Something the Mainstream Media Won't Tell You

Reply Wed 28 Oct, 2020 08:58 am
Trump brokers peace deal between Israel and UAE:


Trump brokers peace deal between Israel and Bahrain:


Trump brokers peace deal between Israel and Sudan:


Trump receives four Nobel Peace Prize nominations:

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Type: Question • Score: 16 • Views: 6,943 • Replies: 136

Reply Wed 28 Oct, 2020 09:00 am
Aren't you quoting "mainstream media" here? I've seen all of these in traditional forums.
Reply Wed 28 Oct, 2020 09:03 am
Something the mainstream media downplays.
Reply Wed 28 Oct, 2020 09:15 am
I've seen/heard dozens of articles on this including detailed analysis and breakdowns of how it impacts the various factions in the Middle East. Why do you feel it was not covered?
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Wed 28 Oct, 2020 09:39 am
The headline is "Something the Mainstream Media Won't Tell You"
Then you changed to:
"Something the mainstream media downplays."

We had reports over reports, online, in print and on tv about it.
A quick google search gives similar results for the USA.
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Reply Wed 28 Oct, 2020 10:11 am
I am curious about what you think the "mainstream media" is, and what you think it should do.

I don't know how much of a big deal these peace deals are to most Americans. They are not going to have very much impact on the lives of most people. Media outlets like CNN or US News don't have any reason to care.

NPR had a pretty in depth coverage of these peace deals. I heard several long stories about these negotiations.

Not all of the details of these stories are complimentary of Trump. If you think that "media" should act as pro-administration propaganda... be careful what you wish for.

The Trump Nobel Prize story is ridiculous.

Quick question for Brandon... how many other nominees can he name?
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Reply Wed 28 Oct, 2020 10:12 am
We have an independent media and an unpopular president who says stupid things.

I don't know what Brandon would expect.
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Reply Wed 28 Oct, 2020 10:20 am
Brokering peace deals between Israel and three of its neighbors is good, and receiving four nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize is good.
Reply Wed 28 Oct, 2020 10:43 am
Brokering peace deals between Israel and three of its neighbors is good...

None of those states were hostile to Israel nor were the Palestinians included in the "peace deal".

Stephen Hoadley wrote:
Moreover, the September 15 agreements are less substantial than they appear. First, they are diplomatic recognition agreements, not formal treaties. Second, they were signed not by Gulf heads of state but ministers of foreign affairs. Third, they sidestepped the thorny issue of Israel-Palestinian conflict. The ‘two state’ solution remains stalled because of the division of the Palestinians into rival factions Hamas and Fatah, the refusal of either to accept Israel as a legitimate state or to renounce ‘resistance’ (aka terrorism), and reluctance by right-of-centre Israeli governments led by Benjamin Netanyahu. Fourth, the Gulf signatories conditioned their agreements on Israel’s cancellation of plans to annex 30 percent of the West Bank (legitimised by Trump’s Middle East Peace Plan). But Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu asserted that the annexation was only ‘suspended’.

Further inquiry reveals that integral to the agreements were promises by Trump to sell a billion dollars’ worth of advanced US arms (fighters, surveillance aircraft, and armed drones) to UAE. This followed a $10 billion arms sale to Saudi Arabia that circumvented Congressional approval, and one that the Obama administration had partially halted because of concerns that the arms were used by Saudi Arabia to bomb residential neighbourhoods in Yemen, opening the US to possible war crimes charges.


...and receiving four nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize is good.

Why is it "good"? Ending hostilities between historic enemies might be considered good but simply being nominated for a prize is pretty much meaningless. Stalin, for instance, was nominated. And so has Joe Biden. Hundreds of people are nominated.
Reply Wed 28 Oct, 2020 10:49 am
Rock the Kasbah.

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Reply Wed 28 Oct, 2020 10:52 am
Brandon9000 wrote:

Brokering peace deals between Israel and three of its neighbors is good, and receiving four nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize is good.

It is not whether they are "good" or not. It is whether they are consequential. Do you want media to report everything "good" about Trump whether it is newsworthy or not?

A nomination for a peace prize is not consequential. That one is silly.

I don't know how much you have read about these peace deals. Do you understand what they are about... or are you just looking for pro-Trump storylines?

Reply Wed 28 Oct, 2020 11:41 am
maxdancona wrote:

... or are you just looking for pro-Trump storylines?

Well, there’s not much good to say about the sumbitch, so I guess he needs to crow about whatever he can find.
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Reply Wed 28 Oct, 2020 12:10 pm
maxdancona wrote:
...A nomination for a peace prize is not consequential. That one is silly....

Israel has been largely isolated in the Middle East. Peace deals with three Islamic Middle Eastern countries is a good thing.

Getting one Nobel Peace Prize nomination might be a fluke, but getting four in one year is an indicator that people think you have done something noteworthy.

This is three good things that Trump has done and some international recognition for it.
Reply Wed 28 Oct, 2020 12:30 pm
Getting one Nobel Peace Prize nomination might be a fluke, but getting four in one year is an indicator that people think you have done something noteworthy.

How many other people have gotten four Nobel Peace Prize nomination? Is this something common, or rare? Do you even know how many nominations are given out? Four people out of 9 would be a big deal. Four people supporting Trump out of ten thousand is not.

I am not asking you to go google this now. I am pointing out that you are making broad statements without knowing anything about the actual facts.

You are speaking from the perspective of a die hard Trump fan. The "mainstream media" is not supposed to do this (with the obvious exception of Fox News).

Reply Wed 28 Oct, 2020 12:41 pm
Ok Brandon.... I am doing your homework for you.

You have swallowed political propaganda without any independent thought.

This one is pretty easy to debunk... there are tens of thousands of people who have the power to nominate anyone they want. In the past, Stalin, Mussolini, Tito (the brutal Yugoslavian dictator), and Trujillo (the brutal Dominican dictator) have all been nominated.


Brandon, you really should do your homework before post nonsense like this. The mainstream media isn't perfect, but it is made better with independent thought. The political garbage you are slinging is pretty easy to debunk with only a few minutes of looking for facts.

Maybe the mainstream media would help you. The propaganda that you seem to accept without question isn't very factual.

Reply Wed 28 Oct, 2020 12:51 pm
As Saudi Arabia was so close to America, Saudi citizens were able to carry out 9/11 with no trouble at all. Now Saudi Arabia is getting closer to Israel.

Israel is making peace with rich Arab autocrats, if anything it’s angering ordinary Arabs. Bahrain is a prime example, home of the American 5th fleet and ruled by a tiny Sunni minority.

The vast majority of the population are Shia and therefore more likely to lean towards Iran. Lots of targets for disgruntled subjects there.

When it kicks off it will be pretty spectacular.
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Reply Wed 28 Oct, 2020 12:56 pm
Countdown to someone claiming that Snopes is a left wing organization, biased against Trump in 5 - 4 - 3 - ...
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Wed 28 Oct, 2020 01:38 pm
Brandon9000 wrote:
Getting one Nobel Peace Prize nomination might be a fluke, but getting four in one year is an indicator that people think you have done something noteworthy.
There were 318 candidates for the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize (211 individuals and 107 organizations), which is the fourth largest number in the history of the prize. However, the Norwegian Nobel Committee does not reveal the names of nominators nor of the nominees for the Nobel Peace Prize before 50 years have passed.

Brandon9000 wrote:
This is three good things that Trump has done and some international recognition for it.
How do you know this? The nominator (or nominators) could be US-Americans.
Reply Wed 28 Oct, 2020 01:45 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
We actually know at least two of the people who nominated Trump. They did it publicly.

An example is Christian Tybring-Gjedde, who is exactly who you would expect him to be. He is virulently anti-immigrant and is a climate denier. He is not an idiot. He is an asshole. He knows perfectly well the political statement he is making.
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Reply Wed 28 Oct, 2020 02:11 pm
maxdancona wrote:

Getting one Nobel Peace Prize nomination might be a fluke, but getting four in one year is an indicator that people think you have done something noteworthy.

How many other people have gotten four Nobel Peace Prize nomination? Is this something common, or rare? Do you even know how many nominations are given out? Four people out of 9 would be a big deal. Four people supporting Trump out of ten thousand is not.

I am not asking you to go google this now. I am pointing out that you are making broad statements without knowing anything about the actual facts.

You are speaking from the perspective of a die hard Trump fan. The "mainstream media" is not supposed to do this (with the obvious exception of Fox News).

What you're trying to sell me is false. It's self-evident that getting four nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize in one year is good. There may be other people who get this, but I don't hear about it in the news, so it can't be very common.

It's also self-evident that negotiation peace treaties between Israel and any three Islamic Middle Eastern states is good.

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