Is Bush Slipping Into Insanity?

Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Sun 14 Aug, 2005 02:37 pm
It's the old and toothless lion that roars the most....it's all he has left.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 14 Aug, 2005 02:41 pm
Toothless is much better than brainless.
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Reply Sun 14 Aug, 2005 03:12 pm
Bumblebee has started a new thread called "Who is Bush going to send to fight a war with Iran?" So far, it is the same posters making the same old arguments.
I am scared at how stretched our miltary is. And I mean that very sincerely. Folks are being sent back to Iraq or Afghanistan for the second or third time. That tears at the fabric of their home-life, creating lots and lots of problems.
We love the notion of an all-volunteer military. Only the willing will go, fight and die for us. But the commitments we are are making and the numbers of body-bags returning are making ...things difficult.
Johnboy enlisted in the Army right before he would have been drafted. He did 15 months in Vietnam with the 101st Airborne. He had some good days and then some dreadful days.
The draft. The notion is that an all-volunteer army is better and I reckon that is true. But the guys I served with all had the same attitude as I did: I want to get out of this place alive and the best way to do that is to listen to the Sgt or the Lt.

This may not make a lot of sense coming from me but I f favor a draft if we need to fill the ranks, Take them from the frat houses and not just from the ghettos Take the sons of senators and not the sons of dirt poor
How many folks would agree with Mr Bush's saber rattling if they knew their own kid's life was on the line.
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Reply Sun 14 Aug, 2005 03:15 pm
Bushs nepoleonic complex


A veteran journalist friend of mine recently remarked that, in many ways, George W. Bush's lust for war reminded him of Napoleon Bonaparte. The French emperor dreamt of a world under his domination. Although many of Bush's domestic policies closely resemble those of Adolf Hitler, the comparison of Bush to Napoleon has merit. Napoleon wanted to restore the Holy Roman Empire of Charlemagne. In his first military incursions into the Middle East, Napoleon believed he was another Alexander the Great.

Bush obviously wants to create some sort of neo-Crusader American empire in the Middle East and beyond. Bush's constant linking of his war policies to God indicates that he possesses the same sort of megalomania as Napoleon.

That about sums it
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 14 Aug, 2005 03:21 pm
au, Don't forget, Napoleon was made "king of Italy."

Napoleon I of France
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
(Redirected from Napoleon)
Napoleon redirects here. For other uses, see Napoleon (disambiguation).

Bonaparte as general, by Antoine-Jean Gros.Napoléon Bonaparte (15 August 1769 - 5 May 1821) was a general of the French Revolution, and the ruler of France as First Consul (Premier Consul) of the French Republic from 11 November 1799 to 18 May 1804, then as Emperor of the French (Empereur des Français) and King of Italy under the name Napoleon I from 18 May 1804 to 6 April 1814, and again briefly from 20 March to 22 June 1815.

Napoleon is considered to have been a military genius, and is known for commanding many successful campaigns, although he is also known for some spectacular failures.

Over the course of little more than a decade, he acquired control of most or all of the western and central mainland of Europe by conquest or alliance until his defeat at the Battle of the Nations near Leipzig in October 1813, which led to his abdication several months later. He staged a comeback known as the Hundred Days (les Cent Jours), but was defeated decisively at the Battle of Waterloo in Belgium on June 18, 1815, followed shortly afterwards by his surrender to the British and his exile to the island of Saint Helena, where he died.

Aside from his military achievements, Napoleon is also remembered for the establishment of the Napoleonic Code, and is considered by some to have been one of the "enlightened monarchs". Others consider him a tyrannical dictator whose wars and rule led to the death of millions. Napoleon appointed several members of the Bonaparte family as monarchs. Although their reigns did not survive his downfall, a nephew, Napoleon III, ruled France later in the century.
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Reply Sun 14 Aug, 2005 03:24 pm
Very much in agreement with realjohnboy, with some reservations on the draft, but if we have one, yes, take the sons of senators. Forget the student deferments.
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Reply Sun 14 Aug, 2005 03:27 pm
He must be back on the coke.
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Reply Sun 14 Aug, 2005 03:37 pm
Bush is under the impression he was elected dictator and need answer only to that higher authority. His savior. Isn't it odd how he a devout coward is so ready to start a war. Of course with everyone else's sons, daughters, husbands and wives.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 14 Aug, 2005 04:13 pm
Yeah, I've noticed that too! It's so obvious - except to the neocons who think Bush is doing a good job.

When Bush said "war is the last option" concerning Iran's nuclear program, I wonder when he plans to attack? That's exactly what he said about Iraq, but he chased out the UN Weapon's Inspectors and started the preemptive war that got us into the present quagmire.
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Reply Sun 14 Aug, 2005 05:36 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
Yeah, I've noticed that too! It's so obvious - except to the neocons who think Bush is doing a good job.

When Bush said "war is the last option" concerning Iran's nuclear program, I wonder when he plans to attack? That's exactly what he said about Iraq, but he chased out the UN Weapon's Inspectors and started the preemptive war that got us into the present quagmire.

yep, he sure did. it's starting up with all of the same talk. look, folks. i'm tellin' ya, there's an agenda here that is so glaringly obvious that people can't believe that it's for real. it started with bush senior and some of his cronies and is continuing now.

these guys aren't shy at all about saying what they want, and yet there are still a lot of their political followers that only see the social values that these guys are alledged to hold.

most of you know who i'm talking about.

that aside, i'm afraid that if the american public backs yet another war with iran, i'd have to be one of the people that actually insisted on restarting the draft.

why? for the reasons that rjb brings up, and also it's time for people to realize that "this president" doesn't give a flying finger through a rolling donut about anything but his legacy. if you're one of the people that want to back him, you better be willing to sacrifice more than the 98 cents it costs for one of those little decals and the breath it takes to keep repeating " support the troops".

if that's your routine, cool. then support the troops by becoming one or sending your kid to give them a hand.

especially some of you younger folks that grew up under reagan and have not one clue about what this country went through during vietnam. let your kid's entire adolesence and teen years be overcast by an ongoing war and have the great time of knowing, just knowing, that as soon as you turn 18, you're gonna get drafted.

i'll tell ya this right now. you think we are "living in interesting times" now ? you just allow that arrogant and petulant brat in the white house start the s**t with iran. it will be world war III. big time.

think i'm wrong ? do you have any idea who's got major interests in iran ? russia and china.

so you wanna buy that one ? i guarantee that the sticker shock and buyer's remorse are gonna be a killer.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 Aug, 2005 09:13 pm
Ray, you seldom offer solutions.
Can you perhaps table a real life practical solution to the Iran question?
I realize that as a staunch Bush-baller', goin' in and smokin' 'em outta ther' holes seems like a plan...
It's not.

Enlistment is down, morale is down, Presidential support is down, support for Iraq is down....and you want to continue this tired and fatally flawed, gung ho mentality against what is probably a more vigilant and powerful enemy? If Iraq is the model for American military operations, then Iran clearly has a stacked hand--gotcha by the short and curlies, so to speak....

What's your plan Ray?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 Aug, 2005 10:10 pm
For a detailed discussion of this delightful prospect for our future, please join me here
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Reply Mon 15 Aug, 2005 02:40 pm
0 Replies
Reply Wed 17 Aug, 2005 07:36 am
candidone1 wrote:
Ray, you seldom offer solutions.
Can you perhaps table a real life practical solution to the Iran question?
I realize that as a staunch Bush-baller', goin' in and smokin' 'em outta ther' holes seems like a plan...
It's not.

Enlistment is down, morale is down, Presidential support is down, support for Iraq is down....and you want to continue this tired and fatally flawed, gung ho mentality against what is probably a more vigilant and powerful enemy? If Iraq is the model for American military operations, then Iran clearly has a stacked hand--gotcha by the short and curlies, so to speak....

What's your plan Ray?

Well then screw the freedom of several million people...

Is that your plan?

Some Canadians...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 17 Aug, 2005 07:42 am
RexRed wrote:
candidone1 wrote:
Ray, you seldom offer solutions.
Can you perhaps table a real life practical solution to the Iran question?
I realize that as a staunch Bush-baller', goin' in and smokin' 'em outta ther' holes seems like a plan...
It's not.

Enlistment is down, morale is down, Presidential support is down, support for Iraq is down....and you want to continue this tired and fatally flawed, gung ho mentality against what is probably a more vigilant and powerful enemy? If Iraq is the model for American military operations, then Iran clearly has a stacked hand--gotcha by the short and curlies, so to speak....

What's your plan Ray?

Well then screw the freedom of several million people...

The plan is to get someone who is competent enough to deal with the threat. The Bush administration has proven its incompetence. You can stick with them if you like but I think the rest of the world would appreciate trying to work with an administation that - regardless of partisan politics - actually had a clue about what to do. Patently this one has as you say, "screwed the pooch".

Is that your plan?

Some Canadians...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 17 Aug, 2005 07:42 am
RexRed wrote:
candidone1 wrote:
Ray, you seldom offer solutions.
Can you perhaps table a real life practical solution to the Iran question?
I realize that as a staunch Bush-baller', goin' in and smokin' 'em outta ther' holes seems like a plan...
It's not.

Enlistment is down, morale is down, Presidential support is down, support for Iraq is down....and you want to continue this tired and fatally flawed, gung ho mentality against what is probably a more vigilant and powerful enemy? If Iraq is the model for American military operations, then Iran clearly has a stacked hand--gotcha by the short and curlies, so to speak....

What's your plan Ray?

Well then screw the freedom of several million people...

The plan is to get someone who is competent enough to deal with the threat. The Bush administration has proven its incompetence. You can stick with them if you like but I think the rest of the world would appreciate trying to work with an administation that - regardless of partisan politics - actually had a clue about what to do. Patently this one has as you say, "screwed the pooch".

Is that your plan?

Some Canadians...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 17 Aug, 2005 07:55 am
goodfielder wrote:
RexRed wrote:
candidone1 wrote:
Ray, you seldom offer solutions.
Can you perhaps table a real life practical solution to the Iran question?
I realize that as a staunch Bush-baller', goin' in and smokin' 'em outta ther' holes seems like a plan...
It's not.

Enlistment is down, morale is down, Presidential support is down, support for Iraq is down....and you want to continue this tired and fatally flawed, gung ho mentality against what is probably a more vigilant and powerful enemy? If Iraq is the model for American military operations, then Iran clearly has a stacked hand--gotcha by the short and curlies, so to speak....

What's your plan Ray?

Well then screw the freedom of several million people...

The plan is to get someone who is competent enough to deal with the threat. The Bush administration has proven its incompetence. You can stick with them if you like but I think the rest of the world would appreciate trying to work with an administation that - regardless of partisan politics - actually had a clue about what to do. Patently this one has as you say, "screwed the pooch".

Is that your plan?

Some Canadians...

So says you...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 17 Aug, 2005 08:01 am
I know, I know. My post went awry Very Happy

This is how it should have gone

The plan is to get someone who is competent enough to deal with the threat. The Bush administration has proven its incompetence. You can stick with them if you like but I think the rest of the world would appreciate trying to work with an administation that - regardless of partisan politics - actually had a clue about what to do. Patently this one has as you say, "screwed the pooch".

There we are, back on track. Bush incompetence.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 17 Aug, 2005 08:14 am
goodfielder wrote:
I know, I know. My post went awry Very Happy

Why don't you team up with your buddy Zarqawi?

Then you can both bash the elected American president together...

To heck with the liberation of millions of people from radical Islam.

After all you have your selfish partisan agenda to kowtow to.

To heck with your fellow Aussies on the front line struggling to free the world from radical terrorists bombings (Bali) and blood thirsty beheadings of the innocent.

Why not waste your energies bashing and finding fault with someone trying to help?

But not one negative word about the "REAL" terrorists...

Remember, it is the liberals that these terrorists HATE the most...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 17 Aug, 2005 08:19 am
RexRed wrote:
candidone1 wrote:
Ray, you seldom offer solutions.
Can you perhaps table a real life practical solution to the Iran question?
I realize that as a staunch Bush-baller', goin' in and smokin' 'em outta ther' holes seems like a plan...
It's not.

Enlistment is down, morale is down, Presidential support is down, support for Iraq is down....and you want to continue this tired and fatally flawed, gung ho mentality against what is probably a more vigilant and powerful enemy? If Iraq is the model for American military operations, then Iran clearly has a stacked hand--gotcha by the short and curlies, so to speak....

What's your plan Ray?

Well then screw the freedom of several million people...

Is that your plan?

Some Canadians...

Rex, that's an awfully indoctrinated perspective.
"Screw the freedom of several million people?"

Where did I say this?...and when has the freedom of anyone been the central concern of this administration? If imposing freedom by force is the American ideal, then we could expect to see this act repeated throughout the entire repressed world.
Somehow I find it unlikely that the US would do anything of the sort had
1. there been no oil or resources of dire need involved
2. they not mistakenly thought this was going to be a cake-walk
3. did not takke steps to further the PNAC agenda.

Now, care to stick to the topic, or do you have another irrelevant comment to make about my nationality.
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