sumac wrote:And thus far, Whooda has ducked.
Actually, I'm at work, Susan, and this was the first opportunity I've had to post a reply. My apologies to those with stopwatches.
As far as news sources, I'm always amazed by the assumptions (many presented here) that all Americans are grinning idiots who rely soley on Fox News for their news consumption. There was an interesting piece on NPR this morning about the alleged biases of the NPR reporting staff. Anyone catch that?
As for Mr. Galloway -- his visit was reported and spun by the opposing camps. The fact that so many here are clinging to the hollow victory of his visit to Congress is revealing. Why should it merit additional DAYS of coverage?
As BiP said earlier, BOTH sides have their feet firmly planted in cement ... and that includes the left. He blames GWB, but there's enough blame to go around on that one. Witness the debacle in the Senate right now ... assuming you subscribe to the
correct news source, of course.