Wed 15 Jun, 2005 10:07 am
Muslims clearly have an irrational attachment to the koran. What, to us, is unobjectionable or mildly annoying behavior is, to them, the height of sacrilege. Piss on a copy of the bible and christians would probably worry more about the hygenic consequences. Piss on a koran, however, and muslims are soon rioting in the streets. Obviously, we westerners have a much more sophisticated and mature attitude toward these inanimate objects. Sure, we recognize that these items might have some symbolism, but we certainly don't become completely and violently irrational when someone mishandles or abuses what is, after all, just a symbol. Remember, it's just a
And on a totally unrelated note,
congress is close to passing a constitutional amendment to prevent flag burning.
I was going to mention the flag-burning issue; I also thought of the furor over the artist whose oeuvre included a Jesus statuette suspended in a beaker of piss.
But then I realized that Joe was being a tad facetious...
Ah! but New Yorkers boo when a Pope is ripped in half.
Joe -
You and your DAMNED sarcasm.
Flush the Flag I say!
Wait... the American's could give a crap? Nevermind...
You got to admit that it is a big irony to the arguments of "it's just a book."
Maybe they should just legislate that all flags must be fire proof :-o
I don't think they should ban flag burning. I think they should create a law that allows veterans to shoot flag burners on sight.
cjhsa wrote:I don't think they should ban flag burning. I think they should create a law that allows veterans to shoot flag burners on sight.
That would sure allow the veterans their "freedom of expression."
cjhsa wrote:I don't think they should ban flag burning. I think they should create a law that allows veterans to shoot flag burners on sight.
Would vetrans that burn flags be exempt or would they be required to shoot themselves?
I am a veteran and my take is that I fought to protect your right to burn the flag. It is a symbol - nothing more. Your burning it is exactly the type of thing that makes America free. Or shoudl I say "free" now?
Because of our "special knowledge and understanding" dervied by being of veteran status, all non-veterans may ask us veterans any question re constitutional law. domestic and/or foreign relations, stem cell reseach or space exploration.
Pretty weirdshit I'm thinking.
Ticomaya wrote:cjhsa wrote:I don't think they should ban flag burning. I think they should create a law that allows veterans to shoot flag burners on sight.
That would sure allow the veterans their "freedom of expression."
"Free speech for some, tiny American flags for others!"
Just becuase joe always likes it when I put songs into his head....
Hah! Too funny
When I recall how our people (men, women, and children) were murdered on 9/11, and when I consider what Al Qaeda would do to my country and countrymen if allowed to, and when I consider how Al Qaeda treats their prisoners (e.g. heads sawed off), winning the war with them is much higher on my list of priorities than how we are wronging our prisoners. The latter is on the list, and abuses should not be tolerated, but I am much more concerned with the wellbeing of my country. To be in a war with a brutal, implacable enemy and most concerned about how you are wronging him strikes me as very perverse.
ebrown_p wrote:Just becuase joe always likes it when I put songs into his head....
Oh, great!
(singing quietly to myself) "I'm an amendment to be..."
Nope, still doesn't drown out the voices.
Brandon9000 wrote:The latter is on the list, and abuses should not be tolerated, but I am much more concerned with the wellbeing of my country. To be in a war with a brutal, implacable enemy and most concerned about how you are wronging him strikes me as very perverse.
This sounds an awful lot like how Osama Bin Ladin justifies his wrongdoings.
I was hoping we were better than that.
Brandon9000 wrote:When I recall how our people (men, women, and children) were murdered on 9/11, and when I consider what Al Qaeda would do to my country and countrymen if allowed to, and when I consider how Al Qaeda treats their prisoners (e.g. heads sawed off), winning the war with them is much higher on my list of priorities than how we are wronging our prisoners. The latter is on the list, and abuses should not be tolerated, but I am much more concerned with the wellbeing of my country. To be in a war with a brutal, implacable enemy and most concerned about how you are wronging him strikes me as very perverse.
Could someone please direct
Brandon to the appropriate thread for this post?