If Jesus is God, how is he called God's only begotten son?

Tue 4 Jul, 2006 08:16 pm
kevnmoon wrote:
BSN : (Bediuzzaman Said Nursi) .. He has got 130 pieces of books.. I select and send them..

Jesus gave up his ego so that we could have ours.

But it is not we that live but Christ Jesus lives in us.

We are "living" sacrifices not dead ones.

Modern Islam has taken different paths from older Islam just as modern Christianity has lost the message of the first century Christ.

But we all follow after Jesus Christ.

For Christ was a prophet (PBUH)

Our message cannot contradict Jesus Christ.

Jesus spoke of the body, soul and spirit.

All people are comprised of the same things.

To empty the mind is to not use it, or to neglect a gift of Allah (PBUH).

Allah (PBUH) gave us our dreams and we are to "live" them not bury them in self doubt.
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Wed 5 Jul, 2006 03:31 am
neologist wrote:
Kev, not all who identify themselves as Christians believe in the trinity. So Islam has no special merit in being monotheistic.

I know, every Christ don't believe trinity.. Trinity is problem for them when you compare with all Abrahamic religions. Perhaps trinity is one kind of wrong understanding...

neologist wrote:
So Islam has no special merit in being monotheistic.

If someone don't know anything about religion (bcs. of time, localisation or etc..), believing one God by logical mean is quite enough for salvation..
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Wed 5 Jul, 2006 03:54 am

Jesus gave up his ego so that we could have ours.

But it is not we that live but Christ Jesus lives in us.

We are "living" sacrifices not dead ones.[/quote]
Good sentences.. good believing for religious one..

Modern Islam has taken different paths from older Islam just as modern Christianity has lost the message of the first century Christ.

But we all follow after Jesus Christ.[/quote]
We don't accept modern Islam conception.. Something in practise may be wrong.. But everyone likes to live Qur'an and Sunnah..

For Christ was a prophet (PBUH) [/quote]
He is also Prophet for us..

Jesus spoke of the body, soul and spirit.[/quote]
Our Prophet (PBUH) says Jesus (PBUH) is Soul of God.. (but only as a human being)
Also Mosah (PBUH) is Word of God..
One man ask to our Prophet... Are you worthier than Qur'an ? Prophet says : Also one letter of Qur'an is worthier than me...

Allah (PBUH) gave us our dreams and we are to "live" them not bury them in self doubt. [/quote]
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Wed 5 Jul, 2006 07:45 am
kevnmoon wrote:
neologist wrote:
Kev, not all who identify themselves as Christians believe in the trinity. So Islam has no special merit in being monotheistic.

I know, every Christ don't believe trinity.. Trinity is problem for them when you compare with all Abrahamic religions. Perhaps trinity is one kind of wrong understanding...

neologist wrote:
So Islam has no special merit in being monotheistic.

If someone don't know anything about religion (bcs. of time, localisation or etc..), believing one God by logical mean is quite enough for salvation..
Satan believes there is only one God.
0 Replies
Wed 5 Jul, 2006 09:16 am
kevnmoon wrote:
RexRed wrote:

Jesus gave up his ego so that we could have ours.

But it is not we that live but Christ Jesus lives in us.

We are "living" sacrifices not dead ones.

Good sentences.. good believing for religious one..

RexRed wrote:

Modern Islam has taken different paths from older Islam just as modern Christianity has lost the message of the first century Christ.

But we all follow after Jesus Christ.

kevnmoon wrote:
We don't accept modern Islam conception.. Something in practise may be wrong.. But everyone likes to live Qur'an and Sunnah..

RexRed wrote:

For Christ was a prophet (PBUH)

kevnmoon wrote:

He is also Prophet for us..

RexRed wrote:

Jesus spoke of the body, soul and spirit.

kevnmoon wrote:
Our Prophet (PBUH) says Jesus (PBUH) is Soul of God.. (but only as a human being)
Also Mosah (PBUH) is Word of God..
One man ask to our Prophet... Are you worthier than Qur'an ? Prophet says : Also one letter of Qur'an is worthier than me...

RexRed wrote:
Allah (PBUH) gave us our dreams and we are to "live" them not bury them in self doubt.

PBU you my friend...
0 Replies
Wed 5 Jul, 2006 03:16 pm
neologist wrote:
Satan believes there is only one God.

I think you touched real point... Only some humans r ignorant..

What is the Satan problem.. Pride...... Ego......
Yeah, Satan has same social problems too...
0 Replies
Wed 5 Jul, 2006 04:59 pm
kevnmoon wrote:
neologist wrote:
Satan believes there is only one God.

I think you touched real point... Only some humans r ignorant..

What is the Satan problem.. Pride...... Ego......
Yeah, Satan has same social problems too...

Satan is the tempter..

The devil is the substance of the temptation.
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Wed 5 Jul, 2006 05:01 pm
The unforgivable sin.
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Wed 5 Jul, 2006 05:20 pm
Bad and evil are a sort of destruction, their causes do not have to be an existent power and active creativity.

Rather, vast destruction comes about through one command pertaining to non-existence and one condition being spoilt.

It is because the Zoroastrians did not develop this mystery that they believed that there was a creator of good in the universe, called Yazdan, and a creator of evil, called Ahriman.

However, the imaginary god of evil they called Ahriman was Satan, who causes evil through the power of choice and the power to act, which possess no ability to create...

Bediuzzaman 13. flash
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real life
Wed 5 Jul, 2006 11:11 pm
In the Unveiling (Revelation) of Jesus Christ , we see that Jesus Christ identified Himself not only as The Alpha and Omega, but also The First and Last, and The Beginning and End.


Christ states clearly that all three titles refer to One person, that is Himself, Who was 'coming quickly'.

Now, that The First and Last is Christ there can be little doubt:



Rev 1:17 And when I saw him, I fell as dead at his feet.

And he laid his right hand upon me and said: "Do not be fearful. I am the First and the Last, 18 and the living one; and I became dead, but, look! I am living forever and ever, and I have the keys of death and of Ha´des.

Now The Alpha and Omega is also clearly referred to as God:

Rev 21:5 And the One seated on the throne said: "Look! I am making all things new." Also, he says: "Write, because these words are faithful and true." 6 And he said to me: "They have come to pass! I am the Al´pha and the O·me´ga, the beginning and the end. To anyone thirsting I will give from the fountain of the water of life free. 7 Anyone conquering will inherit these things, and I shall be his God and he will be my son.

The Alpha and Omega is not just 'god' in a generic sense, but Jehovah God:

Rev 1:8 "I am the Al´pha and the O·me´ga," says Jehovah God, "the One who is and who was and who is coming, the Almighty."

Now the very nature of these titles precludes the possibility that there could ever be 2 'Alpha and Omegas' or 2 'First and Lasts'. So these things refer to One only, to Jesus Christ and point clearly to His identity as God Almighty, the One true God.

( all scripture quotations from http://www.watchtower.org )
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Sun 9 Jul, 2006 11:28 pm
Real; When Jesus was being tempted, would it have been possible for him to have given in to any of the temptations?
0 Replies
Mon 10 Jul, 2006 01:46 am
There are two (if not more) beginnings and ends. Alpha and Omega

One is from God's perspective and the other is from that of his son the promised seed, Jesus Christ.

The alpha and omega thing refers to the zodiac. The zodiac is a circle in the heavens but it has a beginning and an end.

It begins at virgo and ends at leo. In other words virgo and leo are where the two 'ends' meet. Alpha and omega. The early first century Christians believed the zodiac to be Hebrew in origin.

"and I saw a virgin clothed with the sun and the moon at her feet"

It begins with the virgin birth and ends with the triumphant Christ (bright and morning star) in the book of Revelation.

Jesus Christ is what some theists refer to as the 'red thread'. This defined means that he is the subject of every book of the Bible. A red thread starting at the beginning and going through book to book until it reaches the end.

Even in Genesis Jesus was prophesied of. Job cried out for a deliverer.

This is a reason why Jesus was in the beginning and the end, as in God's mind and plans. Jesus would fight the armies of evil over the dominion Adam lost by the devil.

Jesus can be the beginning and the end without having to be God or Jehovah. He is the beginning of salvation and the end to wrath.
Jesus is the 'image' of Jehovah.

We are never to bow down to an image and worship it as "God". The Bible warns of idolatry. Worshiping men and other images (creation) over God (creator).

Col 1:15
Who [Jesus] is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:

Just as Adam's sons were born in his image, they resembled Adam, they bore some of Adam's characteristics, you could know Adam by them. But were they Adam? No.

When Jesus held up the coin and asked whose 'image' is this? Did the coin resemble Caesar? Did it bear his characteristics? Could you know caesar from it? Yes. But was it Caesar himself? No.

God is represented as an image in us but is it God himself? No, it is an image (God created man in his own image). It resembles, bears the character and one can know God through it. But the sprit that we mutually share through Jesus is not God, but an image of God.

Jesus had a body, soul and spirit just as we do.

The zodiac is a story in the heavens. It's tale mimics the story in the Bible. The names of the stars in the zodiac tell the details of the story of the circle in the heavens.

God not only wrote the story in the Bible but he also wrote it in the stars.

The story in the sky is an image of God. The saviour (red thread) in the story is and image of God. A reflection of the father's character. Jesus resembles his father, he bears the same characteristics as his father and you could 'know' God by his son. But is he God? No.

Jesus is only Jehovah in the sense that he resembles Jehovah, he is in the image of his father.

God is also part of the beginning and the end, that should be self evident.

God's kingdom has no beginning or end.
0 Replies
Mon 10 Jul, 2006 11:11 am
RexRed wrote:

It begins at virgo and ends at leo. In other words virgo and leo are where the two 'ends' meet. Alpha and omega. The early first century Christians believed the zodiac to be Hebrew in origin.

Prove this please without taking scriptures out of context like you did. Thank you VERY much.
0 Replies
Mon 10 Jul, 2006 11:59 am
Scott777ab wrote:
RexRed wrote:

It begins at virgo and ends at leo. In other words virgo and leo are where the two 'ends' meet. Alpha and omega. The early first century Christians believed the zodiac to be Hebrew in origin.

Prove this please without taking scriptures out of context like you did. Thank you VERY much.

Read this book it explains it all.

This book is free on the internet... That is how valuable it is to Christians.


I own a copy of this book and have all the maps that come inside. The maps are displayed on the website too.
0 Replies
Mon 10 Jul, 2006 12:20 pm
RexRed wrote:
Scott777ab wrote:
RexRed wrote:

It begins at virgo and ends at leo. In other words virgo and leo are where the two 'ends' meet. Alpha and omega. The early first century Christians believed the zodiac to be Hebrew in origin.

Prove this please without taking scriptures out of context like you did. Thank you VERY much.

Read this book it explains it all.

This book is free on the internet... That is how valuable it is to Christians.


I own a copy of this book and have all the maps that come inside. The maps are displayed on the website too.

0 Replies
Mon 10 Jul, 2006 02:44 pm
Scott777ab wrote:
RexRed wrote:
Scott777ab wrote:
RexRed wrote:

It begins at virgo and ends at leo. In other words virgo and leo are where the two 'ends' meet. Alpha and omega. The early first century Christians believed the zodiac to be Hebrew in origin.

Prove this please without taking scriptures out of context like you did. Thank you VERY much.

Read this book it explains it all.

This book is free on the internet... That is how valuable it is to Christians.


I own a copy of this book and have all the maps that come inside. The maps are displayed on the website too.


Their words are a more critical analysis of the zodiac.

Though my understand is a bit expanded on the subject I admit.

I recommend you read their words. It is not too long a read.

Daniel taught the zodiac to the Babylonians.
0 Replies
Mon 10 Jul, 2006 03:36 pm
Where in the bible do you get that DANIEL believed in the ZODIAC?
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Mon 10 Jul, 2006 04:22 pm
Sometimes Rex does a skipaloop. He's a good guy, though.
0 Replies
Mon 10 Jul, 2006 05:58 pm
Scott777ab wrote:
Where in the bible do you get that DANIEL believed in the ZODIAC?

It is based on some speculation.

When Daniel was carried away to Babylon he became in charge of the Babylonian astrologers/astronomers.

You do not weald that kind of power if you do not know the stars.

The supposition of the book Witness of the Stars" is that the Zodiac was actually Hebrew and the Babylonians borrowed it for their religion. It was then in turn used in other pagan religions.

Yet the star names remained in tact so this proves their Hebrew origin.

Bullinger provides a convincing argument for this.

This would also indicate that the flood story could have also been borrowed by the Babylonians in a similar manner.

I have always been quite intrigued by this Biblical offshoot of study.

I believe the kabala is also an indication that the Zodiac has Hebrew roots.

The "wise men" who came at Jesus' birth were probably Babylonian magi.

They were acting on prophecies that Daniel most likely gave them hundreds of years earlier.
0 Replies
Mon 10 Jul, 2006 11:03 pm
RexRed wrote:
Scott777ab wrote:
Where in the bible do you get that DANIEL believed in the ZODIAC?

It is based on some speculation.

When Daniel was carried away to Babylon he became in charge of the Babylonian astrologers/astronomers.

You do not weald that kind of power if you do not know the stars.

The supposition of the book Witness of the Stars" is that the Zodiac was actually Hebrew and the Babylonians borrowed it for their religion. It was then in turn used in other pagan religions.

Yet the star names remained in tact so this proves their Hebrew origin.

Bullinger provides a convincing argument for this.

This would also indicate that the flood story could have also been borrowed by the Babylonians in a similar manner.

I have always been quite intrigued by this Biblical offshoot of study.

I believe the kabala is also an indication that the Zodiac has Hebrew roots.

The "wise men" who came at Jesus' birth were probably Babylonian magi.

They were acting on prophecies that Daniel most likely gave them hundreds of years earlier.

Thank you for giving me a summary in your words.
O by the way I READ just a few paragraphs of that book.

ANd i was like O HELL NO that can't be right.

But then i sat back and thought
Well the dark side does steal everything else.
LIke God being 3 persons hence why there is so many trinity like godheads out there. Satan loves to copy the truth but twist it completely.

Yes i will be reading this when i get the chance. The little bit i read intrested me enough. Now i am wondering just what ELSE has satan twisted.

Im just wondering how much false relgion out there is an actual twist of the truth.

Like what was that Greek or Roman God that had to hold the whole world on his shoulders? I wonder if that is not a twist of some truth about God.? YOu have gotten me to want to expand my knowledge of relgion a whole lot more. And I am well informed as it is any how.
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