Sheehan shirking taxes why again?

Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 05:50 pm
Baldimo wrote:

The same thing goes for her husband filing for divorce. Why has he chosen now to do so? Why didn't he wait till after her protest?

Do you honestly think you have right to have those questions answered? Her marriage is her personal life. What goes inside that marriage is unknowable to anyone else, and it's none of anybody's business, either.

Still another example of Republicans who cannot refrain from turning every issue, every public discourse, into a gossip fest of the private life of all who oppose them. No sooner have you let up on Michael Schiavo than you start in again on Cindy Sheehan. Don't you people ever stop?

Baldimo wrote:
Could her drive to do this have driven a wedge between them and that was too much for him.

What difference would it make if it did? A mom's gotta do what a mom's gotta do.

Baldimo wrote:
It seems she has taken her talking points from the anti-war groups and has not left them even once.

Or maybe what you call "talking points" are simply the reasons she is there, which reasons were arrived at independently. Why are you surprised that many people who have come to oppose the war do so for similar reasons? If I hear another righty telling us there is a link between Saddam and al-Qaeda-even though bin Laden and Hussein hated each other and their respective organizations spent a good deal of time shooting at each other-I'm going to keel over.

Baldimo wrote:
Talking points are an attackable offence on this website so when someone uses them they are fair game.

You can attack the woman if you want. It's a free website. Just don't get upset when it is pointed out that the GOP appears to have abandoned all semblance of reasoned discussion in favor of character assassination. It seems to be all you do.

Baldimo wrote:
It pushes the fact that the anti-war folks are using her as a pawn.
No more than Rosa Parks was a pawn of the civil rights movement. Please read my post above on Rosa, then come back here and tell me what the difference is between the two. Unless, of course, you were on the side of the bus company in the Rosa Parks confrontation?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 05:55 pm
You can attack the woman if you want. It's a free website. Just don't get upset when it is pointed out that the GOP appears to have abandoned all semblance of reasoned discussion in favor of character assassination. It seems to be all you do.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA!!!!!! OMG!!!!! That could be the funniest thing I have read all day!! Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 06:01 pm
There goes all hope for McG's sense of humor.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 06:17 pm
McGentrix wrote:

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA!!!!!! OMG!!!!! That could be the funniest thing I have read all day!! Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA!!!!!! OMG!!!!! That has to be the MOST IDIOTIC thing I have read all day!! Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 06:33 pm
kickycan wrote:
McGentrix wrote:

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA!!!!!! OMG!!!!! That could be the funniest thing I have read all day!! Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA!!!!!! OMG!!!!! That has to be the MOST IDIOTIC thing I have read all day!! Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

Aawwww... you're mean.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 07:00 pm

Do you honestly think you have right to have those questions answered?

Why not it worked for the Dems in an Illinois election. They got the guy to pull out of the election. The news went after him and had a judge unseal his divorce papers.

Her marriage is her personal life. What goes inside that marriage is unknowable to anyone else, and it's none of anybody's business, either.

Tell that the guy who was running against Barrack Obama.

Still another example of Republicans who cannot refrain from turning every issue, every public discourse, into a gossip fest of the private life of all who oppose them. No sooner have you let up on Michael Schiavo than you start in again on Cindy Sheehan. Don't you people ever stop?

Slow down Wiz. I was on the side of Mr. Schiavo and thought different of her parents. Put that brush away. Personal attacks are always mounted from both sides of the isle. She's turning this into politics and politics are turning against her. She can't handle the scrutiny then she should go home and grieve. She brought this on her self.

What difference would it make if it did? A mom's gotta do what a mom's gotta do.

She stands on a soapbox expect things to be thrown at you.

Or maybe what you call "talking points" are simply the reasons she is there, which reasons were arrived at independently.

Well if she came to them on her own then she sure worded them like her mentor Michael Moore and those who support the anti-war front. Funny how that works.

Why are you surprised that many people who have come to oppose the war do so for similar reasons?

In the opposite side the same can be said for those who support the war, but that doesn't stop anyone here from attacking "talking points". Funny how the support/non-support thing works doesn't it?

If I hear another righty telling us there is a link between Saddam and al-Qaeda-even though bin Laden and Hussein hated each other and their respective organizations spent a good deal of time shooting at each other-I'm going to keel over.

I didn't bring that up. But since you did, why is there proof of meetings between the organizations? I have seen no proof of them fighting. If that were the case then I guess al Queda was indeed in Iraq prior to the envasion. :wink:

You can attack the woman if you want. It's a free website. Just don't get upset when it is pointed out that the GOP appears to have abandoned all semblance of reasoned discussion in favor of character assassination. It seems to be all you do.

I don't attack her personally just point out thing that are brought up. What seems like a grieving mother is more turning out to be someone who doesn't pay their taxes and is trying to use this new political strategy to dodge paying more of her taxes. It can't be helped if this is a fact of who she is and what she has done. She is playing politics and that makes what she does fair game.

No more than Rosa Parks was a pawn of the civil rights movement. Please read my post above on Rosa, then come back here and tell me what the difference is between the two. Unless, of course, you were on the side of the bus company in the Rosa Parks confrontation?

There is a huge difference in the two cases. Rosa was a racial minority who wanted a change. That cannot be said for Casey's mother. She is a disgruntled mother who has an axe to grind. The only thing the two have in common is the fact that they were both setups. One had a good cause to end segregation the other has no purpose other then to try and embarrass the President.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 07:20 pm
Baldimo wrote:

kelticwizrd wrote:
]Her [Cindy Sheehan's] marriage is her personal life. What goes inside that marriage is unknowable to anyone else, and it's none of anybody's business, either.

Baldimo wrote:
Tell that the guy who was running against Barrack Obama.

Ahem. Jack Ryan withdrew from the race against Barack Obama because it came out during his divorce that:

In light of documented testimony from Mrs. Ryan that her husband forced her to visit bondage clubs in New York and Paris and attempted to force her to commit related sexual acts.....

.....The divorce documentation reportedly quotes Mrs. Ryan as describing the bondage clubs as having "cages, whips and other apparatus hanging from the ceiling."

So let me amend that. Cindy Sheehan's divorce is none of anyone's business unless the husband is filing because she repeatedly tried to get him to perform bondage acts while in a steel cage, hanging from a ceiling, in public.

Otherwise, her divorce has nothing to do with it.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 07:26 pm
kelticwizard wrote:
Baldimo wrote:

kelticwizrd wrote:
]Her [Cindy Sheehan's] marriage is her personal life. What goes inside that marriage is unknowable to anyone else, and it's none of anybody's business, either.

Baldimo wrote:
Tell that the guy who was running against Barrack Obama.

Ahem. Jack Ryan withdrew from the race against Barack Obama because it came out during his divorce that:

In light of documented testimony from Mrs. Ryan that her husband forced her to visit bondage clubs in New York and Paris and attempted to force her to commit related sexual acts.....

.....The divorce documentation reportedly quotes Mrs. Ryan as describing the bondage clubs as having "cages, whips and other apparatus hanging from the ceiling."

So let me amend that. Cindy Sheehan's divorce is none of anyone's business unless the husband is filing because she repeatedly tried to get him to perform bondage acts while in a steel cage, hanging from a ceiling, in public.

Otherwise, her divorce has nothing to do with it.

The press went after him and got a judge to unseal his divorce records. Neither him nor his wife wanted the records unsealed but a judge did so other wise. I would call that an invasion of privacy and a private attack on his personal life. You do not approve of this?

You are saying because he was a Conservative and could have beat Obama that is was ok to find out why he was divorced?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 07:28 pm
Another quote from Ms. Sheehan from Chris Matthews at MSNBC Hardball

MATTHEWS: Can I ask you a tough question? A very tough question.


MATTHEWS: All right. If your son had been killed in Afghanistan, would you have a different feeling?

SHEEHAN: I don't think so, Chris, because I believe that Afghanistan is almost the same thing. We're fighting terrorism. Or terrorists, we're saying. But they're not contained in a country. This is an ideology and not an enemy. And we know that Iraq, Iraq had no terrorism. They were no threat to the United States of America.

MATTHEWS: But Afghanistan was harboring, the Taliban was harboring al-Qaida which is the group that attacked us on 9/11.

SHEEHAN: Well then we should have gone after al-Qaida and maybe not after the country of Afghanistan.

MATTHEWS: But that's where they were being harbored. That's where they were headquartered. Shouldn't we go after their headquarters? Doesn't that make sense?

SHEEHAN: Well, but there were a lot of innocent people killed in that invasion, too. ... But I'm seeing that we're sending our ground troops in to invade countries where the entire country wasn't the problem. Especially Iraq. Iraq was no problem. And why do we send in invading armies to march into Afghanistan when we're looking for a select group of people in that country?

So I believe that our troops should be brought home out of both places where we're obviously not having any success in Afghanistan. Osama bin Laden is still on the loose and that's who they told us was responsible for 9/11.

I guess she figures we can program a smart missile for "terrorist" or "osama" and avoid this messy business of invading countries that harbor terrorists.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 07:39 pm
kelticwizard wrote:
No more than Rosa Parks was a pawn of the civil rights movement. Please read my post above on Rosa, then come back here and tell me what the difference is between the two. Unless, of course, you were on the side of the bus company in the Rosa Parks confrontation?

Baldimo wrote:
There is a huge difference in the two cases. Rosa was a racial minority who wanted a change. That cannot be said for Casey's mother.

Casey's mother is there to effect a change as well. She wants the mothers of the boys slated to go to Iraq to quit passively accepting the president's reasons for sending them there. Just as Rosa Parks wanted people to quit passively accepting segregation.

Baldimo wrote:
She [Cindy Sheehan] is a disgruntled mother who has an axe to grind.

It is a principle of fairness that those most affected by a decision have the right to question that decision, especially by an elected leader who is accountable to her and everyone else. Cindy Sheehan had her son killed because of Bush's decision. Certainly she, more than most, has the right to protest that decision.

Baldimo wrote:
The only thing the two have in common is the fact that they were both setups.

Correct. But you find nothing wrong with Rosa Parks' posing as a passenger who wanted to get to her destination, when in fact she was on that bus to confront segregation. If that is okay, then why is it so wrong for Cindy Sheehan to be in Crawford ostensibly to talk to the president, but really to confront the policies he put in place which resulted in her son's death? Both Parks and Sheehan really were not there to do what they are posing as doing-but you criticize Sheehan for being there under false pretenses, but don't dare criticize Parks.

Baldimo wrote:
One had a good cause to end segregation the other has no purpose other then to try and embarrass the President.

One way to interpret Rosa Parks' actions is that she deliberately intended to embarrass the bus company. I'm sure the bus driver saw it that way. But Parks was actually there to confront the larger issue, as she had the right. Just as Cindy Sheehan has the right to pose as a bereaved mother who wants to talk to the president, when in fact she is there to confront the larger issue.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 07:51 pm
Baldimo wrote:

The press went after him [Ryan] and got a judge to unseal his divorce records. Neither him nor his wife wanted the records unsealed but a judge did so other wise. I would call that an invasion of privacy and a private attack on his personal life. You do not approve of this?

since you seem to be up on this, care to give us a link as to what arguments were used to unseal the records? I think that might be important.

Baldimo wrote:
You are saying because he was a Conservative and could have beat Obama that is was ok to find out why he was divorced?

I am saying that affairs, if carried out with even a modicum of effort to remain discreet, should not be part of the political process. They were not before the current spate of insanity.

On the other hand, if your sex life is going to involve public participation in chains, whips and getting your wife to perform, against her will, sex acts in steel cages suspended from the ceiling in a public tavern, then I would say you might have gone beyond the point where the public can be expected to look the other way.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 08:19 pm
McGentrix wrote:
kickycan wrote:
McGentrix wrote:

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA!!!!!! OMG!!!!! That could be the funniest thing I have read all day!! Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA!!!!!! OMG!!!!! That has to be the MOST IDIOTIC thing I have read all day!! Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

Aawwww... you're mean.

What the hell? This is a very un-McG-like response...I demand to know who you are and what you've done with McG!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 09:34 pm

Casey's mother is there to effect a change as well. She wants the mothers of the boys slated to go to Iraq to quit passively accepting the president's reasons for sending them there. Just as Rosa Parks wanted people to quit passively accepting segregation.

I have a secret for you. The mothers have no say in the matter unless their sons who are joining are under the age of 18. If they are over the age of 18 then they are adults and make their own way in the life. They chose to join the military and serve. It wasn't their mothers who have done this but the sons joining. This has nothing to do with Rosa Parks.

It is a principle of fairness that those most affected by a decision have the right to question that decision, especially by an elected leader who is accountable to her and everyone else.

Those affected most by the decision are the ones serving not those who aren't. While mothers are important it is the soldiers who are most effected by such decisions.

Cindy Sheehan had her son killed because of Bush's decision. Certainly she, more than most, has the right to protest that decision.

No one had her son killed expect the guy who pulled the trigger and killed her son. Bush didn't do it and neither did his supporters. No one has said she didn't deserve that right to protest we just don't agree with her. We have that right as well don't' we?

Correct. But you find nothing wrong with Rosa Parks' posing as a passenger who wanted to get to her destination, when in fact she was on that bus to confront segregation. If that is okay, then why is it so wrong for Cindy Sheehan to be in Crawford ostensibly to talk to the president, but really to confront the policies he put in place which resulted in her son's death? Both Parks and Sheehan really were not there to do what they are posing as doing-but you criticize Sheehan for being there under false pretenses, but don't dare criticize Parks.

Segregation is far different then an anti-war protest and they have nothing to do with each other.

Would you argue that people protesting abortion clinics have the right to do so? Do you support their right to protest?

One way to interpret Rosa Parks' actions is that she deliberately intended to embarrass the bus company. I'm sure the bus driver saw it that way. But Parks was actually there to confront the larger issue, as she had the right. Just as Cindy Sheehan has the right to pose as a bereaved mother who wants to talk to the president, when in fact she is there to confront the larger issue.

Once again the 2 are not linked. There is a difference between then and now and there is no social injustice going on.

since you seem to be up on this, care to give us a link as to what arguments were used to unseal the records? I think that might be important.

Ryan was married to actress Jeri Ryan in 1991; together they had a son, Alex. They divorced in 1999 in a California court and the records of the divorce were sealed at their mutual request. Five years later, when Ryan's Senate campaign began, the Chicago Tribune newspaper and WLS-TV, the local ABC affiliate, sought to have the records released. Both Ryan and his wife opposed having the records unsealed, claiming that they could be harmful to their son if released.

On June 22, 2004, the California judge in the case agreed to release the files. The decision generated much controversy because it went against both parents' direct request and because it generally reversed the early decision to seal the papers in the best interest of the child.

Check Demise of the campaign

I am saying that affairs, if carried out with even a modicum of effort to remain discreet, should not be part of the political process. They were not before the current spate of insanity.

Wish the Chicago Tribune felt the same way.

On the other hand, if your sex life is going to involve public participation in chains, whips and getting your wife to perform, against her will, sex acts in steel cages suspended from the ceiling in a public tavern, then I would say you might have gone beyond the point where the public can be expected to look the other way.

A private life is a private life. Whips and chains bad BJ's in the oval office good?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 09:52 pm
Only the lowest of the low would attack a grieving mother in regard to her personal life. This divorce thing REALLY gets me, 90% of parents who lose a child wind up splitting. So now they are attacking her because of A SYMPTOM of her grief. Pathetic.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 09:58 pm
Chrissee wrote:
Only the lowest of the low would attack a grieving mother in regard to her personal life. This divorce thing REALLY gets me, 90% of parents who lose a child wind up splitting. So now they are attacking her because of A SYMPTOM of her grief. Pathetic.

Do you have any proof of this 90%. Or are you pulling #'s out of thin air?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 10:28 pm
I heard that on the radio the other day but haven't been able to verify it. NEVERTHELESS unless she runs for office, her relationship with her husband is no one's business. Only the lowest of the low would attack her family life. But, of course, we all knew it was coming. That is all you guys know. It is a new McCarthyism and it is tearing this country apart.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 10:29 pm
Segregation is far different then an anti-war protest and they have nothing to do with each other.

Jeez, someone should have informed MLK! LOL
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 10:44 pm
Chrissee wrote:
I heard that on the radio the other day but haven't been able to verify it. NEVERTHELESS unless she runs for office, her relationship with her husband is no one's business. Only the lowest of the low would attack her family life. But, of course, we all knew it was coming. That is all you guys know. It is a new McCarthyism and it is tearing this country apart.

New McCarthyism? Please you can come up with something better then that can't you? Do you even understand what McCarthyism was about? Did you know that he was proven right by the release of the VENONA intercepts.

Please try harder next time. You said 90% and now you have to prove it. If you can't you were wrong and should admit as much.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 10:56 pm
I don't have to prove anything especially to those so low on the evolutionary scale that they would attempt to smear a slain soldier's grieving mother.

Those who try to belittle her reveal far more about themselves than they do of her.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2005 11:07 pm
Chrissee, don't worry abut Baldino. By endorsing McCarthyism he has disqualified himself from serious consideration.
0 Replies

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