or stop wasting my time.
You are helpless, aren't you? Go back to the post and hover your cursor over the transcript's title.
I can't believe I had to explain that.
I don't even know where the transcript is and your continued attempt to try to bully and belittle women reveals what you are. I t will be easier for me to do a google search.
Andn thanks for wasting my time with your evasions, now I am running late. meantime you can netertain yourself at trivia or posting song lyrics while I ACTUALLY CONTRIBUTE TO THE GDP!
Quote:Deal -
I agree with you that this is more politically motivated and she is using the death of her son as a point of rally. FINE...JUST SAY SO...STOP WITH THIS GRIEVING MOTHER BIT! I blame the media and possibly these PAC's for exagerating her motives.
You know that no-one wnats these soldiers out of there YESTERDAY more than me. But certain people are unable to look at a situation and objectively debate the intentions and potential outcome. Do I think we can realistly pull out tomorrow? OF COURSE NOT! GW blew this BIG TIME. But we are where we are and we need to somehow get the soldiers out without enhancing the extremists position. Not easy to do based upon how GW handeled this war.
I agree that we have big-big problems over there right now.
The way I see it, there are two options:
1, send in a TON of troops from our country and others to help stabilize the situation; we'd have to get the UN involved big time to make this happen. Naturally, I have a hard time seeing Bolton spearhead this and I have a hard time seeing our State dept. give the concessions they would have to give in order to persuade other countries to help in sufficient numbers.
2, we gotta get out. And I mean completely. Completely out. Once again I have a hard time seeing this happening, given the investment into the country that so many businesses have started as well as the huge investment WE have put in there, in money and lives.
I don't have much of a problem with a timetable for withdrawl. I think that the idea that this will somehow 'embolden' the resistance is laughable as they are already attacking all over the country, every day, in dozens if not hundreds of attacks. The presence of US troops provides SOME stability to the situation but not much; I doubt it will make much of a difference when we are gone other than to remove the reason for fighting for many of the insurgents.
I have said before on some other threads that I think it will be important for our leaders to draw a distinction between the Insurgency and Terrorism. Draw the insurgents back in by getting the Americans out and getting them to renounce the terorrists at the same time, if possible. It may not be possible.
All in all a bad situation. If only we had stayed in Afghanistan.... focused on OBl.... NONE of this would be happening.
On the
"Angry mother.... "thread, Chrissee
DEMANDED to know the link to the
TRANSCRIPT I POSTED. 3 minutes after that first request, I told her I'd provided a link. 5 minutes later she repeated her demand on this thread.
Now she says:
Quote:I don't even know where the transcript is
As if she didn't know what she was referring to when she made her first
DEMAND? Bizarre.
But what's really bizarre about Chrissee's demonstrative demands to be told the link was that she had posted link herself
Bizarre or unwilling... I'm not sure which.
At times reading posts in the Politics forum reminds me of an old saying:
(question) Why are you hitting yourself on the head with that hammer?
(answer) Because it feels so good once you stop.
Ticomaya wrote:
On the
"Angry mother.... "thread, Chrissee
DEMANDED to know the link to the
TRANSCRIPT I POSTED. 3 minutes after that first request, I told her I'd provided a link. 5 minutes later she repeated her demand on this thread.
Now she says:
Quote:I don't even know where the transcript is
As if she didn't know what she was referring to when she made her first
DEMAND? Bizarre.
But what's really bizarre about Chrissee's demonstrative demands to be told the link was that she had posted link herself
Looks like the 75 watts are down to about 15.
Funny how Chrissee doesn't deny Sheehan made the speech on April 27th at San Francisco State University. All she can say is she's talked with "dozens" of people who heard her speech, and nobody can remember her saying what the transcript very clearly details. Chrissee would have us trust the memories of persons she's spoken to who don't recall words being spoken, over what appears to be a verbatim transcript.
And remember that the purpose of the rally was to support Lynn Stewart. That is the person these people, including Sheehan, have chosen to support ... a traitor and terrorist sympathizer.
Does Sheehan even deny making the comments reflected in the transcript Chrissee claims is not valid? She doesn't in this blog entry on Huffington's site:
Quote:Memo to Drudge, et al: It's Not About Me, It's About the War (134 comments )
Even after my repeated attempts to keep the focus of my protest on the war, the Drudge Report and others continue to try to make the issue about me. But I am not the issue. The issue is a disastrous war that's killing our sons and daughters and making our country less secure. They attack me because they can no longer defend this war.
I've come to Crawford to bring to the president's doorstep the harsh realities of a war he's been trying so hard to avoid. But no matter what they say or how many shotguns they fire or how many crosses they destroy, they're not going to stop me from speaking out about a war that needlessly killed my son.
Who is the THEY she references in THEY KEEP ATTACKING ME??
She made her self the issue by going in front of the media.
This Govt is doing it's best to "defend this war". Not sure I believe them but they are defending it.
No one is stopping her from speaking out about this war. I am glad she is speaking out about this war. I just wish she would be truthful about the reasons.
Yet, I expect that the dim bulbs will not agree with my assessment.
Chrissee wrote:She does represent millions of Americans.
No,actually she represents a portion of 1800 families.
That is the number of KIA's so far.
And not every person that lost loved ones in Iraq thinks like her,so she doesnt represent all of the family members either.
woiyo wrote:Ticomaya wrote:Anyone else think Chrissee is trying to figure out how to hover her cursor over the title at this very moment, and what might happen if she clicks while doing so?
Dim bulb - must be dark - not all 75 watts firing.
Pretty sad whwen all you have are smears and ad hominems.
mysteryman wrote:Chrissee wrote:She does represent millions of Americans.
No,actually she represents a portion of 1800 families.
That is the number of KIA's so far.
And not every person that lost loved ones in Iraq thinks like her,so she doesnt represent all of the family members either.
If you know anything abourt statistics, based on the known tens of thousands of people supporting her via donations, e-mails, petitions, vigils, etc. The number of people supprting her and would say 'she speaks for me" iseasily in the millions. Probably tens of millions but easily "millions."
I know it, you know it and the American people know it.
Yes, millions all over the world!
Saturday, August 20th 2005 1800
We had scheduled a demonstration/vigil in Paris, to support the similar events all over the USA on Wednesday.
We arrived at the US Embassy in Paris just before the appointed hour of noon, when the largest number of American Tourists and visa supplicants might be in the area.
The minute we tried to take our signs out of their lovely plastic carrying bag we were surrounded with various flics, gendarmes and secret service flunkies.
The Gendarmes grabbed our signs and the bag, and immediately all got on their cute little radio telephones, jabbering excitedly to report this violent incursion into US territory.
We were herded to the side, and finally across the street, where our drivers licenses were taken for ID purposes.
As far as we could tell, we were making their day. They finally had something to do aside from give Americans directions to the Arc de Triomphe.
But internecine tribal warfare was breaking out everywhere.
Whose authority was this ?
The local Gendarmerie ? The special security dudes ? The undercover and oh so subtle US secret service you would never know they were cops guys ?
Or was this a job for heavier artillery ? The people the French call The POLICE ?
We were - hmmm how can I say it-- segregated into a holding area, next to the myriad surveillance device laden trucks, while the host of conflicting men of authority haggled over who was in charge.
Of course, they all had to look carefully at the posters we brought, lest we hide a concealed or dangerous philosophy inside. What did they see? Signs ---
Cindy Sheehan's picture, USA OUT OF IRAQ, "Â…Every American that allows this to continue has, to some extent, blood on their hands. Some of us have a little bit, and some of us are soaked in it..."---
We brought enough for ourselves and anyone who wanted to join.
One by one, they came over with the signs, and I translated and of course, got in as much political consciousness raising as possible.
Some of them knew who Cindy was. ALL of them knew what Iraq was.
The Gendarmes were clear- no manifestations near the US Embassy.
The laughably not under cover dudes, in their average guy tee shirts and sneakers, pretending not to speak English, uhh let's call them the overcover agents- asked to have all the signs explained.
Then they rushed back to the hi tech trucks to report.
The French Police explained that we had broken the law, and might have to be arrested. I told them we were horribly awfully frightened, panicked beyond words.
The head overcover dude, with the carefully developed cheerfulness of Mengele joking in the operating room, laughed and joked while his eyes said Kill These Bastards.
He tried to not hear my explanation of the poster about blood on their hands. But he heard it. And I betcha his wife heard about it over saucisses et pommes de terres that night.
And I betcha his wife gave him an earful.
Anyway, we were "held" for an hour or so, and finally given back our stuff and Ids.
The cop in charge told us that to do demonstrations in France, and in Paris, one had to apply for a permit to the Prefecture of Police.
He figgered it would take a few months.
So here's what we're going to do:
We're going to do another event- more of a VIGIL-
This time at the wall of peace at The Eiffel Tower.
We heard that there was one held there on Wednesday, but that was reported in the US Press, AP etc- so ya know it could be BS.
OUR little event was reported as definitely having happened in a number of US press outlets.
We will be there at 6PM, when there should be tons of American tourists, and the light will be getting dusky enough for the candles to show, but still bright enough so people can read the signs.
We're gonna bring extra candles and posters for ya.
Wall of Peace, next the Tour d'Eiffel
See you there !
Chrissee wrote:Ticomaya wrote:Funny how Chrissee doesn't deny Sheehan made the speech on April 27th at San Francisco State University.
Of course, she made the speech but no transcript exists from a credible news source. Until you post a link to a transcript from a credible source, you have nothing.
No ... I have a transcript. It is you who have nothing.
Chrissee wrote:Ticomaya wrote:Funny how Chrissee doesn't deny Sheehan made the speech on April 27th at San Francisco State University.
Of course, she made the speech but no transcript exists from a credible news source. Until you post a link to a transcript from a credible source, you have nothing.
Still waiting for a transcript from ANY ACTUAL MEDIA OUTLET.
You got nothing!