That I have a bunch of techy crap doesn't mean I can go to Disneyland. If my business was going bankrupt Id be were I needed to be, Face to face and in the trenches. Any respecting mature man knows this. Modern communication is a tool, not an excuse. Bush is a child. The incompetent prince who became king.
fishin' wrote:Chrissee wrote:mysteryman wrote:Amigo wrote:mysteryman, where do you think Bush should be, at the ranch or the white house? where would you be? If my party produced A president like this I wouldn't defend him i'd confront it for the sake of my party and my country.
It doesnt matter.
All of the communications equipment,all of thetelevision monitors,the "hot line",everything is duplicated at his Crawford ranch.
Its also all duplicated on AF1.
So,wherever he is,Bush has all the access to all the info he gets in the oval office.
That is absolutely not true.
Bullshit. It is 100% true. As a former Communications Officer for the U.S. Secret Service I worked closely enough with the White House Commincations Service to know.
Carefull fish. Setanta might demand proof before he believes you.
Or i might just suggest that you bite me. By the way, you misspelled welfare.
Amigo wrote:That I have a bunch of techy crap doesn't mean I can go to Disneyland. If my business was going bankrupt Id be were I needed to be, Face to face and in the trenches. Any respecting mature man knows this. Modern communication is a tool, not an excuse. Bush is a child. The incompetent prince who became king.
He has a business going bankrupt? I didn't know that. It must be the logging company that he owns.
Baldimo wrote:Amigo wrote:That I have a bunch of techy crap doesn't mean I can go to Disneyland. If my business was going bankrupt Id be were I needed to be, Face to face and in the trenches. Any respecting mature man knows this. Modern communication is a tool, not an excuse. Bush is a child. The incompetent prince who became king.
He has a business going bankrupt? I didn't know that. It must be the logging company that he owns.

I checked a map and found that it is called the United States of America
I am humbled, coming from you Set :-)
I appreciate wit, even if it comes from a doughnut bender . . .
Don't worry guys you can always talk about Clintons blowjob.
Intrepid wrote:Baldimo wrote:Amigo wrote:That I have a bunch of techy crap doesn't mean I can go to Disneyland. If my business was going bankrupt Id be were I needed to be, Face to face and in the trenches. Any respecting mature man knows this. Modern communication is a tool, not an excuse. Bush is a child. The incompetent prince who became king.
He has a business going bankrupt? I didn't know that. It must be the logging company that he owns.

I checked a map and found that it is called the United States of America
Were going bankrupt? I know we have a deficit and all but it is getting better. Looks like those tax cuts are working. What would Bush hanging around D.C. do anyways? No one else is around. Have you demanded that your reps return and fix the issue?
Intrepid isn't represented in the Congress . . . America Junior hasn't been granted any seats yet . . .
How is that any business of yours?
Yes, why should bush stick around? Hes just a figure head. Every four to eight years we get a new one in our token "elections". It's the man behind the man, behind the man that we should be talking about. Hold on, Homeland Security is at the door.
Amigo wrote:Yes, why should bush stick around? Hes just a figure head. Every four to eight years we get a new one in our token "elections". It's the man behind the man, behind the man that we should be talking about. Hold on Homeland Sucurity is at the door.
Last time it was the woman behind the man. :wink:
If he's just a figure head then why all the worry.
It's not worry, it's disgust.
Amigo tired, He take siesta.
Looks like Cindy may be a bit of a publicity hound according to her own family...from Drudge
Thu Aug 11 2005 12:56:21 ET
The family of American soldier Casey Sheehan, who was killed in Iraq on April 4, 2004, has broken its silence and spoken out against his mother Cindy Sheehan's anti-war vigil against George Bush held outside the president's Crawford, Texas ranch.
The following email was received by the DRUDGE REPORT from Casey's aunt and godmother:
Our family has been so distressed by the recent activities of Cindy we are breaking our silence and we have collectively written a statement for release. Feel free to distribute it as you wish. Thanks Ð Cherie
In response to questions regarding the Cindy Sheehan/Crawford Texas issue: Sheehan Family Statement:
The Sheehan Family lost our beloved Casey in the Iraq War and we have been silently, respectfully grieving. We do not agree with the political motivations and publicity tactics of Cindy Sheehan. She now appears to be promoting her own personal agenda and notoriety at the the expense of her son's good name and reputation. The rest of the Sheehan Family supports the troops, our country, and our President, silently, with prayer and respect.
Casey Sheehan's grandparents, aunts, uncles and numerous cousins.
Don't trust it. Why wouldn't they sign their names?
An e-mail to Matt Drudge isn't very private or silent. Why accuse Cindy of seeking publicity by sending an e-mail to Drudge?
Anyways, as far as the vacation thing, I have a question. Below is a Google satellite pic of the Crawford White House.
Where on that darn "ranch" does he go to clear all that brush?
Google Satellite Photo of Crawford White House