Ticomaya wrote:thethinkfactory wrote:What is going on in Gitmo is an attrocity. We all know it - we can't even ignore it - we simply say that it is okay in comparison to what "they" did.
What, exactly, do you find atrocious about Gitmo?
This is simple. Not that they are being tortured, or Korans are being burned... (This
may be the case - but until we have proof - as hard as that might be - I will fall silent on that).
It is the fact that we have hundreds of people and have detained them, without rights, against our and international law, and have done so in the name of freedom and rights.
I want one simple thing. Give them the due process they are owed as human beings.
Attrocity may be a bit steep - but I don't think it is out of line. Due process is such an ingrained portion of our rights that it goes directly against the American conceptions of rights to deny it - no matter what any administration wants to term these detainees.
Furthermore, to hear the administration keep reminding us that they are 'bad men' and hope that sates our intelligence or sense of justice is a farce. Here is why: Innocent until due process proves them guilty. What can be disputed?