I will not call myself a gold digger but stable income( note: I said stable not more nor less) would surely be a factor when I am looking for a guy to get married. Having said that I would not date a guy who does not have a stable income even if he is HOT and gets me all drooling over him
I am a kind of person who likes to see a stable future or likes to save for kids college, for their upbringing.. etc. So, my not working is also not an option. Doesn't matter weather my husband has an income less than me or more than me. As long as both of our incomes put together is enough for us in old age and enough for our kids, i'm OK.
But now I am married. If at this time, he looses his job or anything happens to that stable income.. will I leave him???? of course NOT. because I love him.
That is what is love.. don't base your decision on couple you have seen. I am sorry you have been unlucky to get into only the wrong types. But the majority of them are not like the ones you described.