To this day, I still encounter many people who believe that the mid-east conflict is about terrorism and security, or about religious animosity but who don't realize the territorial aspect of the dispute.
Look at this map:
The first image is prior to the creation of Israel, and the second image was the planned partition of the land between Jews and Palestinians. The third image, is the 1967 borders that have been the basis of negotiation since, and the last image includes portions of the West Bank and Gaza that are currently under Israeli control.
The most relevant changes in my opinion are between image number 2 and image number 3. In the 2nd, you can see that Jerusalem is not part of Israel (according to the partition plan it was supposed to be neutral despite being in the middle of Palestinian territory). In the 3rd you see that Israeli territory has stretched over to engulf Jerusalem and carved its way through Palestinian territory to secure the historic city.
Israel has every right to defend herself, and a great deal of blame should be put on Palestinian extremists who have given Israel all the excuses needed to prevent Palestinian statehood, but it's foolish not to recognize the extremist element of Israeli society that also rejects the Palestinian's right to exist (see the Likud party's resolution to never allow a Palestinian state) and that has opposed every de-escalation of this conflict. It's foolish not to recognize that the Palestinian people have been under a blockade that constitutes an act of war for most of the last 50 years. And it's foolish to ignore that there are extremist Israeli settlers systemically settling the best Palestinian land that they can.
As long as there is conflict these extremists who reject a two-state solution can continue to redraw their borders. They even objected to the Israeli security wall because they feared it would become a limit to Israeli territory that they wanted to keep appropriating from Palestinians.
This element of Israeli society deserves to be recognized for their consistent efforts to prolong and escalate this conflict. "Greater Israel" advocates deny the Palestinians' right to exist just as the extremists in Palestine deny the right of Israel to exist.