rayban1 wrote:I want to make one last statement before I withdraw from this thread for good. From what your very efficient police dept has learned about the 4 bombers, it is evident that those who preach hate in your Muslim enclaves are to blame for the transition of well to do young Muslims from peaceful young people to lunatic bombers. You should be doing what WE SHOULD be doing here in this country........monitoring every prayer meeting with Arabic translators and identify those who preach hate. After they are identified, they should be removed and jailed or held in custody like the terrorists at Gitmo where they can be interrogated. 'We should then insist that Pakistan close every Madrassa school and then blow it up.
If we could identify and isolate every Imam and anyone of influence who preaches hate, perhaps the Muslim religion could be returned to the moderates. It is clear that the moderates can not take it back because of the intimidation they face from the fanatics.
If we don't get serious about eliminating the preaching of hatred, we will continue having random terrorist bombings and hollow, meaningless arguments like those I have witnessed on this thread.
You all continue with the insults.
Hmmm - I wonder whether such actions would increase the hate?
My research - such as it is - (I was listening to a program about it on radio the other day) suggests that a few madrasa schools in Pakistan are, indeed, very dangerous - however, how would you lot react if Pakistan demanded that all your bible colleges be closed? Is this likely to decrease hatred and terrorism?
As I understand it, it is a scramble to get good intelligence into the Islamic communities - whether they be in western countries or countries of origin. I assume there is a great deal of recruitment going on?
It is, indeed, very disturbing that young people of tolerant and "good" background (I understand that some of the families are quite prominent re espousing a tolerant and freer for women Islam?) should do this. It seems internationally that quite a number of fanatical Islamist youth are educated and their families quite well to do.
My understanding is that a recent study in the UK found that many of its communities lived parallel lives - hardly mixing from one ethnicity to another - and that in some cities there was a lot of hostility.
I actually think this is not uncommon with each successive wave of immigration - especially where it is quite fast - think of the immense hostility between native born and Irish in the US when the waves of the Irish diaspora hit your shores. I wonder if this is worse than other waves, and whether this separateness can be addressed at all?
I cannot help thinking of my Egyptian Islamic father client, who, when I asked about teenage rebellion in his culture (his daughter was attempting this - and I was trying to make Australian cultural sense of it for him) spoke of fanatical fundamentalism as the form it often took at present in some Islamic countries.
I also understood that the UK HAD, in fact, taken action against a few Imams who were preaching hate. Is there a real sense that there are many of them in the UK?