satt_focusable wrote:But Saddam Hussein must have been expecting the mass movement in the U.S., Europe and other in the world in his merit.
To be quite frank, I was expecting mass demonstrations in my merit as well.
By your own logic, applied elsewhere, I am to blame for these demonstrations and thus the citizens on the streets are acting on my behalf, for my own devious purposes.
I confess. You may punish me now ... by making me listen to more free speech. And terrifying me with billboards and commercials!
Good Lord, think about the lives we live in America!
I feel absolutely no threat from Saddam Hussein, despite all the reading I have done. Yet, for more than three decades I have felt squashed, coerced, spied on, lied to, greatly threatened, and outright robbed by a very real and substantial terrorist ... the American government. I cannot even drive my car down the road without constantly looking over my shoulder!
Subtle, isn't it? How one little encroachment builds on another, until we are living such a police state that hard-working, law-abiding citizens fear for their own well being... from their own government. I don't know any Mafia in the world that takes over 60% of my hard-earned work, in return for what they eagerly hype as "protection" from "terrorists".
I've been robbed three times. I will never, ever, report it to the police because I don't want their damn protection. That's my responsibility. Don't even refund my taxes or subsidize my life ... once the government has touched it, it's tainted blood money and I don't want a penny of it back. Just get those terrorists in Washington out of my life. Please!
Saddam's not the biggest shark in the sea you know. Not by a long shot.