Maybe I need to be clearer. I don't know. Maybe I just need to shut up. Won't be the first time I have talked too much.
If she is there protesting the war, then great. Protest all she wants. Have at it. Carry your signs, chant, do whatever. I can totally understand her being upset that this war cost her son his life. I can sympathize with that.
But, if she is doing this to force the president to meet with her and expecting to get answers other than what he has said for years now, then she is being stupid and wasting her time. Personally, I hope the president would just meet with her. In fact, I like this idea for the meeting quite a bit.
A meeting along those lines should make her happy, assuming that is her only agenda here.
But don't blame anyone for questioning her motivation. She is fair game for that type of questioning the moment she walked into the national spotlight.