Hamster Outrage!
Dateline: Stately A2K Manor, located somewhere near Intercourse, Pennsylvania
Today, hamsters worldwide were shocked when it was reported by
Yahoo News that they do not make good household pets.
Ms. Snuffles, A2K Hamstress Extraordinaire and Spokesrodent said, "Why, you'd think we were disease-ridden or something! Oh, we are? Well, maybe a little. Mr. Snuffy sometimes doesn't wash perfectly correctly. And then there's the matter of Messrs. Fluffybutt and Furcritter engaging in, let's just say,
unnatural acts with a Swiffer mop head and a bit of cloth from what I believe is the Ratzenhofer overalls. We had it DNA tested and it contains, oh horrors! I can barely utter it aloud!"
After much encouragement, mainly in the form of small bottles of Chardonnay, see:

, she managed to find the courage to continue her tale of woe.
"The overall piece of cloth -- I mean, the bit of cloth from the Ratzenhofer overalls -- was from the bib part apparently. And it contained, oh, the humanity! It, it contained -- sheep slobber!"
Ms. Snuffles then broke down in tears and could not be comforted, no matter how many tiny airline bottles of scotch were offered to her. She did, however, take the bottles anyway.