Older men and younger women.

Reply Tue 13 Dec, 2005 10:43 am
Jack Webbs wrote:
Chai implied there was the possibilty women that associated with me were dim witted. Yes the implication was there. I know some of them are challenged by common sense...

Well, there we go! Straight from the horse's mouth!!! <ROTFLMAO>

I wanna be French, Francis. Can you teach me?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 13 Dec, 2005 11:10 am
Eva, dear, I will teach you everything I know...

Aren't friends made for that? (Oh! no! don't tell me it was because of my car! :wink: )
0 Replies
Reply Tue 13 Dec, 2005 11:16 am
Of course not! How shallow do you think I am?!

(It's your ear, of course. Laughing )

So...I am ready for my first lesson. I want to learn how to laugh at fools instead of getting irritated.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 13 Dec, 2005 11:47 am

First, you have to learn how to never get upset or irritated.

When you feel the pressure arising in your blood (you know, the one of diastolic kind), try to control it by telling yourself the following:

- What's this weird event going on inside me? What are the causes of this?

- Ah! That's just a fool! Let's calm down. He doesn't worth it.

- I not risking any hypertension or disfunctional breathing just because of this guy!
(In any case you do not utter verbal harsh statements!)

Second, when you are calm enough, try to analyze, as you are a so well-endowed person with bright judgment, his comments, discourse, utter statements, bullsh*t.

- You'll then know that his logorrhea means absolutely nothing in the view of a considerate and thoughful person.

- That the contradictions implied are a generating factor of laugh.

Now, dear Eva, you can go: Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
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Jack Webbs
Reply Tue 13 Dec, 2005 12:13 pm
I think I already posted about the woman that spoke French. My uncle was French-Canadian. He was known to us as Uncle Frenchy.

But what can be more romantic than the French language? German? Well, maybe. But there we were seated on the restaurant balcony overlooking the ocean. She was short, very busty. She wore her hair in an "Updo" and was heavily made up.

I became fixated on the fact she could speak French and I asked her to speak French to me. She proceeded to illustrate the way "French" was enunciated by pursing her lips out and eventually making these morbid, absolutely sexual contortions of her entire face!

I kept watching, staring and I could feel this weird sensation overtaking me. It was very weird. Quite a sensation it was.

I have never visited France. I would like to see Paris now.

France is a dirty word in America today. If a Frenchman steps off in New York he better act like he is from someplace else once he clears customs.

I can put up with a lot of rudeness (providing I choose to), even the French that is why in spite of them I would like to see Paris now.

Bonjourno, bona petit! Cool
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Lord Ellpus
Reply Tue 13 Dec, 2005 12:19 pm
You ARE just here to wind things up, aren't you Jack.

Your first two posts on this thread seemed pretty genuine, and well thought out for a person of seemingly limited intelligence.

Shame really, you could make some good virtual friends here, if you dropped the bullsh*t.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 13 Dec, 2005 01:01 pm
In his infinite wisdom, Francis wrote:

First, you have to learn how to never get upset or irritated.

I may have too much Irish blood in me for that, but I will try. :wink:

When you feel the pressure arising in your blood (you know, the one of diastolic kind), try to control it by telling yourself the following:

- What's this weird event going on inside me? What are the causes of this?

- Ah! That's just a fool! Let's calm down. He doesn't worth it.

- I not risking any hypertension or disfunctional breathing just because of this guy!
(In any case you do not utter verbal harsh statements!)

So the French engage in mental name-calling...but not verbal. I'm beginning to understand.

Second, when you are calm enough, try to analyze, as you are a so well-endowed person with bright judgment, his comments, discourse, utter statements, bullsh*t.

- You'll then know that his logorrhea means absolutely nothing in the view of a considerate and thoughful person.

Ah! I see! "Consider the source," eh?

- That the contradictions implied are a generating factor of laugh.

Now, dear Eva, you can go: Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

Thank you, Francis! I now understand that what some Americans disdain as the French's "air of superiority" is actually your ability to recognize fools for what they are. And I must admit, we Americans are often quite foolish. Embarrassed There is proof enough of that right here on this thread, now isn't there!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 13 Dec, 2005 01:04 pm
I finally got to do a quick scan of the rest of the pages......BORing.

Yeah, jacks over the top here.....the third person stuff, I'm trying to figure out what serial killer movie he picked that up from.....

jack webb is watching you.....jack webb has a shiny shiny knife.

I'm surprised that you let this guy get to you lord E. He must have touched some repressed memory or something.

He's the type that if you met him at a party socially, he'd be pretty easy to ignore.

hehehe, just thought of something...I'm sure I'm not of the particular parameters jack webb has set out for female dimensions. Tough....

I can though, picture myself minding my own beeswax at a party and him informing me "jack webb doesn't think you are slender enough to be worth of me, you weigh more than 105 pounds"

Me: <squeals> Chai Tea sees choclate cake!!!!
<dashing off>

jack webb is worse than a fool, he's tedious.

just ignore him.
0 Replies
Jack Webbs
Reply Tue 13 Dec, 2005 02:40 pm
jack webb is worse than a fool, he's tedious. (posted by Chai Tea)

Oh Please! Ellpus, Chai Tea I'm simply an American and Jack feels the need to make sure there is no mistake about it in the eyes of the rest of you. Wherever you come from. Be nice.

I'm feeling particularly chipper today. We executed another murderer. Madame is happy as well. :wink:
0 Replies
Lord Ellpus
Reply Tue 13 Dec, 2005 02:53 pm
Chai Tea wrote:

I'm surprised that you let this guy get to you lord E. He must have touched some repressed memory or something.

I think you may be right Chai, I used to have a w*nker of a boss in my early career, who sat opposite me all day long and spouted a similar form of delusional cr*p.
In the end, he groped one of the secretaries and then came running to me, asking me to give him an alibi in order to save his sorry arse.

I refused to do it, and he "resigned" in rather a hurry. Maybe it gave me some sort of aversion towards toupee wearing medallion men who delude themselves into thinking they're god's gift to women.

I shall take your advice Chai, and ignore the bugger from now on.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 13 Dec, 2005 03:22 pm
you said w*nker

In college days, I had a part time job in a large real estate office. I have a couple of memories.

There was this oh, maybe 50ish agent that of course seemed ancient to me.
I caught him a couple of times leering. Being 20ish I was of course all "ewwwwww, gross", but it wasn't worth paying any attention to.
But THEN....one day, while slaving over a hot copier, he accidently "brushed up" behind me, and apparantly he thought I had some bread dough tucked in my pants that required some quick kneading.
He was in for sort of a surprise. I guess he never figured someone would actually confront him, that a woman would be too shy or embarrassed. Especially with about 6 other people standing around.

HA, I say, HA HA.


He always avoided me after that.

This other story just made me feel so sad...
The guy I reported directly to featured himself to be a ladies man. I guess he was alright looking.

Anyway, I had overhead him talking to a woman on the phone, apparantly about meeting for dinner that night.

She obviously liked him, as I seem to remember her calling once or twice after that. Then, a couple of days later, a pick envelope arrived for him. I saw him open it, scan, and casually toss in the wastebasket.

He left the building, so, being a natural born yenta, I fished out the letter or card.

It broke my heart. She was saying in the message how much she had enjoyed their going out a few times, and wished he would at least call her to let her know if he wanted to see her anymore.

She seemed willing to accept that, but just wanted it out in the open. She did say she felt strongly about him also.

What a cad, and a w*nker.

In the next couple of days, I asked him once what ever happened to that nice woman who'd been calling.

I remember he made some insensitive remark that would have devistated her if she had known. Who knows, maybe it was something about her not being in the correct physical parameters of his own devising.

I really wished I could have talked to that women, but (a) never having the opportunity, and (b) knowing that it could never have come out right, and just would have hurt her more.
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Jack Webbs
Reply Tue 13 Dec, 2005 05:30 pm
I love to leer at women providing they are attractive but of course I have the courtesy to stop if it bothers them. Leering can be an ice breaker you know? I have struck up a conversation with a simple, quick ogle more than once.

Especially with a complete stranger. If I sense she has a sense of humor I prefer to ogle sooner than formally introducing myself. She notices, she smiles at me and then? :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Tue 13 Dec, 2005 08:43 pm
Oh God. Blecchhhh.
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Jack Webbs
Reply Tue 13 Dec, 2005 10:54 pm
Whaaaaaaat cyphercat, whaaaaaaaaaaat? Rolling Eyes
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Jack Webbs
Reply Tue 13 Dec, 2005 11:20 pm
Today's kids think Harry Potter is great? Right now I have one of the Mad Max movies on. The kids of today have no idea what greatness is until they have seen Mel Gibson in a Mad Max movie.

I might go down to Australia this time instead of Ireland. I have roots in Ireland and branches in England and Australia. Cousin Alice in Australia works for IBM. We dated several time when she came to visit in Ireland. We are both STRONGLY attracted to each other. Even though Alice is more than 20 years my junior. I showed her the cattle mart.

We're second cousins so it was all on the up and up. Plus like me, Alice also has a bent for things Victorian. I guess we were originally English maybe. But ancient folklore has it that my people allegedly landed in Northern Ireland as Vikings then when the English took over they gave up the boats, learned English and became farmers. Later migrating to the Republic to escape repression because they were very fair skinned and all.

One thing we also know is they were all brilliant. I guess it sort of shows. Doesn't it? :wink:

I am digressing here because I am troubled. Yes, I am troubled. I can't tell you why right now because it may only be my imagination but I don't think so. No, I don't think so at all. Nope.

Age appropriateness may not be in Jack's best interest.
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Jack Webbs
Reply Mon 19 Dec, 2005 11:30 am
Well, here it is another Monday and I am all in one piece.

I tell you, I don't know. I think I am just too fast for these women. No idea what the hell they expect from a great American, semi-hero like me. I mean I'll be darned if I am going to spend several days eating until we get down to brass tacks.

I dated an old English woman Saturday and she likes to relive Word War II. Plus several time I forget what she had said and I later asked her questions she had already answered. Rather tham simply being polite and answering my question she would give me odd smiles and say: "I told you before."

I patted her on the fanny as I assisted her getting into my car and she lurched, gave me a dirty look.

Sunday she called and told me she knew I was playing the field and she just was not interested in that sort of thing so that was that. I would have to have marriage on my mind before I would restrict myself to one woman. At any rate it won't be her. :wink:

Tomorrow I go down to the city to take a very nice woman on a tour of museums. She has not been feeling well but worst of all her Golden Retriever is not well at all. If it wasn't for the fact I get a kick out of riding the train I probably wouldn't go. I certainly won't drive my nice car in that filthy place during the week when all the workers are working. Mad

One good thing is that I am not connected enough to any of them so that I feel a need to buy them anything for Christmas. And that's good. Which reminds me, If my son doesn't invite me to dinner my grandson gets no money for Christmas.

I win either way. I always get a kick out of myself when I end up NOT spending money that I was afraid I would have to, that is not for my benefit. :wink:
0 Replies
Lord Ellpus
Reply Mon 19 Dec, 2005 12:10 pm
It is at this precise moment in time, that I really appreciate the fact that my Father was a kind, loving and generous family man, and that I am proud to have known him.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 Dec, 2005 12:19 pm
your father seem's to have done a good job LE

you sexy ol'e grunter you.. Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 Dec, 2005 12:23 pm
Francis wrote:
We, French, laugh at fools..

And we, the Dutch, just make a face at fools ...

of course, that can give us quite the fright in the morning, when we stand before the mirror..
0 Replies
Jack Webbs
Reply Mon 19 Dec, 2005 04:21 pm
Hungarians are scarce people. I have only met three of them in my entire life. Hunky Hodis, Gilbert Mandy and Tibor Banlaki. Hodis looked more Oriental. He had slanted eyes.

As a trombonist, Tibor sat behind me playing his baritone horn. Many a time I turned to tell Tibor how great he played that horn. A great baritone horn Player Tibor Banlaki was; RIP Tibor.

I have never been out with a Hungarian woman simply because they are scarce. I would like to comment on Hungarians but I cannot because they are scarce and anything I said would be strictly wishful thinking and speculation. (I have heard about Cardinal Mindszenty though.)

Since I give everyone the benefit of the doubt I give all Hungarians an "A" ! I have come to know many people from many foreign countries and they are all my friends. Smile
0 Replies

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