It seems such a complicated fine line between playing indifferent & totally ignoring the object of desire, slappy! Experts could well give lessons in this to the floundering! :wink:
It is a fine line. Allow me, who in a slump, and hasn't picked anyone worthwile up in a while, explain. (coming from a guy to girl point of view)
The key is to flirt, show some interest, but act in a slightly teasing/joking manner, confident, so you're not clingy and spewing the "oh, you're so beautiful" type of crap that will turn the woman off.
Don't act like you're all about picking up the woman, or you can flick off her attraction switch faster than you can say "sex." And you have to make sure you're getting some flirt signs back, or you're wasting your time. This is assuming she's not seriously coming on to you, which is when the stupid flirting has to be taken to the next level.
Light-hearted flirting is just that, light-hearted. If you're going to play around with it then you don't really need advice, just try to have fun.
On the other hand if you're trying to pick up. The best place is at a party.
First, find a pretext to talk with them. This can be difficult if you've chosen a stranger for most places. However at a party it's not too hard, people chat with strangers at parties and all you have to do is drift into the same group as him/her.
Second. Once you're talking with him/her. Don't start using lines, that's a no-no. Just talk about whatever the topic is. If you're in a group direct slightly more attention to him/her than everyone else, but not too much.
If you've somehow managed to get into a single conversation and are talking with him/her on their own then congratulations, you're in a good spot.
Third. Leave the conversation. At a conversation lull get up, go to the toilet or get a drink. If they're reluctant for you to leave then congratulations, there isn't much more you need to do, either stay and talk or come back sooner than you would otherwise. Then assosciate with other people for a bit, your friends at the party etc. Don't talk about the guy/girl you met. You can use the whole "let a rumour drift back that you're interested trick" but that is an advanced technique that takes more work to get the knack of.
Fourth. Talk to them again, if last time was with a group attempt to speak to him/her on their own. Let conversation drift to more personal matters, discussing previous relationships is an advanced technique best avoided unless you know what you're doing. Let him/her have as much of the conversation as they want.
Fifth... from that point onwards it all depends on the circumstances. Just play it by ear.
There are other methods, but this is the main one I use. It seems to work well for me.
Too much talkin', guidedog. You put them to sleep.
gustavratzenhofer wrote:Too much talkin', guidedog. You put them to sleep.
Along with sexual innuendos, you can pull the "cold wet dead fish" on the object of your desire. Walking around with glass of cold water, dip your hand into it before shaking their hand(without them seeing you, sillypants!) then give them a limp handshake with your cold wet hand.
You're in like Flynn. I learned this tasty tidbit from Gus, and I've been a stud ever since.
too tired to take notes....
too stunned by all these practices- they were probably flying right over my head all these years. i'll pay closer attention next time i see a man. if all goes well, it could still be in this calendar year.
Dag, did you even look around the bar tonight? I didn't.
nope, didn't cross my mind.... <hanging head in shame>
Neither did I..... well, I thought I should, so I sort of did, but not really.
and the purpose of going out and not looking around was .... ?
Ehbeth, these two are some serious drinkers. Don't let them fool you otherwise.
The one time I hung out with them together, Dag was eating jello shots by the bowl, and Littlek was breaking world records for the kegstand.
When you drink as much as these two, scanning the room for the opposite sex takes a backseat.
When we scan, we fall over.
Seriously, we were out to meet a friend who was back in town for the season opener.
eyes focused on the glass. or the jello shot. must not look away!
every time you leave the house there is an opportunity to flirt
every time
Let 'em drink, beth. They have issues that would cause a monk to become a heroin addict.
For god's sake...... let them drink.
double pfffft.
We weren't getting shnookered (we had 2 beers each), we were visiting with a few friends.
What Littlek is leaving out, those two beers were 40oz each. And 10% alcohol.