husband looking at porn

Reply Sat 16 Jul, 2005 03:49 pm
Confused1 wrote:
The fact that women think differently from men is al the more reason for a man to be more sensitive to a woman's feelings. Not act like an animal!

Two way street. Women, also, have to be sensitive to a man's feelings. Alot of these guys were enjoying porn before they became involved with their women. Right - wrong - or indifferent .... it is something alot of men enjoy and feel it's ok because they don't feel like they are actually cheating.

Men are visual creatures. I don't think it's so much the person they are looking at , that's turning them on. I think it's more so the act.

I can feel empathy for the women that are torn up by this, though. If you have let your man know your feelings about it - without demanding he stop doing it ........ he should love you enough to not want to hurt you. He should find you way more important than porn.

On the flip side.......some men are addicted. They need help to stop. They may want to, but the addiction may be stronger than they are.
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Reply Sat 16 Jul, 2005 08:43 pm
fiance caught lying about porn multiple times
i need help with this situation. My fiance and i have had a roller coaster relationship. recently i figured out his password to his e-mail and caught him subscribing to a porn website. he yelled and screamed at me for invading his privacy and broke several things in my house. i had told him 2 years ago, before we got together that i concider porn cheating and since then i have caught him using it 3 times. i feel so horrible and disgusting inside for being with such a trashy and pathetic person but some people tell me i shouldnt feel that way and i should just move on. he tells me he doesnt mean to hurt me, but he lied to my face about it 3 times before i showed him proof and he hit the roof. should i be as upset as i am? i am concidering canceling the wedding because I feel so betrayed. Crying or Very sad

p.s. our sex life isnt lacking AT ALL, and he cheated on his ex-wife in person, over the internet and in strip clubs multiple times
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Reply Sat 16 Jul, 2005 09:03 pm
I am so sorry.

Your case is a classic example of someone that has no business looking at porn.

You told him from the beginning. He chose to continue on with you. As far as I'm concerned, he's very wrong.

Also.....you said he broke several things because he was angry. That kind of anger can lead to bad things. I would be careful if I were you.

On the other hand.....it was very wrong of you to invade his email. I think you know that.

If you don't trust him .....why marry him? It's not going to get any better.

Love without trust ......does not make a good marriage.
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Reply Sun 17 Jul, 2005 05:26 pm
This cracks me up laughing, Im sorry I think some of you need to start a support group post for those who snoop into their partners files and emails and find out things that highly upset you! all because 'you' have made them feel like they cant discuss these issues honestly and open with you. :wink:
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Reply Sun 17 Jul, 2005 08:08 pm
Re: fiance caught lying about porn multiple times
tornapartinside wrote:
recently i figured out his password to his e-mail and caught him subscribing to a porn website.

how did you manage to do that? Shocked I can't even organise my own passwords, let alone try to work out other people's!

tornapartinside wrote:
p.s. our sex life isnt lacking AT ALL, and he cheated on his ex-wife in person, over the internet and in strip clubs multiple times

I'm thinking the fact that he manage to get another woman at all (and you sound like a very nice person) should get him thinking how lucky he is after all the above and maybe change his habits and ways.
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Reply Mon 18 Jul, 2005 07:28 am
take off the garbs of sin
porn is an abomination to the creator you must burn and destroy all the porn from your home,it is a filthy sin that satan has trick you into watching,give it up now repent your evil ways .
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Jul, 2005 01:46 pm
take off the garbs of sin
porn is an abomination to the creator you must burn and destroy all the porn from your home,it is a filthy sin that satan has trick you into watching,give it up now. repent your evil ways .
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Region Philbis
Reply Mon 18 Jul, 2005 02:20 pm
yeah, that satin is pure evil Arrow http://www.fabrics.net/colpics/satin.jpg
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Reply Mon 18 Jul, 2005 04:24 pm
Re: take off the garbs of sin
yuletide26 wrote:
porn is an abomination to the creator you must burn and destroy all the porn from your home,it is a filthy sin that satin has trick you into watching,give it up now. repent your evil ways .

Ok Im just dying from laughter here On ya Region!.......
as for yuletide if your post is for real you should never even have looked in this thread! tut tut tut Twisted Evil

funny yuletide how you quickly changed your spelling from 'Satin' to 'Satan' and you are still gawking in this thread hmmmm
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Reply Mon 18 Jul, 2005 04:33 pm
Re: husband looking at porn
shmookiedoo wrote:
First let me start by telling everyone how grateful I am that you all have posted your stories. It is such a relief to know that I am not alone.
I have been married for 13 years and my husband has always known my feelings about porn and other naked women in general. The idea of him searching for that sort of thing is hurtful to me and he's made it clear that since it's not important to him, it's something he could do without. We have watched videos together in the past. Note the word TOGETHER. To be honest, we'd watch for awhile then get down to business and forget it was still running.
A few years ago I came across porn sites on the cache of our computer. My first thought was that since my brother-in-law had been using the computer it must have been him. I made a comment to my husband about it and he fessed up. I was shocked and hurt. We spent about a week fighting/discussing the issue and I thought it was behind us...until about a month ago. We have our own computers now, and I was using his to upload digital photos when I came across some porn address saved by the autocomplete feature. He thought he'd done his best to hide his surfing. Again I gave him the benefit of the doubt and thought it was possibly spam related. When I asked him about it, he tried to deny it, but he's not a good liar and he fessed up. He's been doing it regularly! I was so hurt, I've never felt so low. He tried to turn it around on me, he told me I was not sexual enough (so not true). He told me its a "guy thing". He got mad at me for trying to control him and told me to mind my own business! He's told me to lighten up, and he's said that spanking his monkey to porn is sometimes less complicated than real sex. I feel sick. It feels like he cheated on me. When I asked him to stop he said that's a hard thing to promise because he's got a long life ahead of him. Then he said if he promised not to..then he's giving me all the control. Then he did finally promise but I don't know if I can trust him.
Is it so much to ask that a wife's body is all that a husband needs? He used to watch me undress and make such a big deal and it felt so special. It does not feel special anymore. Now I just imagine all the other bodies he's looked at in the same way and I feel sick.
I'm trying really hard to put this behind me but it's difficult. I've lost respect for the man. Please help.
i say go to the gym and get on the thigh master get that a. Shocked s hello, phat thats p. h. a. t. make that man slobber on his self keep th boy in line. most of the female species get s too comfortable in a live in love thing and let themselves go so get it back. hello Exclamation
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Bella Dea
Reply Tue 19 Jul, 2005 06:43 am
And men don't let themselves go, JLLLLLL?

HA! There are more married beer bellies in this country....
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Reply Tue 19 Jul, 2005 10:59 am
Bella Dea wrote:
And men don't let themselves go, JLLLLLL?

HA! There are more married beer bellies in this country....
TRUE But it seems that socitey looks at the female body as it has to be perfect even in a marrage if not the man will stray and often it happons because the male starts looking. and the wife has to compete with the younger shaper females, its a shame but thats the way it is a female has to worry about her looks more than a male. she has to cook the dinner, handle the kids, do the shoping clean the house mannage the money all this and still look good for her man, i know its hard for a female and i disagree with the way things is i mean i dont think that a woman should have to do all these things, it should be even steven and both should keep up a good appearence if not for each other than for themselves, and too many women let themselves go as soon as they are married ive been married twice and as soon as they had me shabooth, they turned into the blob. Twisted Evil Twisted Evil .
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Reply Tue 19 Jul, 2005 11:02 am
You have the best stories, JLLLLLLLLLLL. Rolling Eyes
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Reply Tue 19 Jul, 2005 11:09 am
123I'mjustme wrote:
RE EPORN: It's not about YOU ladies. I look fabulous and my man still does it almost every day.
I want sex every day he wants it 2x per month.
Don't make their issues your issues.
Men just like to think they are getting away with something and the more pathetic they are the more they need to sneek around and wallow in filth.
Respect yourselves Don't Paricipate in demeaning other women or yourselves. Let them know you won't tolerate it and they are putting your relationship in jeopardy. There is so much sex everywhere till nobody needs to DO IT anymore!!!
on the other had men are visuall creatures and females are emotional creatures thats the way a lady explained it to me and it made since.
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Reply Tue 19 Jul, 2005 02:29 pm
Men looking a porn "teens"
I have another question. I have been married two years, and he looks at porn. Ok, some say no biggie. I accept that...but, he looks at these 18 year old who are really trying to look 15 in the photos. For example, in little girl underwear and little girl room scenarios. What does this say about fantasy or what? Does he actually want to have sex with a little teen girl or what? Please help...I have a young daughter, and this REALLY disturbs me. Can anyone shed some light on what these mean? Does he check out these "little girl teens (15 yr olds) at the mall when we are there? or am I way off base?
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Reply Tue 19 Jul, 2005 03:52 pm
Bella Dea wrote:
And men don't let themselves go, JLLLLLL?

HA! There are more married beer bellies in this country....
and most of them are the red neck women. Razz Laughing Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Jul, 2005 03:55 pm
JLLLLLL wrote:
123I'mjustme wrote:
RE EPORN: It's not about YOU ladies. I look fabulous and my man still does it almost every day.
I want sex every day he wants it 2x per month.
Don't make their issues your issues.
Men just like to think they are getting away with something and the more pathetic they are the more they need to sneek around and wallow in filth.
Respect yourselves Don't Paricipate in demeaning other women or yourselves. Let them know you won't tolerate it and they are putting your relationship in jeopardy. There is so much sex everywhere till nobody needs to DO IT anymore!!!
on the other had men are visuall creatures and females are emotional creatures thats the way a lady explained it to me and it made since.
and may be your not as hot as you think.
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Reply Tue 19 Jul, 2005 04:12 pm
Confused1 wrote:
Hi there

I have read all the replies on this topic with interest! I too have a boyfriend that continually looks at porn. He has actually saved video clips of it on the PC i am using at the moment. I have tried to pretend this doesn't bother me but in reality it is tearing me apart. It is even more hurtful to know that he is doing it whilst I am in the house downstairs. I have never refused to have sex with him and I feel as though it is affecting our sex life. He used to want it all the time, and now he doesn't seem that interested - its no wonder really!

I am still quite young - 23 years old and without sounding big headed am quite slim and pretty. We plan to marry and have kids etc but I really dread to think what this kind of thing will do to me when we are married and I have put on a bit of weight after carrying all his children - I think Iam barely able to cope with it now because I can almost compare to the girls that are on the websites. For an older woman or someone who is not confident about their body, I can imagine it would be even more heartbreaking.

I have read all the replies on this site and I can appreciate that most girls find it acceptable. I have had a very strict upbringing - my dad did not look at porn at every opportunity - in fact, he never did! I have been brought up in a strict environment and to believe that partners should be faithful to each other. My mother would be disgusted if she found my dad looking at porn and I have been brought up with the same ideas about things. I am now finding it very hard to cope with what women accept from men these days - it is very difficult to accept your boyfriend looking at pornography when you have been brought up to believe that this kind of thing is wrong.

What is more, the fact that he is doing it while I am in the house is an insult to me - it makes me feel like he is not happy with me and if that is the case, I wish he would just say so. We have talked about it slightly and he just laughs it off and says he only does it when I am on my period. This is not true because when you look at the properties of a computer file, it gives you the last time and date it was modified. He is doing it all the time! I could see this being a big problem in some marriages. I actually found an interesting website:


It gives an account of how on-line porn is destroying relationships.

I am not coping very well right now, but when I am 45, have put on a little weight and have started to get wrinkles, I will be destraught!

dang i didnt know that there were that many insecure females out there i mean i knew they got problems with their sexuallity and doing the Rolling Eyes and stuff but dang so insecure, just stay in shape and mybe that will help and why dont you start looking at play girl and bring up male sites and tell him that his still the man but u look at porn of males hum may be he will start feeling the same way you do or may be not.
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Reply Tue 19 Jul, 2005 04:22 pm
Re: Men looking a porn "teens"
maddie25 wrote:
I have another question. I have been married two years, and he looks at porn. Ok, some say no biggie. I accept that...but, he looks at these 18 year old who are really trying to look 15 in the photos. For example, in little girl underwear and little girl room scenarios. What does this say about fantasy or what? Does he actually want to have sex with a little teen girl or what? Please help...I have a young daughter, and this REALLY disturbs me. Can anyone shed some light on what these mean? Does he check out these "little girl teens (15 yr olds) at the mall when we are there? or am I way off base?
i think that these moms that let their daughters go to the malls dressed like they do should be shot. i mean see thru skirts, low cut blouses, no bras, geeeeeee string undies, you cant help but see they are every where and looking at older men like starved out wolves, some even show themselves you cant sit down and enjoy a cheese burger with out looking up and seeing a Embarrassed Rolling Eyes hello stareing at you. you can not be trying and see that you know what . ive even seen them with their parents also dad mom grannie they dont care. and as far as the girls with the little looks the porn is there hes going to look at it too, but if he starts getting to chummie with your daughter i would be a bit conserned, is she his daughter. and just talk to him about it and dont be judge mentle just talk and see where his mind is at not nagging just talking to him.
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Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2005 12:40 pm
porn with little girl looks
No, this is not his daughter, but he calls her "sweetie" and no pet names for me. However, she is only 7 at this point. My real question is...when guys look at porn, and the porn is depicting a 15 year old look (I know the girl is probably 18 and legal), but she is looking like 15 year old. Basically, from what I can tell, this is all he looks at...DOES THIS MEAN he is attracted to this type of girl or what? What does it mean? and usually these girls have no make up on etc. just "younger" looking. I have caught him in the history files doing it about once per month for about 10 min. and constantly pulls up the same type of girl. Please clear it up from a male perspective??
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