Setanta wrote:Tediously, I point out your statement of opinions as though they were facts routinely.
You cannot provide any examples of a post where you have ever pointed out such a thing.
Neither can you provide any examples of me posting an opinion as a fact even now.
Setanta wrote:China is not a military threat to the United States.
That is incorrect. China is rapidly building up their military forces, and their ability to confront the US grows every day.
Setanta wrote:Neither China nor Russia can threaten us in any realm other than thermonuclear exchange, when mutual assured destruction sets in.
As I just noted, China is rapidly building up their military forces, and their ability to confront the US grows every day.
Setanta wrote:In any event, bloated military expenditures like the F35 boondoggle do not protect us from that.
What we really need are F-22s. Obama did a lot of damage to our nation when he shut down production of F-22s.
Setanta wrote:North Korea is no threat to us,
They are a pretty serious threat to some of our allies. A lot of Americans will die to protect those allies if the Korean War restarts.
Setanta wrote:and Kim made of fool of the fat boy in the White House, and looks eager to do so again.
Talking to them and seeing if peace can be reached is hardly foolish.
Setanta wrote:Iran is not threat to us,
Tell that to all the Americans that Iran has killed over the years.
Setanta wrote:Kovind in India is no friend of freedom and democracy and the BJP is rapidly crushing all opposition parties.
I disagree. India is a democratic state. They merely protect themselves from the menace of Islam.
Setanta wrote:I have pointed out that you are lying when you call GB a traitor.
You are again wrong. I was not lying. I find her comments quite treasonous.
Setanta wrote:I have pointed out in the past that you are wrong about the cause of the first crusade--
I am not wrong. The Crusades were a response to the invasion of the Byzantine Empire and to the ravishing of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.
Setanta wrote:you originally claimed it was to prevent an invasion of Europe,
No I didn't. I originally said that the Crusades (Fourth Crusade excepted) were legitimate wars of justified self defense against Islamic aggression, and there was nothing exploitative about them.
That said, it is pretty obvious that Europe was going to be next as soon as the Byzantine Empire fell.
Setanta wrote:which is a lie.
Had I said it, it would have been an error, not a lie.
As previously noted, it isn't what I said, although it is pretty obvious that Europe was going to be next as soon as the Byzantine Empire fell.
I recently gave you a list of links to my original Crusades posts when you said that you were having trouble finding them. You really have no excuse for misstating my original posts.
Setanta wrote:I pointed out that you were lying when you claimed the USAAF did not firebomb Dresden, and provided links to the USAF historical division to show that you were lying.
I never said that they didn't firebomb Dresden. I'd have to be clear on what you mean by "firebomb" before I could agree or disagree on that claim.
Since I never said it, there is no way for it to be a lie.
What I did say is that US bombers had nothing to do with the firestorm at Dresden (or any other firestorm in Germany).
I was correct to say that. It is the truth.
Setanta wrote:You then lied about your original statement, claiming that the USAAF was not responsible for the firestorm.
No lie there. That is indeed what my original statement says.
Should I provide you with a list of links to my original posts regarding Dresden as well?
Setanta wrote:So I again linked the USAF web site, and highlighted the statement there that the American firebombing restarted the fire storm, causing considerable additional damage.
You are wrong. American bombers did not restart any firestorm. That would not have even been possible. Firestorms burn continuously until they consume all available fuel where they are burning.
Setanta wrote:You are ignorant,
Your inability to provide any examples of untrue statements in my posts shows otherwise.
Setanta wrote:you are dishonest,
You cannot provide any examples of untrue statements in my posts.
Setanta wrote:you are delusional,
Your inability to provide any examples of untrue statements in my posts shows that your accusations of delusion are untrue.
Setanta wrote:and you are a waste of everyone's time at this web site.
It sure does frustrate you when I post facts.