A "metric" pound has 500 grams,
Walter Hinteler wrote:A "metric" pound has 500 grams,
Thanks, Walter. Then, that means that the Imperial pound and the US pound are the same, 453.59 grams.
JTT wrote:Then, that means that the Imperial pound and the US pound are the same, 453.59 grams.
Mostly/should be so - but:
Quote:In the United Kingdom, the avoirdupois pound was defined as a unit of mass by the Weights and Measures Act of 1878, but having a very slightly different value (in relation to the kilogram) than it does now, of approximately 0.453592338 kg. (This was a measured quantity, with the independently maintained artifact still serving as the official standard for this pound.) This old value is sometimes called the imperial pound, and this definition and terminology are obsolete unless referring to the slightly-different 1878 definition.
JTT wrote:Walter Hinteler wrote:A "metric" pound has 500 grams,
Thanks, Walter. Then, that means that the Imperial pound and the US pound are the same, 453.59 grams.
Absolutely identical Set, but your pound in America will no doubt be a little bit bigger.
"Metric" Pound? Perish the thought. Next they'll be telling us that our Pint is going to be made obsolete.
Imagine..."Good morrow, fair barmaid, may I have a .5682 of a litre of Abbot Ale please?"
Lord Ellpus wrote:Good morrow, fair barmaid, may I have a .5682 of a litre of Abbot Ale please?"
That sounds at least better than if you ordered 0.389342004 stones of ale.
(Of course, a pint of any premium beer should be ordered as "2.841e+3 carat"

feeling very bad about evicting Mr and Mrs Beckham yesterday.
Especially after David gave me that signed shirt. So the family are staying with me until the council can re house them.
The baby is ok, its just the constant whining that gets me. She wants to go to Gianfranco Ferre I've told her Matalan is nearer and cheaper.
Anyway ... on Galloway "blasting" the Senate.
The "gentleman's" reputation certainly preceded him, so it was not as if the senators were expecting a country squire in tweeds as much as the boorish Benny Hill caricature who actually arrived.
He came, he bellowed, he left.
America can watch the same daily on Jerry Springer -- if they have the stomach.
What's of more interest is the pants-wetting reaction from the Left here and abroad. It's akin to the conversation on the schoolyard after Billy's dad comes down to the schoolhouse and threatens to bloody the schoolmarm's nose. How cool was that? Did you think she looked rattled? Did she cry? Didn't he show her?
At this stage in the game, the political impotence of the Left has made it so desperate for a victory, any victory, that they find unimaginable solace from the antics of a hooligan from across the pond as much as they do a filibuster on the Senate floor.
We'll show them! We still matter!
Rather pathetic actually.
Obviously not you!
So you didn't actually watch Galloway did you Whooda?
Whooda I'm sorry but you sound like the schoolyard bully who, after finally being called out on the playground, walks away muttering under his breath "It's a good thing they left when they did, those dirty fighters, sneakng up on me like that. If they'd have stayed any longer I's have really kicked their ass. they're lucky."
Empty talk after taking a whipping. By the book.
Was that a whipping?
And I'm actually Jane Fonda.
Jane Fonda is too busy to post here. I don't believe you.
Also, I think most of the entire world....yes there is a world beyond Bushlandica, will agree that Galloway stood our boys down in high style.
Face it, they had it coming and they got it. Admitiing the obvious doesn't make you a traitor or a bad American.
But did you watch it Whooda?
To be honest, if I'd have watched only the coverage put out by Fox or any other "suck up" media programme, I'd have probably had the same impression as Whhodathunk. It didnt accurately portray the "interview" at all, quite the opposite.
Whooda, you start by saying that Galloway's reputation preceeded him. Any thoughts as to where this information came from? Do you think that in some tiny way, anything related to Galloway might have been slanted perchance?
So he steps onto American soil cast as the bad guy, but when you analyze it, what can you actually prove that he has done wrong. The West may interpret some of his actions as sucking up to Saddam, but have you actually researched the man and read the Hansard documents (word for word what is said in the British Parliament, recorded and transcribed).
He was opposed to Saddam from the beginning, and stated his views on numerous occasions.
Simple question.........out of Rumsfeld and Galloway, who do you think profited more from Iraq?
Another simple question......out of the two (remember, Rumsfeld was involved in selling arms to Saddam)....out of the two, who do you think is the bigger bad guy?
If you answer Rumsfeld to either or both questions, why do you think HE isnt being humiliated and vilified in the American media?
You have a very slanted press and TV over there (god knows, it's not perfect here, but nothing like yours)....I am convinced that a fair few Americans form an opinion of the world and its people, Galloway included, purely on this source of information.
Bush and Co. have done a very good job.
Galloway punched Colemans lights out, no two ways about it....it's a shame that this is now being very carefully twisted.
Now just you watch for the "Nail Galloway" campaign to kick into top gear.
Personally, I wouldnt like to take on the might of the most powerful people on earth, and humiliate them. Galloway has more balls than me, and more balls than most of the US politicians that are supposed to be in opposition to Bush. While they sat meekly in the background, Galloway stood up to his bullies and kicked them in the nuts.
Watch the entire, uncut video Whooda, its on an earlier link in this thread I believe. Then tell us what you think.
I don't think his opinion will change, and that's not a slam at Whooda. No one's opinion is changing. The country is polarized in cement.
Good job George, you old "Great Uniter" you.
I just want to know how much if any of the hearing (about 50 minutes total) did Wooda watch. So far silence. Any at all?
blueveinedthrobber wrote:No one's opinion is changing. The country is polarized in cement.
I won't bother with a piecemeal reply because BiP is absolutely correct on this point.
Admittedly, it doesn't make good flashy news copy for the likes of Fox "News"--seven or so minutes of Coleman droning on almost unintelligibly, followed by 30 minutes or more of Galloway lambasting him. I have a good notion that Coleman was flinching within, he doesn't get exposed to sharp debating practice in the sleepy halls of Congress. Things have not changed much there over the centuries, either. When Thomas Reed of Maine, "Czar" Reed as he was known, was Speaker of the House in the 1889-1891 session, he once recognized a Representative from Indiana:
"The chair recognizes the gentleman from Indiana."
"I was thinking, Mr. Speaker, I was thinking . . ." (pausing dramaticly)
"A commendable innovation on the part of the gentleman from Indiana, the chair recognizes the gentleman from South Carolina."
WhoodaThunk wrote:What's of more interest is the pants-wetting reaction from the Left here and abroad.
Just out of interest: how would you call the (quite simmilar) reactions of the not so left abroad e.g. in other media than "the usually suspected"?