Texas Effectively Bans Abortions

Reply Fri 24 Jun, 2022 08:47 pm
Life begins at conception, and ends in a mass shooting.

The penalty for aborting a pregnancy that results from rape, is now greater than the penalty for rape.
Reply Fri 24 Jun, 2022 09:30 pm
Just Texas and Alabama. You do understand that it's a simple matter of not living in those states, right?

The penalty for aborting a pregnancy that results from rape, is now greater than the penalty for rape.

No, this is not true. And quoting some dumbass doesn't make something wrong true.

When the penalty for aborting after rape is more severe than the penalty for rape, that's when you know it's a war on women.
— mohamad safa (@mhdksafa) September 1, 2021

And surprise surprise, a Muslim person is saying this. Such allies of women!

The mother who wants an abortion receives no penalty. Only the clinic might face charges.

The law does not contain any criminal penalties for providing what it terms "illegal abortions" but rather allows private citizens to sue providers of abortions, in addition to anyone else who assists a woman in obtaining an abortion.

Only in terms of fine might it potentially be worse, and this is only if people have the gall to sue.

The penalty for rape is anywhere from two years to life without parole. This is not "worse than abortion", sorry.
This just in.

Liberals don't understand where babies come from.

Men can do without sex for longer than you think. I have gone for 40 years without any relations with the opposite sex, and probably never will have any. This is called deciding to be abstinent.

But the entire human population will die in about 60-80 years if we have abortion but no reproduction. Also, I just saw a Doctor Strange movie where a girl had two moms. Good luck with that.

Btw. What do you think would have happened if your parents aborted you? Has it not occurred to you that without your own mother being pro-life, you would not be able to spout off your crap? You'd be one dead fetus, which would then be harvested for organs. Good luck with that too.

So while you talk about rights, maybe you should think about a child's right to not be killed by its own parents?
Walter Hinteler
Reply Fri 24 Jun, 2022 10:25 pm
It’s worth noting - particularly given broader international trends - that Poland, Nicaragua and the United States had all moved measurably away from liberal democracy before bans on abortion were expanded.
Reply Fri 24 Jun, 2022 10:37 pm
And what happens to the women who are too poor to travel out of state for healthcare? And you really think it will stop with these states. Are you naïve, or a moron?

bulmabriefs144 wrote:

Just Texas and Alabama. You do understand that it's a simple matter of not living in those states, right?

The penalty for aborting a pregnancy that results from rape, is now greater than the penalty for rape.

No, this is not true. And quoting some dumbass doesn't make something wrong true.

When the penalty for aborting after rape is more severe than the penalty for rape, that's when you know it's a war on women.
— mohamad safa (@mhdksafa) September 1, 2021

And surprise surprise, a Muslim person is saying this. Such allies of women!
The mother who wants an abortion receives no penalty. Only the clinic might face charges.

The law does not contain any criminal penalties for providing what it terms "illegal abortions" but rather allows private citizens to sue providers of abortions, in addition to anyone else who assists a woman in obtaining an abortion.

Only in terms of fine might it potentially be worse, and this is only if people have the gall to sue.

The penalty for rape is anywhere from two years to life without parole. This is not "worse than abortion", sorry.
This just in.

Liberals don't understand where babies come from.

Men can do without sex for longer than you think. I have gone for 40 years without any relations with the opposite sex, and probably never will have any. This is called deciding to be abstinent.

But the entire human population will die in about 60-80 years if we have abortion but no reproduction. Also, I just saw a Doctor Strange movie where a girl had two moms. Good luck with that.

Btw. What do you think would have happened if your parents aborted you? Has it not occurred to you that without your own mother being pro-life, you would not be able to spout off your crap? You'd be one dead fetus, which would then be harvested for organs. Good luck with that too.

So while you talk about rights, maybe you should think about a child's right to not be killed by its own parents?

Reply Sat 25 Jun, 2022 01:24 am
You're wasting your time.

Flat Earther who doesn't believe Australia exists.
Reply Sat 25 Jun, 2022 09:00 am
Which brings up a very interesting point.

Abortion is predatory. It costs very little to do, while having a baby under our bloated healthcare system literally costs thousands.
(I looked at the numbers and in abortion friendly states like California and Massachusetts, the price of having the baby in Massachusetts is punitively high; I'm not kidding,$32k?!?)
Meanwhile, you can get an abortion done in the same state for between $600 to $3000. Given this price, the woman might even be talked into having an abortion by their own doctor, citing her inability to pay.

Do not give me crap abour the cost of travel. I have taken two road trips personally across the US on limited funds, you would be surprised how cheaply you can travel. Getting in a car and driving to another state is sometimes only a five hour trip. You set out when you're not in labor yet, just as you do all of this early on in the process, not when you're six months. If SOMEONE didn't try to inflate the price of gas to get us to switch to electric (thanks to your president liberals, if you have trouble traveling), the price of driving from say Alabama to Vermont is now $179.35. This is halfway across the country, with inflation of nearly $6 for gas. Under Trump's gas prices, you would be able to make that trip at 1/3 of the cost. Or about $59.78.
You have no business calling someone else a moron when you quote from pro-choice Muslims (it should make the connection that Muslim culture has multiple wives and doesn't think much of women, that maybe they aren't feminists at all but a player culture), and don't bother researching actual cost of travel. Moreover, unless a girl is poor AND has no friends, a road trip that is difficult for her can be done as a favor by her friends.
Moreover even more, a girl that did not count the cost of having a baby or abortion has no business having sex. Only animals can't keep it in their pants. Human beings can think about what their actions mean, and plan for them, or not do them.

But yeah, you seem to think so little of humans, that you have theoretical bimbo who goes to a party talking about how sexually liberated she is. No money, no condom (I women's internal condom costs $3 per), no birth control pills, sleeps with ten guys. Never checks whether maybe she's pregnant, and six weeks come and go. She finally figures it out when she has a huge baby bump. She can't afford to drive to get an abortion, you say. But that's crap anyway. These laws are about the clinics. There have never been laws to my knowledge punishing the women themselves. Back when women drank pennyroyal tea, they still didn't arrest the woman. For that matter, the woman can "accidentally" kill the child by jumping down a flight of stairs. Yes, she could also break her neck ( I have no sympathy for babykiller bimbo momma). But no, she has to trouble the rest of us by yammering on about the price of moving to another state. Uhhhh yea, you shoulda thought about that before you moved to Texas. Why did you move to Texas anyway? What your unconvincing scenario is realky about is the same crap that caused a baker to be harassed twice. People who move to a state deliberately to cause trouble. Did they really need a reception in Colorado (no gay weddings at the time) to **** with a baker who didn't want to bake them a gay cake, and you participate in a gay wedding anyway, since at the time they were illegal? The people in this thing were from freaking Massachusetts.

Stay in Massachusetts. Leave the rest of us the hell alone. Or are tou willing to admit Massachusetts sucks?

Actually no, it doesn't stop with these states. Roe vs Wade was just overturned. But unlike the left, who is willing to move more than nine states to harass a baker, the right largely minds its own business. They just want it not in their state, whereas the left likes turning states blue.
Abortion will be technically illegal in Massachusetts. But I have no doubts that they will continue to have abortions in Massachusetts. Especially since as I read, it was about the right to sue the clinics, not an arrest thing. Nobody in Massachusetts lives there because they are fundie Christians. Ditto for Vermont. Nobody objects or reports the clinic, there's nothing stopping them. I think you're gonna okay aborting your child for the next fifty years.
When citizens of a state don't uphold the law, the law is unenforceable. Suck it up, spend money to move to an abortion-friendly state and do it. Don't rationalize the cost of moving to me. If you have money for abortion, you most certainly have a little more money for travel to another state.

Abortion should be state by state. No demand for it in all 50 states, no making it illegal in all 50 states either. This is how conservatives think. You do you, and you leave me alone. Liberals think the government should run people's lives, when for years they tried to force all states to go along with Roe v Wade. Now it's gone, we ought to just have states decide on their own. You don't like Texas, Texas probably doesn't want you here either.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 25 Jun, 2022 09:06 am
You're so stupid that you don't even understand what it means to be flat Earther. Australia does exist. What I don't believe is that they're a land down under. Or that you can fly from Chile to Australia through Antarctica (any more than you can dig a hole to China).
Walter Hinteler
Reply Sat 25 Jun, 2022 09:14 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:
Or that you can fly from Chile to Australia through Antarctica
Well, on a flat Earth, this route should go across the United States.

Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 25 Jun, 2022 09:25 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

bulmabriefs144 wrote:
Or that you can fly from Chile to Australia through Antarctica
Well, on a flat Earth, this route should go across the United States.


Yeah. And airlines fly great circle routes just so they can waste money on fuel.

Reply Sat 25 Jun, 2022 10:14 am
Flat Earthers don't believe in Australia and it comes as no surprise that Bulmabriefs is too daft to be one.

I suppose there's a first time for everything.

There's a growing number of people who seem to think the world is, in fact, flat.

But it gets better. They also insist that Australia is actually just one big hoax.

According to a viral Facebook rant, the entire country (and presumably the 24 million people that live there) is completely FAKE.

The idea resurfaced at a recent gathering of so-called Flat Earthers in Birmingham recently where over 200 people came together to confirm to each other that the Earth is nothing more than a giant pancake.

The origin of the "fake Australia" post started on Reddit back in 2017 and was written by a Shelley Floryd. But it appears to be back in the minds of the spherically-challenged at the moment.

"Australia is not real," the rant begins.

"It's a hoax, made for us to believe that Britain moved over their criminals to someplace. In reality, all these criminals were loaded off the ships into the waters, drowning before they could see land ever again.

"It's a coverup [sic] for one of the greatest mass murders in history."

Reply Sat 25 Jun, 2022 10:07 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Airplane routes tend to be bullcrap.

I'm not sure if it's the equivalent of a taxi taking the long route, or whether they know something we don't, but the most direct route should be flying thousands of feet over the South Pole, due straight south. Instead when routes exist it's over water west, or across the Middle East and India, spending hours of travel. And no, I don't buy the "It's too cold, we can't do it" excuse. We flew from LA to Seattle to near the North Pole (in a flat Earth map, this make some sense) to get to China.
You're flying above these ice storms and low visibility. What you'd see is clouds. Right? Same as North Pole. Unless of course, there's some reason why this isn't what you'd see?

You wanna know the real reason? It's a no fly zone.
There's kinda this thing called the Antarctic Treaty.
And no, it's written in extremely legalistic language, so I don't understand a word. They say it t should be used for peaceful purposes only, then authorize military personnel. The bottom line is that you can't really visit it, unless you have invitation, money, or both.

Flat Earthers do believe in Australia.

This is the Gleason flat overhead map. It's one of the models they use. You can see Australia plain as day, below China.

But instead of Antarctica, there is an ice wall in all directions. This might answer the no-fly zone question. My pilot to China never missed a beat. Compass or no compass, he navigated through and made it through the North Pole to China. But if there were an ice wall, this is a different story. The same would be true if the land joined the clouds or there is hidden land down there.
Reply Sat 25 Jun, 2022 10:26 pm
izzythepush wrote:

Flat Earthers don't believe in Australia and it comes as no surprise that Bulmabriefs is too daft to be one.

I suppose there's a first time for everything.

There's a growing number of people who seem to think the world is, in fact, flat.

But it gets better. They also insist that Australia is actually just one big hoax.

According to a viral Facebook rant, the entire country (and presumably the 24 million people that live there) is completely FAKE.

The idea resurfaced at a recent gathering of so-called Flat Earthers in Birmingham recently where over 200 people came together to confirm to each other that the Earth is nothing more than a giant pancake.

The origin of the "fake Australia" post started on Reddit back in 2017 and was written by a Shelley Floryd. But it appears to be back in the minds of the spherically-challenged at the moment.

"Australia is not real," the rant begins.

"It's a hoax, made for us to believe that Britain moved over their criminals to someplace. In reality, all these criminals were loaded off the ships into the waters, drowning before they could see land ever again.

"It's a coverup [sic] for one of the greatest mass murders in history."


What some flat Earthers believe is not what all of them do.

Unlike round Earthers, who move in lockstep with the science proposed by NASA, flat Earthers tend to make their own decisions, and have effectively a blank journal to fill with the science they accept, the science they've decided is true, and their own observations. While there are similar ideas that make sense to one or the other, there is no lockstep consensus. But science is not consensus.

Australia has towns, cities, and the like. Antarctica, you get carefully curated tours, and you are told by men in whire coats what to expect. Sorry, but I don't trust those nice young men in their clean white coats.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 25 Jun, 2022 11:40 pm
Reply Sat 25 Jun, 2022 11:46 pm
Spoil sport.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Jun, 2022 12:06 am
It’s looking possible that the GOP have fucked with wrong generation. November just got interesting.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 26 Jun, 2022 03:04 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

Airplane routes tend to be bullcrap.

Ahhh...so your assertion that the Earth is flat depends on the airlines not caring about the cost of fuel...and flying great circle routes just to produce bullcrap.

You are really stretching, Bulma.
Reply Sun 26 Jun, 2022 03:48 am
I believe regulating abortion just before the brain has the ability to be self-aware is justified. A beating heart is NOT an indication of being self-aware.

Based on religious interpretation, every woman should be continuously raped throughout their entire birth giving lives so that every potential life has its right to life upheld.

I personally am offended when religion is used as a political tool; demonic.

In my opinion, not at all inferring I would know what God wants.

If opposition to abortion is based on being Jewish, Mormon, Islam or Christian, then opposition is hypocritical and unfounded.

The "Ten Commandments" are claimed as part of the Torrah, Bible, and Quran, but they with intent speak in God's name to corrupt the Ten Commandments for their own purposes. The Ten Commandments was first transcribed at least 100 years before Christ, and the first written account of Christ did not happen until about 400 years after his death. Many of the stories in the Bible are plagiarisms of much older Egyptian hieroglyphic stories. No star remains in the East, the Earth rotates. The same story was told in Egypt about 1,000 years before Christ was supposedly born. Asteroids and Comets in orbit around the Earth can remain in the East. No devastation occured during the time of Christ, but a massive tsunami wiped out the Asian coastline during the time the Egyptian story was documented. Potential evidence of plagiarism.)

You shall have no other God's before me.
(People create gods and give their limited version of a god, God's name (Demons). Justifying their own demonic actions using God's name. Humans cannot know God, we are too insignificant to grasp that concept. Example: how do our actions cultivate or kill in subsequent related dimensions of physics? (... Sequential Multiverse, decentralized expansion, historical changing of the speed of light, Dark Energy, CERN Extra Dimension Particles, Entropy...). Or in simpler terms, how does going to work in the morning hurt or help your yet unborn child's use of contraception? Isn't this denial of life?

Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images.
(ALL books and webpage text are graven images; humans cannot write anything that represents God's intents. To claim demonic intents in God's name is hypocritical. If God created the Universe, than the Universe is God's Works. Science is the study of God's Works. Science does not revere any book; new relationships are found. Science through Peer-Review attempts to remove human influence in understanding physics (God's Works). Religion reveres the works of man, and calls it God's work; demonic.)

Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
(Religious leaders speak falsely in God's name; they cannot know. Demons incarnate. Notice that religions use mafia structures of domination. Stratified layers of ethical consideration. Priests molesting children as an example. Pastors not paying for food at restaurants, and not paying their rent. Religious Leaders preying on disciples, and justifying diciples to prey on non-deciples.)

Remember the Sabbath day and keep it Holy.
(Every day, not one day of the week. Days of the week change by a few hours every year. Justifying abuse 6 days out of 7 would seem something demonic to promote.)

Honor your father and mother. (honoring a parent with Alzheimers doesn't mean listening to everything they say as fact. Calling a religious leader "Father" is demonic.)

Thou shalt not kill. (no exceptions. Here's the rub with Abortion. What is Life? If any sperm or egg exists; is it life? They all have the potential of producing deformed life. Even virus promotes creating a new form of life (DNA and RNA) which may or may not result in prolonged life or early death.)

Thou shalt not commit adultery.
(This one confuses me. The act of adultery as sex is too minor to be a Commandment. Honor your wife and husband would seem more comparable. I wonder about the translations from the original tablets and in what language they were. During the time of Moses; almost no person could read or write.)

Thou shalt not steal.
(Plagiarism is a clear form of stealing. The Bible is filled with plagiarism. To speak in God's name is stealing honor and praise to promote a political agenda. Demonic.)

People are all too willing to justify abuse based on a desire to unjustly allocate resources. They use political abuse to obtain influence in allocation. When done in God's name, Demonic.

I think anyone speaking in God's name should have their life aborted, or at least banished from political influence.

Any politician or lobbyist, that uses religion in any way, should be considered criminal.

Any group that claims to know God's intents, should be classified as self-serving and demonic.

Now if abortion limits are based upon scientific research (actual study of God's Works), and the brain can be with reasonable margin to be self-aware or not, then I can see limits related to abortion.
Region Philbis
Reply Sun 26 Jun, 2022 04:07 am

let's get back on topic...


0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Jun, 2022 04:08 am
And yet apparently no limits to AR15’s, which in some parts of the US have more rights than women
Reply Sun 26 Jun, 2022 04:53 am
Conception isn't life. The consequences resulting in Conception are just as important and more complex. They impact everyone.

It can be argued that your friends that introduced you to your significant other are in-part liable for the birth defects of a subsequent conception. Promoting drinking or other contaminants just prior to conception.

A lack of concern could be considered neglect.

The killing of any sentient species should be criminal. Whales and dolphins are self-aware.

Declaring right to life for humans only, is self-serving and will become criminal. Do you really think you are alone in the Universe?

How do you want to be treated?

If you are exposed to a virus, your cells mutate. You are no longer the same person (DNA and RNA) as you were before.

Your children not exposed, no longer share your physical bloodline completely. Are they still your children?

Based on what you know and feel, not being of the same physical exactness.

Life is only important to us when we are self-aware.

A body is a vessel.

Without self-awareness, a body is unimportant.

When your mother has Alzheimers, you don't miss the vessel, you miss the self-awareness she shared with you.

If we can create a body that never had self-awareness, we would not at all feel badly about moving our 80 year old self-aware mind, into a 20 year-old body that has no self-awareness.

Life does not begin at conception, it begins with self-awareness.

Do you eat plants? Are they self-aware?

Do you eat cows? Are they self-aware?

Do you eat people? Are they self-aware?

Not only is abortion an issue because of defining limits of what is considered life. We do NOT apply our definitions consistently.

We promote our own personal interests.

Right to Life is not about what is Universally ethical. For humans, it is about, "What's in it for me?".

In a Sequential Multiverse (proposed physics that we are a part of), all life eventually repeats diversely and eventually exactly. We are living in our eternal afterlife.

If we are trying to bargain with God to obtain an already provided eternal afterlife, isn't that greed extraordinarily disrespectful?

Life doesn't begin, it just is, or is not. We don't have the right to choose. We choose because we want something.

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