Teacher vs Researcher

Mon 7 Jun, 2021 03:49 am
Glad to hear that you "AUTHENTIC" scientist have something to go at......
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Tue 8 Jun, 2021 06:03 pm
Science vs Philosophy 4, touchy and feely:

Duc de Brogiel is of course a figure in the history of science. Piggy read a bit story of him (piggy doesn’t know whether the pig got wrong information on line): Once upon a time, when people knew light is electromagnetic wave, Duc de Brogiel initiated a genius – rated ASSUMPTION “all micro particles should have wave characteristic”. Then, the conception of “matter wave” appeared on the stage of physics.

Again, piggy says that at Duc de Brogiel’s era, people weren’t yet AWARE of the (effect of) PRESENCE and SELF.

As piggy illustrated in the physical model in the physics thread: the MATTER STATE of a released photon is different from other particles. Namely, the PRESENCE of a released photon is different from other particles. Then, of course the SELF of a released photon is different from other particles.
In piggy’s physical model, a released photon is a section of electromagnetic wave travels in straight line. Of course, it has wave characteristic.
But in piggy’s physical model, other elementary particle, such as electron, is “spherical electromagnetic wave”. As a whole, it doesn’t demonstrate wave characteristic. So, the electron can’t pass through two slits in the form of wave.
(For details, please see relevant chapters of the physics thread.)

The fun thing is that Duc de Brogiel’s idea of wave length λ = h / p is applicable to piggy’s wave function of electric interaction in the unit charge model. It seems works in the explanation of single / double slit (s) experiment of electron. (For details, please see relevant posts in the thread “matter vs anti matter”.)
Summary: in the double slits experiment of electron in QM, the electron passes through either ONE of the slits. It’s the wave characteristic of electric interaction causes the interference pattern.

Liqiang Chen
June 9, 2021
No matter how much social resource they input, no matter how complicated / cruel their game would be, their only purpose is to play piggy down. That’s their iron law / rule, “the first law of cosmos” created by the First Order, which never changes. (Piggy would die hard in CN… absolute affair. I am sure.) But piggy trusts that history / science is ever developing.
0 Replies
Mon 14 Jun, 2021 06:43 pm
“My view is the NEUTRAL (NEUTRON) contains the BALANCED vibrations/oscillations within.”

Fun, really fun. You always have remarkable imagination in philosophy. Fun.

Ahh, or we can think about this question: what’s the difference between “vibration” and “turn around”? Just the former one is along straight line while the latter one is along curve!
(If not yet understand what the concept is, just step that balloon with your foot…)

Have a lovely day, guys. haha
0 Replies
Tue 15 Jun, 2021 07:07 am
Velocity vs space – time, touchy and feely:

Once upon a time, piggy tried to analyze the problem of light speed in gravitational field in the physics thread. The conclusion there was “the magnitude of light speed (the velocity of light) does not change in gravitational field”.

Now, piggy is AWARE of something:
Actually, the velocity of light (c = γλ) belongs to the category of the PESENCE. It is in CONTROL of space – time (frequency γ reflects time while wavelength λ reflects space). It is not subjected to the CONTROL of space – time in the category of “consciousness”. The conception of velocity is based on space – time, no matter in the dynamic situation (different inertial frames) or in the gravitational situation. But the velocity of light c is not subjected to the CONTROL of them. So, the velocity of light c is a frame invariable and does not change in gravitational field.
In philosophy, piggy can understand physics more easily. Bounce…

“This time, in the transition of science from the “relativistic subconsciousness era” to the “SELF and PRESENCE era”, PHILOSOPHY shows it.”
Have a lovely day, guys.

Liqiang Chen
June 15, 2021
Why piggy has to be subjected to the control of local dark lords of the Jiangmen city? What a joke in 21st centry. It seems inappropriate. Piggy can’t surrender to those guys. That means piggy die hard in what CN. Bounce…
Now piggy doubts whether the pig head understands physics or not as the what coffin box from what CN said in PHF in 2020:
In fact, shortly after piggy left PHF in 2020, a local guy stopped piggy on the street and insisted he had a physics question to ask me. Piggy just replied to that guy: “I know nothing about physics”. Bounce…
0 Replies
Tue 15 Jun, 2021 05:34 pm
Velocity vs space – time, touchy and feely 2:

But the velocity of a small stone is essentially not the same case as that of the light. It is not capable to CONTROL of space – time. The conception of velocity is based on space – time, no matter in the dynamic situation (different inertial frames) or in the gravitational situation. So, the velocity of a small stone is subjected to the CONTROL of space – time in the category of “consciousness”. Then, the velocity of a small stone is a frame variable according to the traditional Lorentz transformation in SR, and it will change in gravitational field after you open your hand.
0 Replies
Tue 22 Jun, 2021 08:08 pm
When piggy was a kid, piggy often pulled a bull with a rope to the wild field and fed it with grass. But piggy never can pull a rabbit with a rope. Rabbit is a typical example of “can’t be educated” (不受教育).
0 Replies
Sat 26 Jun, 2021 10:28 pm
Pig Head Award for Peace:

Leadfoot’s comment in a2k:
“And that is the common interpretation of the movie. But rebellion was not McMurphy's motivation. McMurphy was just mentally free from the absurd constraints that society thinks are necessary. McMurphy was just being McMurphy, no rebellion, just the collision of very different world views.”
URL: https://able2know.org/topic/557594-2

As well as Leadfoot’s comment in a2k:
“Richard Bach is a writer. His best known work is probably "Jonathan Livingstone Seagull", the story of a bird that is shunned from the flock for his independent thinking and aspirations.”
URL: https://able2know.org/topic/1119-27

Liqiang Chen
June 27, 2021
0 Replies
Thu 8 Jul, 2021 01:37 am
How did a “prisoner of consciousness” generate? Touchy and feely:

Set out from the PRESENCE of spherical electromagnetic wave (simplified physical model as the “circle kind standing wave”) and the SELF of the mass – space integrity which reflected by the mass – space equation “r ∝1/ M” or “L ∝1/ M”;

Let it carry the effect of specific physical environment of movement: L’ ∝1/ M;
We can resort to a specific proportionate constant k, it will be a “whole” formula: L’ = k / M

Because the rest mass M0 and the mean length L are constants, let k = M0L;
Then: L’ = M0L / M;
So, ML’ = M0L;

Play math game:
L’ = L /γ (relativistic space) Here γ is the Gama factor in SR;
M = γM0 (relativistic mass) Here γ is the Gama factor in SR;

Philosophical analysis:

“Consciousness” “claimed a limitation” for people so that those people became “prisoner of consciousness”. Those “prisoner of consciousness” consider that “consciousness” is in CONTROL.
Namely, those “prisoner of consciousness” “sure enough” that space / length contraction is caused by velocity. So, their “consciousness” made a false impression for their thought that space / length contraction is just in the direction of movement.

But for those people who are AWARE and have entered into the new era of PRESENCE and SELF, consider that PRESENCE and SELF is in CONTROL.
Namely, they consider that the space / length contraction is caused by mass – space integrity (L ∝1 / M). Because mass is a scalar without direction, they understand that space / length contraction is in all directions.

Liqiang Chen
July 8 , 2021
0 Replies
Fri 9 Jul, 2021 02:21 pm
The trouble of the so called what “transverse and longitudinal mass” also came from those “prisoner of consciousness” “sure enough” velocity in CONTROL.

Below is abstract from Vanhees71’s post in a physics site:
“Einstein abandoned quite quickly the idea of relativistic masses. If you want to introduce this very confusing idea that the mass depends on the velocity of a particle, then you must introduce not only one such quantity but at least two, i.e., "transverse and longitudinal mass". This is utmost confusing and thus not done anymore by physicists using the special or general theory of relativity in contemporary research,…”

Piggy’s humble opinion is that what “confusing” is just their “consciousness”. If they are willing to enter the new era of PRESENCE and SELF, such “very confusing idea” automatically disappears. (The dynamic internal energy equation E = mc². The internal energy E is a SELF in CONTROL. E is a scalar without direction. So, the dynamic / relativistic mass m is also without direction.)
According to the mass – space equation (L ∝1 / M), if space can be relativistic, then mass should be relativistic too.

The mutual action between mass – space (mass – space integrity) is a fundamental natural relation.

The fun thing is that those “prisoner of consciousness” has to abandon something true and fundamental in physics just due to “confusing”of their “consciousness”.
Those “prisoner of consciousness” never can be AWARE of the FULCRUM over their head.

Liqiang Chen
July 10, 2021
Mon 12 Jul, 2021 07:29 am
Most people are at a loss as to how their mind works.Most do not even try to figure it out.Therefore as we do not know how our minds work,our minds have the AUTHORITY over us.

Even though science is UNAWARE about what consciousness is it claims we are no more than it.

Once one becomes AWARE that one is NOT consciousness types but one only experiences consciousness types then one can start exercising AUTHORITY over the consciousness types.

In order to do this one needs to recognise (be AWARE of ) the “TOGGLING” of the consciousness types.

The TWO consciousness types are AUTOPILOT and MANUAL.

We operate perfectly well with the “TOGGLING” mind……...however most operate in TOTAL UNAWARENESS and therefore fail to notice when AUTOPILOT “toggles” to MANUAL and when MANUAL “toggles” back to AUTOPILOT because it happens automatically.

Rather than just allowing the “toggling” process to happen automatically one first needs to become AWARE of this “toggling” process.This AWARENESS will only come about if one DOES SOMETHING ….i.e. if one takes CONTROL or exercises AUTHORITY.

One does need to exercise CONTROL which means one needs to CONSCIOUSLY SHIFT ones consciousness state from AUTOPILOT to MANUAL and then NOTICE (become AWARE) of how difficult it is to remain in MANUAL.One will just “toggle” back to AUTOPILOT until one SHIFTS ones consciousness state back to MANUAL again.This is how one KNOWS the “toggling” consciousness process that happens in the mind is a REAL concept and one is either AWARE of OR UNAWARE of this PROCESS.

Most do not exercise CONSCIOUSNESS control of their minds and this is solely down to AWARENESS.

AWARENESS is the key.
Wed 14 Jul, 2021 12:41 am
SELF needs to CONTROL ones TOGGLING between the 2 off CONSCIOUSNESS states thus STILLING ones mind.SELF will then understand the concept of the FULCRUM.

Wed 14 Jul, 2021 01:30 am
As SELF can experience a " TOGGLING" of consciousness states there must be a FULCRUM.

The question is...…..is SELF AWARE or UNAWARE of this?

Science needs to find it's FULCRUM correlation.
0 Replies
Fri 16 Jul, 2021 01:06 pm
Science? Now if some guys can feel that “non – confusing” actually is a bit better than “confusing” in science, piggy will be very happy.

Piggy found that some scientists don’t care the trouble of relativistic mass. They just use it normally. While some scientists such as Vanhees71 felt it “very confusing”. Which guy’s consciousness is correct? (actually they all not yet entered into the new era of PRESENCE and SELF )
The standard of science “toggling” between + / -?

The local dark lord of the Jiangmen city Mr. Zhong钟永康said once upon a time: “I have been in the upper position (in the local society) 上了位”. Piggy agrees with his statement very much.
While piggy seems a third - rated citizen bungee bungee in the lowest level of the local society.
So, he always considers that it’s reasonable to control piggy’s fate (confine piggy as a half – self payment watchman in his small business to show up how glorious he is in the local Jiangmen city).
The First Order always considers that it’s reasonable to define piggy as a drudge or even “dead man”.

UPPER POSITION is the key.

0 Replies
Fri 16 Jul, 2021 01:13 pm
One step forward or backward, touchy and feely:

As piggy shown ahead:
L’ = L /γ ①
M = γM0 ②
It’s a suite of equation group.

Philosophical analysis:
If people consider “γ” (the Gama factor) is reasonable in equation ① and that space / length contraction is just in the direction of movement is reasonable;
Then, “γ” (the Gama factor) is also reasonable in equation ② and that the so called what “transverse and longitudinal mass” is also reasonable;

But as piggy shown ahead, some people consider that the "transverse and longitudinal mass" is utmost confusing and have to abandon “the idea of relativistic masses”. That means “γ” (the Gama factor) is NOT reasonable in equation ②; Then, “γ” (the Gama factor) is also NOT reasonable in equation ① and space / length contraction is just in the direction of movement is NOT reasonable too. Then, they have to abandon “the idea of relativistic space” too.

And they have to abandon “the idea of relativistic time”.

That means they have to abandon SR. Science has to go back to Newton’s era. Bounce…
Or “Science needs to find it's FULCRUM”?
(Piggy die hard. I am sure. But piggy is not quite sure what’s the fate of science.)
Fri 16 Jul, 2021 01:53 pm
The FULCRUM must be associated with SPACE and not matter.

We know that PRESENCE and SELF are not influenced by gravity if they are at the FULCRUM.

What is space? NEUTRAL matter?

There is SPACE within our physical bodies at the quantum level after all and we know that darkness is full of light if PRESENCE is there.

Fri 16 Jul, 2021 02:12 pm
PRESENCE is not influenced by the “toggling” forces which hold matter together because PRESENCE sits outside of those forces within SPACE.

SELF just gets confused.
0 Replies
Fri 16 Jul, 2021 02:25 pm
Science is not something has to cater to your casual imagination.
Fri 16 Jul, 2021 03:38 pm
ummmm..casual imaginations…maybe….maybe not…There is always structure to my reasonings.Probably best to stay STILL at the FULCRUM for a while though ….you are right.
Fri 16 Jul, 2021 11:04 pm
“Probably best to stay STILL at the FULCRUM for a while though”
Yes. You are wise in this way of your advantage. (Seems you should go to wiki to recommend your this advantage.) haha
And perhaps Einstein would have to climb up to the FULCRUM and stay STILL with you too. Of course Einstein has another choice: abandon his relativistic principle and go back to stay with Newton.

What’s space is too “meta” thing to be imagined by us, I think. Perhaps it’s the subject of research for boys 1 million years later.
Sat 17 Jul, 2021 12:32 am
We refer to PENDULUM because of its fixed and MOVING part….i.e.representative of the autopilot/manual/still (non toggling) consciousness states.(See matchstick man analogy).

When it comes to philosophy “SEESAW” is a better fit than PENDULUM because it correlates with the 4 off logic output possibilities (0,0..0,1..1,0..1,1).The comma being the FULCRUM.

In philosophy we are looking at 2 off independent systems working together…AUTOMATIC and NON AUTOMATIC.

SELF is either AWARE or UNAWARE of this.

If AWARE SELF can CONTROL the consciousness states.

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