rayban1 wrote:The factual source for this blasphemous article also made me laugh..."An INDEPENDENT think tank, staffed with academics and former civil servants." added comment of mine.....who could be counted upon by the Guardian to provide any amount of biased information to support the Guardian's political agenda.
I take it you don't mean blasphemous in a literal sense, but still...
Who would you rather the independent think tank be staffed with? Who else do you think should staff the think tank? Civilians with no experience of intelligence? Politicians that are affiliated with the Government that launched the war in the first place, and are thus biased towards the Government?
Oh, and Rayban, the right-wing Times, also has an article on the Chatham House's statements.
Does that mean they've got an agenda too?
You may argue that the right-wing Times at least included a denial statement from the Government... but guess what? So did the Guardian, except they gave it its very own article.
Quote:The excerpt below is a statement made by an Islamic propagandist blaming the Iraq war for turning these "poor boys" into murderers.
Guardian quote wrote:Azzam Tamimi of the Muslim Association of Britain told a rally in Russell Square, near the scene of the bus bombing, that the Muslim community would not suffer in silence for the crimes of the suicide bombers. "We will continue to talk, we will continue to write and we will continue to challenge the government. I say to Muslims, do not bow to pressure to keep accepting those pointing fingers at you.
"Say, 'No, I'm not responsible for what happened on July 7. My heart bleeds, I condemn it, yes, but I did not make those boys angry. I did not send those bombs to Iraq. I do not keep people locked in Guantánamo Bay and I do not have anything to do with Abu Ghraib, except to denounce it.' Politicians, see what you have done to this world?"
Please keep deluding yourself by taking at face value what this Islamic propagandist says.......
And what do you expect him to say, Rayban?
What if they were all Christian? What if this had been a Christian bombing on an Islamic site? Would the Christian community have been justified to say that they weren't responsible?
Maybe it's the way you worded it, but I get the general impression that you are labelling all Muslims as terrorists and responsible for terrorists.
Quote:My new name for you Steve........Lord Chamberlain.....as in Neville Chamberlain
I know that's not directed at me, but still... The insults and name-calling never stop coming with you, do they, Rayban?