FFS, we've already established that Biden isn't a "pedophile". Now you're going to bust him for inhaling the atmosphere in his immediate proximity! You do realize that the sense of smell is an autonomic response, not a voluntary activity where we decide whether or not to smell something, right?
Yes, I've seen plenty of other politicians kissing babies, stroking kids and patting their heads, and giving hugs to adults. It's called "pressing the flesh".
Quote:It's kind of like Michael Jackson.
No, it isn't. At all.
Quote:The parents let him get away with it because he has money, or influence or they work for him.
So now furnish us a list of children who spent the night at Biden's home.
Quote:You can see the discomfort on their faces as Biden touches them inappropriately.
Which means nothing. Some kids delight in that sort of thing, some don't. (I didn't.)
I wonder what he does at private functions out of the camera eye?
Yeah, you probably do.
Honi soit qui mal y pense.