Ummm, it isn't about ridicule.
Biden is effectively a confused and tired old man. What he should be doing is taking a nap, and staying out of strong political decisions. If he were to do this, his presidency would basically have no bumps in it, and even conservatives would respect him.
But instead, he is not only senile, he is dangerously arrogant, behaving much like a father of a trans girl who "knows" his child is really a boy, and pushes and pushes, knowing that if they just push hard enough, they will break down that illusion. Actually? The trans girl runs away, ends up homeless, gets mixed up in prostitution, and winds up dead when one of her clients can't deal with her man parts.
You think I'm exaggerating, but this is exactly what this electric car initiative is like. He "knows" that electric cars are what is best, so despite the fact that most people wouldn't be able to afford the cost of one (not only that, somehow the price of all new cars was bumped up, as we wound up paying $11,ooo for a new car), despite the enormous gas prices we have to suffer, despite the fact that electric cars will literally result in the collapse of gas stations as there is no possible way that people can wait 10 hours for their turn at the pump, and despite that people know this is a disaster of an idea, his idiot supporters think his **** is made of gold.
Just as the father of a trans girl must eventually realize that it's better to have a trans girl than a dead boy (they will not always get things right but they aren't going to be heavy handed anymore), a good president who wants people to switch to electric ought first to actually do the research about charge times, work with auto manufacturers to offer bonuses to people to make more efficient EVs, rather than penalizing gas stations and penalizing gas car owns and penalizing everyone else hoping to force it down everyone's throat. If you want the market to change, you must leave the market open to competition, and until EVs are actually competitive and not an environmental disaster (*ahem* rare earth runoff, high price batteries, strip mining for components) you need to accept that some people will not switch until it makes sense.