the drinking's fine
it's using it as an excuse not to look around that's just pathetique
kinda hard to tell if anyone's looking at you, if you're not looking around
no more excuses
well speaking of dag, I sat next to her in Boston trying to get a look at her face and she kept looking down at her hands (do I remember a beer in those hands?) anyway I never saw her eyes.
so dag never even knew you were tryin' to hook up?
damn shame
you probably had your leatherlegs on too
<deep sigh>
nah I think I was wearing the lizard skin boots that day.
maybe she was looking at the boots?
i know i woulda been
Dys was wearing cowboy boots that day.
Ok, I lied, I did look around. There were two oddly shaped chicks at the bar and a youngish guy met them there after a while. I nebver saw the guy's face. And there was a table of 3-4 40+ year old men at another table. There was one couple in a side room. And, there was us and the bartender. I glanced, I didn't really LOOK.
Wellllllll. Back in '02, as they used to say before this present century, I spent a few years flirting, being flirted with, and acting it out. I tended to mean it when I flirted. I'm not exactly sorry, but it was not real useful for real relationships, too much too soon, usually. Y'all are welcome to it. Flirting without meaning it, I've just never gotten the hang of it. Except perhaps the odd small smile. But then I am apt to mean that too.
Too damn serious. When will I ever learn?
The entire time I sat there in Boston with littlek across the table she just glared at me with daggers in those eyes waiting for me to say something really really stupid, she was prepared to say HAH. Fortunately everything I said was stupid so she never got the chance to say HAH. (she had 2 beers that day)
I'm wondering why Dag looks down and doesn't make eye contact. This is puzzling. I've always had Dag pictured as one of the women with a penetrating, unwavering gaze.
Dag does usually have a penatrating stare, Gus, but Dys can make even a super-confident gal a little coy. <glare>.
Osso, me too. Too serious, at least about romance.
Flirting isn't romance!
Flirting is just flirting. Fun, light entertainment.
Flirting could be asking the guy on the elevator if he called the express.
As I said at the top of this thread, we don't all have a common definition of what it means to flirt.
If flirting's gone serious, it's no longer flirting. It's some other critter - something with intent. Too depressing to think about.
Someday it'll be another lost art.
Plenty of innocent flirting at lunch today. Is it an art or is it just science?
so, beth, what would flirting gone serious be called?
I'd say it's an art. Something you need a basic talent for.
A bit like music. Anyone can take violin/singing/music lessons, but you need a basic talent to create a sound that doesn't frighten dogs.
You might be able to learn the technical points of flirting, but your application will look and sound and feel unnatural to you - and an astute observer.