If Jesus is God, how is he called God's only begotten son?

Wed 22 Jun, 2005 10:00 pm
Sorry; sometimes I can't help myself.
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Thu 23 Jun, 2005 02:31 pm
neologist wrote:
Sorry; sometimes I can't help myself.

Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
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real life
Thu 23 Jun, 2005 11:26 pm
jenniejen wrote:
real life wrote:

Hi Jen,

Is 9:6 For there has been a child born to us, there has been a son given to us; and the princely rule will come to be upon his shoulder. And his name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.

One of the titles that was given to Jesus is Eternal Father.

There are many other titles referenced in this long thread that are applied equally to Christ and to God the Father. These titles include:

Alpha and Omega --Rev 1: 8 , Rev 21:6-7, Rev 22: 12-13

First and Last -- Is 44:6-7, Rev 2:8, Rev 22:12-13

God --Titus 2:13, I John 5:20, John 20:28

Savior -- Is 43:10-11, Titus 1:3-4, Titus 2:10-13, Titus 3:4-6

Jehovah (LORD) Is 40:3-5, Matt 3:1-3

Creator --Ps 102:24-27, Heb 1:8-12, Is 42:5, John 1:2, Col 1:17,

It has been the belief of the church since earliest times based on the scriptures that Jesus is God.

Hi, So do you think Jesus is the only God? I think God planted a seed in Mary so she can have his son. Are you saying Jesus is called God to?

The Bible, in the passages I mentioned plus many others, describes Jesus as God. If Jesus were not God, then the titles ascribed to Him would be blasphemy because they are the same titles given to God.

There is only One God according to the Bible.

Scripture describes Him as Omnipresent, that is, He is everywhere at the same time. So while God was in Jesus walking the earth, He was also in Heaven at the same time as the Bible describes in many passages.
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shiyacic aleksandar
Tue 28 Jun, 2005 03:52 pm
A time is soon coming when you, or others, can (and no doubt will) ask the Master Jesus that question directly. I believe the answer will be in the negative.
I believe that He will say that there is no man in the whole universe who is the 'one and only God' or the 'one and only Son of God'; that this is a distortion propounded by an exclusive Christian church from ignorance of the true relationship of Jesus to 'God'; that Jesus is a Son of God - as, potentially, is every man, woman and child on Earth.

To my way of thinking, the Christian Churches have released into the world a view of the Christ which is impossible for modern people to accept: as the one and only Son of God, sacrificed by a loving Father to save us from the results of our sins - a blood sacrifice, straight out of the old Jewish dispensation.

We have rejected this view, we have left the Church in our millions, because it doesn't tally with our knowledge of history, of science, and of other religions. :wink:
0 Replies
Tue 28 Jun, 2005 03:55 pm
its because they are all part of the same god. there is a god which understands all the infinite complications of the entire universe, God, and the god which is human, a perfect human and a perfect life but not all knowing, (jesus).
0 Replies
Tue 28 Jun, 2005 06:13 pm
0 Replies
real life
Tue 28 Jun, 2005 10:17 pm
shiyacic aleksandar wrote:

To my way of thinking, the Christian Churches have released into the world a view of the Christ which is impossible for modern people to accept......

Millions do accept Christ as God. But even if that were not so, the measure of truth is not what the majority will accept.

Truth is true whether anyone accepts it or rejects it. Truth isn't manufactured by opinion polls.

History (which is constantly being revised) and science (which likewise bends to new discoveries all the time) are shifting sands. Hardly the basis for truth.

If we base truth on our understanding of history or science, then truth must change often.

Truth does not change, therefore it is not dependent on man or man's level of understanding (or lack of understanding ) of history and science.

As some say "It ain't rocket science." The Bible unambiguously identifies Jesus as God. The latest fads in history or science do not change that.
0 Replies
Tue 28 Jun, 2005 10:27 pm
real life wrote:
shiyacic aleksandar wrote:

To my way of thinking, the Christian Churches have released into the world a view of the Christ which is impossible for modern people to accept......

Millions do accept Christ as God. But even if that were not so, the measure of truth is not what the majority will accept.

Truth is true whether anyone accepts it or rejects it. Truth isn't manufactured by opinion polls.

History (which is constantly being revised) and science (which likewise bends to new discoveries all the time) are shifting sands. Hardly the basis for truth.

If we base truth on our understanding of history or science, then truth must change often.

Truth does not change, therefore it is not dependent on man or man's level of understanding (or lack of understanding ) of history and science.

As some say "It ain't rocket science." The Bible unambiguously identifies Jesus as God. The latest fads in history or science do not change that.
Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote:
I found when I had finished my new lecture that it was a very fine house, only the architect had unfortunately omitted the stairs.
0 Replies
shiyacic aleksandar
Wed 29 Jun, 2005 12:16 am
real life wrote:
shiyacic aleksandar wrote:

To my way of thinking, the Christian Churches have released into the world a view of the Christ which is impossible for modern people to accept......

Millions do accept Christ as God. But even if that were not so, the measure of truth is not what the majority will accept.

Truth is true whether anyone accepts it or rejects it. Truth isn't manufactured by opinion polls.

History (which is constantly being revised) and science (which likewise bends to new discoveries all the time) are shifting sands. Hardly the basis for truth.

If we base truth on our understanding of history or science, then truth must change often.

Truth does not change, therefore it is not dependent on man or man's level of understanding (or lack of understanding ) of history and science.

As some say "It ain't rocket science." The Bible unambiguously identifies Jesus as God. The latest fads in history or science do not change that.

Truth can reflect itself in the intellect only when it is clarified bythe will.Will means all acts undertaken with noble motives and all acts indicating yearning for the spirit, repenting for past mistakes, staunch determination to adhere to virtue, self-control and unyielding adherence to equanimity in the face of success or failure. Will means heat, burning intensity and earnestness of endeavour. It is the will power that fosters renunciation and discipline.
0 Replies
Wed 29 Jun, 2005 08:49 am
shiyacic aleksandar wrote:
real life wrote:
shiyacic aleksandar wrote:

To my way of thinking, the Christian Churches have released into the world a view of the Christ which is impossible for modern people to accept......

Millions do accept Christ as God. But even if that were not so, the measure of truth is not what the majority will accept.

Truth is true whether anyone accepts it or rejects it. Truth isn't manufactured by opinion polls.

History (which is constantly being revised) and science (which likewise bends to new discoveries all the time) are shifting sands. Hardly the basis for truth.

If we base truth on our understanding of history or science, then truth must change often.

Truth does not change, therefore it is not dependent on man or man's level of understanding (or lack of understanding ) of history and science.

As some say "It ain't rocket science." The Bible unambiguously identifies Jesus as God. The latest fads in history or science do not change that.

Truth can reflect itself in the intellect only when it is clarified by the will.Will means all acts undertaken with noble motives and all acts indicating yearning for the spirit, repenting for past mistakes, staunch determination to adhere to virtue, self-control and unyielding adherence to equanimity in the face of success or failure. Will means heat, burning intensity and earnestness of endeavor. It is the will power that fosters renunciation and discipline.Spell check used on quote for clarity.
Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote:
I found when I had finished my new lecture that it was a very fine house, only the architect had unfortunately omitted the stairs.
And now the floors, ceilings and roof as well. Laughing
0 Replies
shiyacic aleksandar
Wed 29 Jun, 2005 01:07 pm
Love is a ceaseless flow of Divine effulgence. Sages call this Love, Soul. This Soul, which is full of Love, is shining in all hearts.

Love, Soul and heart are synonyms for God. For such pure Love, there cannot be any differences based on mine and thine. This Love is selfless.

Where there is confidence, there is Love. Where there is Love, there is Peace. Where there is Peace, there is Truth. Where there is Truth, there is Bliss. Where there is Bliss, there is God.

0 Replies
Wed 29 Jun, 2005 06:24 pm
One thing I will say, friend. It's hard to answer your posts. Confused
0 Replies
shiyacic aleksandar
Thu 30 Jun, 2005 02:33 am
Mental Silence is a sign of ones own true Self! :wink:
0 Replies
real life
Sat 2 Jul, 2005 09:50 pm
neologist wrote:
real life wrote:
shiyacic aleksandar wrote:

To my way of thinking, the Christian Churches have released into the world a view of the Christ which is impossible for modern people to accept......

Millions do accept Christ as God. But even if that were not so, the measure of truth is not what the majority will accept.

Truth is true whether anyone accepts it or rejects it. Truth isn't manufactured by opinion polls.

History (which is constantly being revised) and science (which likewise bends to new discoveries all the time) are shifting sands. Hardly the basis for truth.

If we base truth on our understanding of history or science, then truth must change often.

Truth does not change, therefore it is not dependent on man or man's level of understanding (or lack of understanding ) of history and science.

As some say "It ain't rocket science." The Bible unambiguously identifies Jesus as God. The latest fads in history or science do not change that.
Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote:
I found when I had finished my new lecture that it was a very fine house, only the architect had unfortunately omitted the stairs.


When the Bible repeatedly gives the same titles to Jesus as is given to Jehovah God, is that not blasphemy unless Jesus is Jehovah God?
0 Replies
Sun 3 Jul, 2005 12:14 am
real life wrote:

When the Bible repeatedly gives the same titles to Jesus as is given to Jehovah God, is that not blasphemy unless Jesus is Jehovah God?
Really, real;
When Jesus tells us he does not speak of his own initiative and does the will of the one who sent him, what are we supposed to think? Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
real life
Mon 4 Jul, 2005 12:37 am
neologist wrote:
real life wrote:

When the Bible repeatedly gives the same titles to Jesus as is given to Jehovah God, is that not blasphemy unless Jesus is Jehovah God?
Really, real;
When Jesus tells us he does not speak of his own initiative and does the will of the one who sent him, what are we supposed to think? Rolling Eyes

If in the Bible Jesus is trying to draw a distinction between Himself and the Father, I suppose the worst possible method would be to repeatedly call them both by the same titles, isn't it?

Now try unrolling the eyes and look at this square on. Is applying to Jesus the titles that refer to Jehovah God equivalent to blasphemy?

If not, why not since you are trying to separate them?

If the Bible makes the distinction that you are saying it does, then why does it continually refer to Christ in this manner?

The only way it is not blasphemy to refer to someone as if they were God, would be if they actually were God.
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shiyacic aleksandar
Wed 6 Jul, 2005 03:51 am
Yes Jesus felt still the separation from his own Spirit(father in the sky).
At the end he was One.He became God and won the battle over death.
0 Replies
real life
Wed 6 Jul, 2005 11:05 am
0 Replies
Wed 6 Jul, 2005 11:13 am
real life> http://web4.ehost-services.com/el2ton1/frusty.gif <shiyacic aleksandar
0 Replies
Wed 6 Jul, 2005 10:07 pm
Re: If Jesus is God, how is he called God's only begotten so
neologist wrote:
The word 'trinity' does not appear in the bible. Why is it such an important belief? Question

"TRINITY" is just one of many variant forms of the same word as "THREE". According to rules of phonetic change, it is quite likely that both of these words have developed from either Hebrew "SHALOWSH" (meaning "THREE") or a cognate word.
Anyways, "TRINITY", "THREE", and "SHALOWSH" (which is in the Hebrew of the Bible) mean the same thing.
In Genesis 18, the Passage begins by announcing that none other than YAHWEH appeared to Avraham by the terebinths of Mamre, as Avraham sat in the tentdoor in the heat of the day.
Then, in describing the manner of this, without introducing further persons, the Narrative says that this is what Avraham saw in this Vision of YAHWEH: "SHELOSHAH `ANASHIYM" ["THREE PERSONS"]. To the THREE he prostrated himself to the ground, and all THREE gave him the same short reply to his request at once.
Earlier in the same Book, three times GOD says "US" of Divine Acts. The third word in the whole Book is "`ELOHIYM", meaning literally "GODS".
When Avraham gets Lot and those captured along with him back from an enemy army, he is helped by three friends in addition to 318 fighting men of his household. It was 318 Bishops that made it to the Council of Nicea where the Doctrine of the TRINITY was vindicated against Arius, whose name derives from the nation of "Arian" [now "Iran"], where the antitrinitarian religion of Zoroastrianism was prevalent. Interestingly enough, this same nation also had some proximity to the nation of the king that Lot was rescued from, Chedarlaomer, king of Elam.
In the Aaronic Blessing in Numbers 6, the NAME "YAHWEH" is invoked three times. To Moses YAHWEH called HIMSELF the `ELOHIYM of Avraham, the `ELOHIYM of Yitsaac, and the `ELOHIYM of Jacov, which resulted in a threefold formula.
Even the famous words in English, "Hear o israel, the LORD your GOD is one LORD", consists of three DIVINE NAMES in a row, followed by a word indicating Unity: "YAHWEH `ELOHEINUW [your `ELOHIYM] YAHWEH `ECHODH".
Isaiah hears GOD (ch. 6) saying, "Who will go for us?"
I need to get up early tomorrow - I will add to these comments tomorrow.
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