Congratuations Husker. That is wonderful! You're even cooler than I'd imagined. I'm sure you deserve to have that honor every year. I'm glad for you and your family.
Boomer-- I'd heard that "manufactured holiday" excuse from Mr. P for every holiday known to man (who is otherwise a superlative figure) and nipped that in the bud early. The fault in that logic is that they don't manufacture their own holidays... so there is nothing all year. Pooh on that. Vivien said it well -- have an earnest conversation and explain what you expect. In fact, say you expect MORE than you expect... it is nice to have some surprises in life.
I expect to be treated well and have special things done for me on "my" holidays just as I do nice things for others on theirs. The one time they didn't do that, I bitched. It was unpleasant, but it got my point across and pointed to a truism every family needs to know. If Mama ain't happy, ain't NOBODY gonna be happy.
It doesn't have to be expensive, though that CAN be nice. A Hallmark card is not enough (which nicely nixes that old manufactured routine) and not even necessary. I love jp's description of family times. That sounds great.
My family has a pretty good idea of what I like because I tell them. I don't tell them the day of, or the day before. They know because I've told them over and over. (First you have to know what you like... then you have to tell them.) I like plants. I like sweaters. I like books. I like potted flowers. I like white roses. I like most anything made of velvet and I like baskets. I've even developed two collections so that there is always a fallback -- zebras or seals. I like, most of all, what we call "experiential gifts." Those run the gamut from a month in England to a bottle of wine.
It is important to be a both a smart and a good recipient of gifts. I you don't like it... don't fake it. The entire family knows that shopping at the hardware store for me is not a good idea. But they also know that working in the garden will make me very, very happy.
I think a pair of Penn reels is a nice gift, Farmerman, but... why two?