John Chuckman wrote:Americans are not people with long-term vision. "I want it all, and I want it now," would be the appropriate current national motto. This quality makes Americans among the least qualified people on earth to undertake some of the tasks their politicians set them. The patience of the Chinese or the stiff upper lip of the Brits is missing in people trained to get pissed-off about late pizzas. That's part of the reason for the brutal, senseless nature of the occupation, and that's why the Internet press is full of liberal and other anti-war demands that American troops leave Iraq. (emphasis added)
Unless the vituperative, bile-spewing Mr. Chuckman suggests that none of the liberal and other anti-war demands to which he alludes proceed from American sources (which would certainly mean that he has never visited this site), he has glaringly contradicted his own thesis. And, of course, this, from earlier in this diatribe . . .
Quote:American liberals keep writing about their press's failure to do its job. Many of the people writing these things are children of the Woodward and Bernstein years under Nixon, a time when there was the brief illusion of an honest press, the tribune of the public, the fourth estate or unofficial branch of government, and other hero-comic phrases.
. . . glaringly contradicts the succeeding thesis, while demonstrating clearly at the beginning of the piece the depth of this author's ranting hatred, and perhaps, resentment.
For this . . .
Quote:There can be no more acid comment on the American press's role in Bush's sleazy war than the mere observation of The New York Times' regular use of the out-of-date, sentimental term GI when referring to America's professional killers now occupying Iraq. (emphasis added)
. . . i am prepared never to forgive the author of this article, and am lead to charaterize him as among the lowest of the low among opportunistic, journalistic bottom-feeders.
I have rarely been so affronted in my life in seeing someone twist the precepts in which i believe into such distilled, invidious slander.
I am frankly surprised to see my otherwise distinguished and respected colleague, Walter, post such an article. I am saddened as well. I will dellude myself into believing that he has done so only to provide an example of just how low a journalist can sink in the desire for his fifteen minutes of world-wide fame.
I'll be leaving this thread on a permanent basis.
EDIT: I am not simply surprised, i am stunned.