I saw the movie before I read the novel, so I had no expectations. After having read the novel, I realized the difficulty of making a screenplay after it. The writer condensed the novel to a theme of the military-industrial complex. I think both the novel and the screenplay are works of genius.
Yes, I agree.
That Pluto channel made me hate Pluto TV when it was on just now. Exactly every ten minutes interrupted by a commercial. Mostly the same used car ad. Maddening.
I find these 2 movie apps are the best for streaming movies on a cellphone.
On king lion you can download, but the other one you can can't. HD movie showbox has many movies and TV shows, many more than king. Lion, but it is more difficult to navigate a and has ads.
I just watch what I can get free on my Roku TV. Not very adventurous about getting more.
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Sun 27 Jun, 2021 08:49 am
The first time I ever heard the Beatles their record of Kansas City was on a jukebox in a crowded Manilla nightclub. Through all the racket I heard just enough to conclude we were hearing Little Richard. I told this to my brother Sam, a Beatles fanatic, and he said there was no way the Beatles ever sounded like him. So we listened to these records back to back and he conceded the point. This video of the Beatles is not the exact recording that was on the jukebox.
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Sun 27 Jun, 2021 11:22 am
I just found a movie of Les Miserables without the singing, all in color and well presented. I was unaware. Back in an early day of TV watching I viewed the Frederick March film several times on a 17" TV. It became one of my best loved movies. It never has set well with me when they turn such a story into a musical, so I haven't been inclined to watch that. I don't begrudge those who like such treatments of great stories. I just prefer to sit them out.
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Sun 27 Jun, 2021 12:02 pm
Shaun King
19 mins ·
Here is a complete accounting of every dollar I've ever raised for Samaria Rice and the family of Tamir Rice.
With receipts, statements, documents, and facts.
1. I have never raised money for the family of Tamir Rice without being asked to do so by the family or their attorneys. Ever.
2. I have never even possessed a single penny that I’ve raised for this family or any family impacted by police violence or racial injustice. Not for a single moment.
3. I’ve never delayed or held funds raised for this family or any family impacted by police violence or racial injustice. Not once. Ever.
4. The organizations I help lead have never possessed a single penny I’ve raised for this family.
5. I’ve never been paid by families I’ve helped.
6. I’ve never been paid by the civil rights attorneys I’ve helped.
7. The lie that I was stealing from this family, or have ever stolen from this family, was first started by literal white supremacists and simply will not go away no matter what I say or do.
These lies have spiraled out of control and have interrupted every facet of my life and work - which I am sure was the goal from the start.
Below is a complete accounting of every single dollar I’ve raised for the family of Tamir Rice.
1. If it matters to you, I implore you to ask every person I name in her about these things for yourself.
2. If you seriously think I’ve stolen a single penny from this family, I implore you to please file a report with the authorities locally or with the FBI, DOJ, or anyone else that would have supervision in this case.
3. If you seriously think I’ve stolen a single penny from ANY FAMILY impacted by police violence, please report it to authorities.
4. If you seriously think any of that is true, please forward your evidence to your favorite investigative reporter, and demand they do a story on it.
5. Also, if you think any of this is true, please file a lawsuit against me now. I earnestly welcome it.
6. Please invite a forensic accounting firm to investigate this and publish their results.
Every single day I work with men who were accused of crimes they didn’t commit. They were framed by police, then convicted by corrupt prosecutors, and sent to prison for it. Without fail, each of these men told me that it wasn’t just doing the time that was hard, it was the unique pain of being accused of something they had nothing to do with. Many exonerees, often choking back tears, have told me how much it stung to see lifelong friends, neighbors, family, and even the local papers they grew up loving say they were guilty of heinous rapes and murders they had nothing to do with.
All over the world this week, and for the past few months truly, I have been accused of actual crimes that I did not commit. Please stop telling me to let it go. I’ve tried that. It only gets worse when I remain silent. It has impacted every single facet of my life. It has impacted my wife, my kids, my extended family, my work, my friends, my organizations, my businesses, my reputation, and more. I have received hundreds of death threats from people who believe these lies and want me to know that I deserve to die for what they think I did.
Over the past week alone, social media posts and articles reaching over 500 million people have accused me of raising money for the family of Tamir Rice and stealing it. I’ve seen lifelong heroes say it. I’ve seen celebrities and influencers say it. All with absolute confidence that it must be true.
It’s not true. Not a little bit. Not kind of. Not sort of. Not on the low. Not behind the scenes. It’s a complete fabrication. All of it.
Here’s the thing - it’s either true or it’s not. It can’t be both.
Stealing money is a crime. Stealing money online is a state and federal crime. Raising money online for a particular person or cause and keeping it is a crime. People are in prison right now all over the country for this very thing.
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Sun 27 Jun, 2021 12:04 pm
It's the kind of quiet Sunday that makes me unproductive. But I'm going to fool everybody including myself and get up from here and be active now.
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Sun 27 Jun, 2021 09:28 pm
I haven't been to many concerts in my lifetime.. I tried to see Harry Belafonte once, but couldn't pay for a ticket. I tried to go to the Woody Guthrie Memorial concert because Bob Dylan, but the tickets sold out in minutes. Here is a list of concerts I've been to, in order of attendance.
Conway Twitty - Corpus Christi, 1958
Van Cliburn - 1964, Long Beach
Ray Price, San Antonio
Bob Dylan - 1965 or 66 - Long Beach.
The Fugs, NYC
Hugh Masekela, NYC, 1967
James Brown, Madison Square Garden, NYC - 1967 or 8
Bob Dylan Rolling Thunder Review, Astrodome, Houston
a country music artist, forgot who, Houston Rodeo
Bob Dylan - Houston Rodeo
Willie Nelson, Houston Rodeo
Garth Brooks, Houston
I knew I left out a concert. 1962 - Rex Allen and Anita Bryant sharing the same stage. Rex had his wonder horse Koko with him.
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Mon 28 Jun, 2021 08:08 am
Our walk ended just in time. There's a deluge out there. My weekly street pick-up is being delayed, but I am determined to not miss my run. It's sort of a matter of honor to get it done.
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Mon 28 Jun, 2021 12:22 pm
When I was about 19 I helped an uncle build a house for a black man, somewhere near San Antonio. I didn't see the customer many times. One day he came to my uncle and told him about his trouble getting a fence built. The contractor agreed to do the work but so far was not showing up, weeks later. The customer showed a bit of anger, saying he should come and do what he agreed to. After he left, my uncle said, "He shouldn't talk to a white man like that."
It surprised me that the uncle felt that way. He had always been kind and good to everyone that I knew of. Instead of telling him he had no right to be racist, which would not have changed him, I laughed in his face. His children were small at the time. Now, adults, one of them married a black woman. His best side prevailed in the child.
I got an assignment to design some labels for "MRE" kinds of foods fow outdoors hikes and stuff.
The company liked my cartoons and didnt want their products to yell out"We were designed by some computer artist"
Ive been so gratified since Ive retired from geology. now I tried a second line of work using my art skills and I was totally disappointed in how some ads and labels look so damn mechanical and heartless.
Now Ive got deadlines, I work well under deadlines. Im happy guy in the cool
Got to walk today. It still is a bit of challenge to use the cane. But my knee appreciates the effort. I have to remind myself to relax because it tends to put extra stress on the left hip. The squirrels are somehow diminished in number. It has to be the park's animal control at play. Only fed cracked corn to two ducks. The rest, including two geese, were not in sight. There is a high percentage of predicted rain all week.
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Tue 29 Jun, 2021 08:09 pm
Tania Singh
There’s an unnerving pattern developing or maybe I’m just noticing it now- but billionaires seem to be buying farmlands here and across the world. It’s almost like our food supply is going to become completely controllable by a few rich men in the coming decades. Worse than now.
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Wed 30 Jun, 2021 12:24 pm
As I see it: Subject A produces something worthwhile, whether it be through science, art, social breakthrough, letters, entertainment, to the betterment of humanity. However, subject A is a horrible person. Or at least is guilty in some horrible ways. Society generally follows the herd. Subject A could be hunted down and killed. Or put on trial and sentenced, leniently or harshly. Or exonerated in the public mind and overlooked. Or forgiven because the person is special or can benefit humanity more by being allowed to function as a loved individual. There is no equality before the herd and certainly not the law. That is why I choose to liberate the art from the artist. I have grudges against many prominent individuals. But not against their work.
Good old walk in the park. We only fed two ducks. They met us at the beginning, then found us again at the far end of the water. Squirrels mostly were hiding from too much activity. Had fun with a female cardinal waiting for me to approach and toss a few peanuts. It gets easier to use a cane. I think some of the dogs we pass are concerned I may swing it at them.