Scott777ab wrote:Where in the bible do you get that DANIEL believed in the ZODIAC?
It is based on some speculation.
When Daniel was carried away to Babylon he became in charge of the Babylonian astrologers/astronomers.
You do not weald that kind of power if you do not know the stars.
The supposition of the book Witness of the Stars" is that the Zodiac was actually Hebrew and the Babylonians borrowed it for their religion. It was then in turn used in other pagan religions.
Yet the star names remained in tact so this proves their Hebrew origin.
Bullinger provides a convincing argument for this.
This would also indicate that the flood story could have also been borrowed by the Babylonians in a similar manner.
I have always been quite intrigued by this Biblical offshoot of study.
I believe the kabala is also an indication that the Zodiac has Hebrew roots.
The "wise men" who came at Jesus' birth were probably Babylonian magi.
They were acting on prophecies that Daniel most likely gave them hundreds of years earlier.