I am arguing against extremism. I am pro-choice. I still don't like the extreme rhetoric coming from the pro-choice side (even though I agree with them to some extent).
There is a big difference between reasonable argument, and extremist rhetoric. That is my point.
An absolutist believe in the rights of a woman to make decisions about her own body would encompass both abortion and vaccines. The "My Body My Choice" argument is just such an absolutist argument. If you are making a more reasoned argument, then sure. These are two different issues.
If you want to make a public health argument in favor of abortion rights, or in favor of mandatory vaccines, that is fine.
You can make this argument without using extreme rhetoric. Once you start yelling about slavery, or rapists, you have crossed a line into insanity.
I am pro-choice. I am against the extremist arguments coming from the pro-choice side. I can do both of these things.