Joe Nation" wrote: Maybe you could tell about some of that good progress you are making and how you are accomplishing it? Oh, and don't forget to include what country you live in because I know it can't be the United States.
Joe......even though I suspect I am wasting my time, I will attempt to explain what I believe a multiculturalist is and to put that explanation into context in today's insane world.
There was a time not too long ago, that people wanted to come to this country not only for opportunity but to assimilate into the society here and to become an American. You can go to Japan but never become a Japanese, you can go France and never become French, you can go to Germany but never become a German.....well you get the idea. But, you could come to America and become an American because this is, as they say the melting pot of the world. That is until some stupid f**king liberal decided that Hispanics should not be required to speak English and that we should have Spanish speaking teachers, and everything should have instructions in Spanish. Now I have nothing against the Spanish language, except when someone wants to come to this country for opportunity but does not want to become an American........that really pisses me off. It tells me that this SOB wants my opportunity, and wants my money, wants to take American jobs from Americans......but.....he doesn't want my culture. He wants his culture on top of everything else that he wants from me. To top that off, there's a bunch of Liberals who say that's OK......these a**holes my friend, are multiculturalists.
You say.....what's wrong with that? Immigration is the kep to our success and what keeps us fresh with new blood. That was true when immigrants wanted to become Americans and to assimilate into what has become the American culture. The danger is what has happened to the UK.......they have many cultures who don't want any part of the English culture but they want all the freedoms and all the advantages of being English. When that happens you no longer have a country full of instead have a country full of many cultures tearing England apart.
On the other hand you have Australia......immigration is very restrictive and they have a country full of Australians.
I want America to once again be a country of many different nationalities who want to become Americans and who want to share in what used to be called the American dream. I think we should hang a sign on the door that says..........If you don't want to become an American...keep right on truckin".
So you see Joe, I like other nationalities and I want them to come here. They can even keep their culture as long as they want to learn and speak my language during business hours, and as long as they don't try to force their culture on me or my family. Those are the conditions.....if you can't abide by them, you are free to go to Canada or anywhere else but don't put your bags down here.
This is to D'art...what ever your name is. You accused me of doing nothing but cutting and pasting and you defended Joe for stating what he believes.......well this what I believe and I didn't cut and paste it.....will you defend me? Naw, I didn't think so.