Finn d'Abuzz wrote:JTT wrote:Finn d'Abuzz wrote:
Precisely what factual proof do you accuse me of ducking?
None. I said you were a hypocrite. You've proved me right.
Yes, I am making an assumption that the Galloway charges were significant. Since they resulted in him being thrown out of his Party I think it's appropriate to consider them significant. I'll bet you Galloway thought them significant.
is a need for you to point out
my bias if you wish us to take you seriously.
... Oh well, why fight it?
[Finn hands the gun to JTT and grinning from ear to ear, jumps into the barrel.]
I am making an assumption that the Galloway charges were significant.
Of course I could just as easily respond there is no need to point out why your [sic] are a idiot, but that would be a pretty lame tact to take.
Not 'pretty', Finn, an exceedingly lame tact, exceedingly.
Obviously you are unwilling or incapable of responding in any way but an obtuse, self satisfying and insulting fashion. You may find it amusing; I find it tiring. Come back when you are prepared to debate intelligently.
I'm more than willing to do so, Finn but let's establish a few ground rules. You can't chastize someone for being careless with facts and turn around spouting "assumptions". The only one that's allowed to be that hypocritical here at A2K is Setanta.
All joking aside, actually that's what a lot of the 'conservative side' do here. They argue with little to nothing in the way of proof to substantiate their positions. Oft-repeated talking points don't count as proof.
Neither do slanderous assumptions, such as the ones you made against George Galloway count as proof. It's even worse when you ignore the FACTS, presented by your OWN Senate, that point to the blackened pots calling the apparently clean kettles dirty.
Excuse me for having to point this out. But, as I said, in this last spate of postings from the pen of Finn dAbuzz, the pejorative adjectives I used to describe you were glaringly apparent. They verily, leapt off the page.
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