georgeob1 wrote:parados wrote:[Let me think about this...
One side accuses the other of profiting monetarily from oil for food
The accused says, "You have no evidence of me ever recieving money"
The accuser fails to present any such evidence.....
Which side should I believe in this exchange?
In my America it doesn't matter who is accused, they are innocent until proven guilty. The only fools are those that condemn without evidence.
No one has accused Galloway in a court of law, so this reference to rules of evidence and legal presumption is quite irellevant.
Would you be willing to grant the U.S. Government officials who have stated they do have evidence indicating Galloway's complicity in payoffs the same presumption of innocence that you are demanding for this British MP who was expelled from his own party? It doesn't appear that way.
You make it sound as if Galloway should be ashamed of being expelled from his party because he had done something wrong.
He disagreed with the Party line on Iraq, and was vociferous in his condemnation.
I'm sorry to upset you, but he didnt steal any of their funds.
As for your other point, I dont quite understand....if US Government Officials HAVE such evidence...why was it not presented at the infamous Senate "interview".
No one accused Galloway my Arse! If they had won their argument on that day, he would have been dead and buried. All this hoo hah is down to the fact that he was accused by a Nancy ex College boy, got on a plane, came over there and made him look like a fool.