Something the Mainstream Media Won't Tell You

Thu 29 Oct, 2020 03:15 am
Putting good news about Trump on A2K brings out all the regular dregs of humanity. They could have read it and moved on, but instead took the time to repeatedly insult Brandon and downplay the news.

Actually this observation applies to many threads and posters across the board, regardless of political ideology. Try saying something good about the Obama years, or Fauci, or the European Union and a similar phenomenon plays out.
You get the typical "What about Palestine?" drivel. You get the usual pitter patter of "orange man bad" and TDS.

Considering that the plight of the Palestinians is what led the Arabs to oppose the creation of the Israeli state, why is showing some concern that their problems weren't addressed considered to be "drivel"? I didn't read anyone saying "orange man bad" or anything like it. The criticism was directed at pro-Trump comments from a person who obviously didn't know much about the nomination process and was merely parroting pro-Trump coverage in right-wing media. The fact that a few right-wing politicians submitted his name doesn't mean he deserves credit as a great peacemaker. In this case we see that TDS is actually a condition afflicting Trump supporters, where every move he makes is seen as trying to "Make America Great Again" (whatever that means) and every speech he makes is the equivalent to Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. Of course we know he thinks could be “more presidential than any president ever, except for the possible exception of Abraham Lincoln when he’s wearing the hat,” so it's possible his supporters contract TDS from hearing him say stuff like that.
There is nothing to be gained by coming here except disappointment these days.

Well sure, if you come here thinking that everyone shares your point of view. You've obviously become too invested in the Trump regime to accept that he's not universally loved and respected. Hell, a person can't even explain why receiving four nominations for a Nobel Prize isn't that big of a deal — mainly because the "peace deal" involved countries not overtly hostile to Israel — without Trump supporters crying about the unfairness being shown to the MAGAsaurus.
Thu 29 Oct, 2020 03:34 am
izzythepush wrote:
Dregs who use grab them by the pussy as their avatar, dregs who think paedophilia is alpha male behaviour, the sort of dregs who excuse racists and Nazis.

Please provide evidence that Trump supports pedophilia, racism, an Nazis. One example of each will do.
Thu 29 Oct, 2020 03:52 am
Please provide evidence that Trump supports pedophilia, racism, an Nazis.

Um...the "dregs" comment wasn't being applied to Trump — McG flung it at Trump's detractors. Here we see TDS in the minds of Trump supporters at work again — knee jerk defense of Dear Leader even when Trump's not being attacked!
Thu 29 Oct, 2020 03:54 am

Actually this observation applies to many threads and posters across the board, regardless of political ideology.

This is a provably false statement. Also HILARIOUS. Typical leftist bullshit, just saying that something is so, when reality proves otherwise.

I didn't read anyone saying "orange man bad" or anything like it.

Then you are blind. That is literally all that the 'in crowd' on A2K ever has to say. There's even a whole thread dedicated to it!


The criticism was directed at pro-Trump comments from a person who obviously didn't know much about the nomination process and was merely parroting pro-Trump coverage in right-wing media.

Only according to brain dead leftist muppets who are unable to think thoughts unless the NY Times approves it first.

The fact that a few right-wing politicians submitted his name doesn't mean he deserves credit as a great peacemaker.

Maybe not, but his actual accomplishments do.

TDS is actually a condition afflicting Trump supporters

Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

Deflection of the highest order. Everybody come have a look at what cognitive dissonance looks like!

Thu 29 Oct, 2020 03:56 am
Please provide evidence that Trump supports pedophilia, racism, an Nazis. One example of each will do.

Zero evidence exists. However, that will not stop the mentally unhinged here from claiming it.

Prove the contrary!

The leftists here simply cannot. Period.
0 Replies
Thu 29 Oct, 2020 04:13 am
hightor wrote:

Please provide evidence that Trump supports pedophilia, racism, an Nazis.

Um...the "dregs" comment wasn't being applied to Trump — McG flung it at Trump's detractors. Here we see TDS in the minds of Trump supporters at work again — knee jerk defense of Dear Leader even when Trump's not being attacked!

This wasn't a response to McG. It was a response to Izzy's comment. He was implying that these are behaviors of Trump.
0 Replies
Thu 29 Oct, 2020 04:14 am
The media has literally ZERO credibility in the eyes of the average person, and they have only themselves to blame

I know, more than two syllables and your outta there!!
0 Replies
Thu 29 Oct, 2020 04:18 am

This is a provably false statement. Also HILARIOUS. Typical leftist bullshit, just saying that something is so, when reality proves otherwise

Actually, it's your reply which is provably false.

That is literally all that the 'in crowd' on A2K ever has to say.

So show where it was said it this particular thread.

Maybe not, but his actual accomplishments do.

Like achieving peace with N. Korea? Like implementing his wonderful health coverage plan? Like defeating the covid-19 pandemic?

Deflection of the highest order.

Not a deflection at all, merely a demonstration of the truth of my earlier comment:
I wrote:

Actually this observation applies to many threads and posters across the board, regardless of political ideology.

Once people eschew facts and discussion devolves into innuendo and name-calling, the tactics used by people on both sides are very similar.
Thu 29 Oct, 2020 04:26 am
He supports the NRA an armed group of paedophiles dedicated to killing children.

He boasted about sticking his fingers up the vagina of a fourteen year old girl.

When he did that McGentrix put that as his avatar, said that was alpha male behaviour behaviour and the only thing stopping him from doing the same was a lack of backbone.

Trump supported the Nazi proud boys.

Why do you care, you know he is a Nazi supporting paedophile which is why you’re voting for him.
Thu 29 Oct, 2020 04:33 am
He supports the NRA an armed group of paedophiles dedicated to killing children.


He boasted about sticking his fingers up the vagina of a fourteen year old girl.


Trump supported the Nazi


Why do you care, you know he is a Nazi supporting paedophile which is why you’re voting for him.

You're the one who supports "paedophile" Biden who sniffs children.
0 Replies
Thu 29 Oct, 2020 04:35 am
Actually, it's your reply which is provably false.

Wrong. You are a proven liar.

So show where it was said it this particular thread.


Literally an entire thread of "Orange man bad."

Not a deflection at all, merely a demonstration of the truth of my earlier comment:

All you do is deflect. You are very dishonest. It shows your lack of moral character.

Thu 29 Oct, 2020 04:57 am
Literally an entire thread of "Orange man bad."

Not that thread, THIS one, "Something the Mainstream Media Won't Tell You". Remember, you said this:
That is literally all that the 'in crowd' on A2K ever has to say.

I don't see anyone saying that in this thread.

Literally an entire thread of "Orange man bad."

Actually I don't see those words in that thread either so "literally" is wrong.
Thu 29 Oct, 2020 05:01 am
On any given day, the entire theme of A2K as a website is "Orange man bad."

If you disagree with that fact, you are either delusional or a liar.
Thu 29 Oct, 2020 06:11 am
I wrote:
Please provide evidence that Trump supports pedophilia, racism, an Nazis. One example of each will do.

izzythepush wrote:

He supports the NRA an armed group of paedophiles dedicated to killing children.

Nonsense. Which group are you talking about? Provide evidence that this statement is true at all.

izzythepush wrote:

He boasted about sticking his fingers up the vagina of a fourteen year old girl.

He did not. What the hell are you talking about? Provide a link to him doing this.

izzythepush wrote:

When he did that McGentrix put that as his avatar, said that was alpha male behaviour behaviour and the only thing stopping him from doing the same was a lack of backbone.

I didn't ask you to provide evidence about McGentrix. This is off topic.

izzythepush wrote:

Trump supported the Nazi proud boys.

God, this is like talking to children. Provide evidence that he supports the Proud Boys and evidence that they're Nazis.

The statement you made was simply a lie. Anyone can accuse anyone of anything. If I cared to, in less that two minutes I could tell all sorts of lies about you. So what?
Thu 29 Oct, 2020 06:16 am
I’m not wasting any more time with you.

Your whole thread is a lie, you claim the MSM is not reporting Trump’s activities in the ME. They are, you were lying.

And now you’re lying about your paedophile buddies in the NRA.

They certainly act like paedophiles, marching in celebration every time a school is shot up. They threaten the parents of victims, including posting names and addresses online so they can be murdered by other NRA members.
Thu 29 Oct, 2020 07:13 am
On any given day, the entire theme of A2K as a website is "Orange man bad."

Okay let's look at the opening page of the forum today:

The first topic concerns height. Then there's one about yoga. AFL Pick 'em game, two political threads, a crossword puzzle...

If you look at the page, out of 25 topics, only four are political, three of which were started by you. If you look at those topics, many of the replies are concerned with various aspects of the current political landscape and don't specifically target Trump. So obviously your claim that the entire theme of the website is concerned with Trump, his application of cosmetics, and the depth of his evil is simply false.
0 Replies
Thu 29 Oct, 2020 07:15 am
izzythepush wrote:
I’m not wasting any more time with you.

Your whole thread is a lie, you claim the MSM is not reporting Trump’s activities in the ME. They are, you were lying.

And now you’re lying about your paedophile buddies in the NRA.

They certainly act like paedophiles, marching in celebration every time a school is shot up. They threaten the parents of victims, including posting names and addresses online so they can be murdered by other NRA members.

Let me see if I've got your argument that Donald Trump is a pedophile straight, and correct me if I do not. Your argument is:

1) Trump supports the NRA
2) The NRA consists of pedophiles
3) Therefore, Donald Trump is a pedophile.

Honestly? That's what you're going with?

The problem with your argument is that #2 is false. A pedophile is defined as someone who wishes to have sex with children. The NRA is an American organization dedicated to protecting gun rights. The members are not pedophiles. I mean, they have five and a half million members. I suppose that any group of five and a half million people there could be a small number pedophiles, but that would be true of any group that size. The NRA is not an organization of pedophiles. Your argument is false.
0 Replies
Thu 29 Oct, 2020 07:16 am
To be fair... we are right in the middle of a heated political season. This election is kind of a big deal, it makes sense for people to be obsessed with it.

In a few months, there will be almost no mention of Trump here.
0 Replies
Thu 29 Oct, 2020 07:45 am
You've posted a couple of these MSM doesn't report stuff threads. I have a few thoughts. First, the sites you like, the "non Mainstream Media", don't actually report news, they aggregate articles they like from various MSM sites and give them extra attention. As people repeatedly point out when you post these threads, all of them were in the MSM, that is where they started. Second, these stories are old in news time by the time you find them on aggregator sites. All the stuff about Mid East peace was hot a couple of weeks ago, all over the press. Now it is old news so when you go to MSM sites to look for articles, the continuous press of the 24hr news cycle has pushed it out and you don't see it. Finally, MSM is concerned with lots of news, not just politics. These stories were covered along with hurricanes in the Gulf, fires in California, Covid19 upticks in the Mid West, election news, etc. The battle for the front page is tough and ongoing. The stories you posted made it, but not for more than 24hrs. You might feel they deserve more attention but I doubt you could say they were treated unfairly by a biased press.
Thu 29 Oct, 2020 10:11 am
engineer wrote:

You've posted a couple of these MSM doesn't report stuff threads. I have a few thoughts. First, the sites you like, the "non Mainstream Media", don't actually report news, they aggregate articles they like from various MSM sites and give them extra attention. As people repeatedly point out when you post these threads, all of them were in the MSM, that is where they started. Second, these stories are old in news time by the time you find them on aggregator sites. All the stuff about Mid East peace was hot a couple of weeks ago, all over the press. Now it is old news so when you go to MSM sites to look for articles, the continuous press of the 24hr news cycle has pushed it out and you don't see it. Finally, MSM is concerned with lots of news, not just politics. These stories were covered along with hurricanes in the Gulf, fires in California, Covid19 upticks in the Mid West, election news, etc. The battle for the front page is tough and ongoing. The stories you posted made it, but not for more than 24hrs. You might feel they deserve more attention but I doubt you could say they were treated unfairly by a biased press.

I do not see any mention of the Hunter Biden story. Why is that?
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