Survivor 10: Palau

Reply Fri 15 Apr, 2005 09:51 am
You didn't miss much sozobe - that was pretty much the highlights of the beginning - not much else stand out. I like Steph a lot, but she does need to try to start thinking smarter in regard to alliances. I agree that it was probably better for her to lose the immunity challenge as it will make her seem less a threat. It would be in the best interest of almost everyone else (except perhaps Ian as he and Tom are close) to vote Tom off as soon as they can. This seems very much like Colby where he won just about every (if not all) of the immunity challenges.
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Reply Fri 15 Apr, 2005 12:12 pm
They just showed Stephanie making her way back to camp in the dark, restarting her fire, worrying over whether the fire would last 'til morning.

She's a tough cookie.
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Duke of Lancaster
Reply Fri 15 Apr, 2005 01:51 pm
I concur.
Stephanie better make alliances before she's the next one going home.
Basically Survivor is a show about relationships among people and how they get along. It's also about strength and courage, but if people don't like you, you're gone.
I think it's difficult, to me personally, for someone to like others by force even though you hate him/her, but hey, you MUST do it if you want to stay alive. lol
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Reply Fri 15 Apr, 2005 02:48 pm
It's not just like, though -- people who are especially popular are themselves vulnerable and seen as threats.

There was a preview of Janu saying something like what, is this junior high school?

By the way I think a big part of why there are a bunch of "who?"s on Koror is just that Ulong got so much more air time as the tribe that kept losing all the time. Now that it'll be all Koror, all the time, personalities might take more shape and they might become more interesting.
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Reply Tue 19 Apr, 2005 12:12 pm
Stephanie strikes me as a much less strident version of Ami from the last Survivor -- a tough, strong female warrior surrounded by lessers (the other female alliance members in Ami's case and the inept dunce men in Stephanie's). Stephanie reminds me a bit of Sigourney Weaver's character, Ellen Ripley, from the Alien movies and I'm rooting for her to win the million.

On the other side, Tom probably deserves to be in the final 2 but I suspect he'll be knocked off for being too much a threat. Ian could pick up the immunity idol in Tom's place, but he seems a bit too amiably passive to get to the end.

As someone else commented above, the others are like an amorphous blob, indistinguishable from each other. If any of them make it to the final 2 it will be a case of flying under the radar.
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Reply Thu 21 Apr, 2005 08:04 pm
Fun fun fun!

I can't decide if it's so obvious that it'd be Stephanie that it won't be, or it will be since it's so obvious as to be obvious that it won't be...


I think Jeff talked Janu into it, but Janu did it.

I think they've wanted a truly sympathetic winner for a long time now. Whatsername who beat Colby is the only one I can think of right off. I guess I'm thinking more towards Steph Tom or Ian these days.

The all-woman alliance looks way interesting!!

I really think the amorphous blob part is mostly a function of screen time. Ulong had what, 50% more screen time because of going to all those endless tribal councils? Now that it's focused on the same group all the time, they're coming in to focus more.

I see what you mean about Ami/Steph, Allan, but I think Ami was way more into mind games than Steph. Ami was medium-strong in challenges, nowhere near the physical threat Steph is. Ami's main thing was using her wiles. Steph is just getting into that, and I think it's appropriate at this point and sympathetic given that they were *this close* to voting her off because, ya know, it's just a game...
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Joe Nation
Reply Thu 21 Apr, 2005 08:07 pm
Note to Steph: win immunity at all costs from this point forward. Even if you have to lose a limb to win, win. Else all is lost.

Joe(just a thought)Nation
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Reply Fri 22 Apr, 2005 07:44 am
Oh, Jeff definitely did talk her into it. I remember how disgusted Jeff was with Austen(?) when he quit. I think he was disgusted that Steph would be booted after all she went through.

Steph also needs to step it up and I don't mean just in the immunity challenges. She is doing nothing in trying to stir things up among the tribe members. She needs to get them doubting each other. I think she needs to be a little more aggressive (in a quiet way). She seems to be pals with Jen. Talk with her about how strong Tom is and how strong the alliance is between Tom and Ian. Maybe they should consider booting one of them out since if Tom keeps winning - who do they think he is going to bring to the final two? And then do the same between Tom and Ian- say something remember Rob and Amber. But I think Tom may be too slick for that - either way she needs to stir things up.
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Reply Thu 28 Apr, 2005 09:12 pm

They're good at that, aren't they? Make you think, oooh, ____ is gonna win for sure, and then...


Still think they're angling for a likeable, strong-competitor winner. At this point that'd be Tom or Ian, I guess. Gregg's not UNlikeable but he hasn't done that much. Jenn is eh. Katie is eh. Caryn's OK.

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Joe Nation
Reply Fri 29 Apr, 2005 03:51 am
Crap. It's been a bad week for my contenders in the reality tv world, first Constatine gets booted from Idol and now Steph is sent to the hotel on the other side of the island. I could really care less about who wins now.

Joe(can't the girl throw a coconut!)Nation
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Reply Fri 29 Apr, 2005 07:24 am
Who really knows Survivor?
Hi. I'm new here. I was wondering if any of you are interested in helping me answering some Survivor Trivia questions?

I'm on a Survivor League and I'm in the lead and want to keep it that way. This week our bonus questions come from the questions on the Pringles and I thought you all might know the answers I don't and I wouldn't have to do all the research.

Anyone game? Is that allowed on this thread?
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Reply Fri 29 Apr, 2005 08:11 am
I agree Joe - none of the others really interest me. I did like Tom at one point, but he has become too cocky. I am the strongest and did not hold back, etc. comments. I was glad to see that he can lose.

Greg may be playing better than you think. He could be slightly holding back and being quieter and trying not to stand out. Then he may try to sneak in toward the end.

I couldn't understand the Steph fear either. Other than outlasting her group, she has not won any immunity challenges and not even come in the top three in them.
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Reply Fri 29 Apr, 2005 08:12 am
Joe Nation wrote:
Crap. It's been a bad week for my contenders in the reality tv world, first Constatine gets booted from Idol and now Steph is sent to the hotel on the other side of the island. I could really care less about who wins now.

Joe(can't the girl throw a coconut!)Nation

I'm right there with you Joe on those two. However in the Survivor Pool I'm in I was matched up with Caryn - looks like she's putting a target on herself almost last night - she's such a nonplayer - I'm lucky as hell to made it this far with that being my random designated person to root for. LOL
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Reply Sat 30 Apr, 2005 11:51 pm
Well the worst for me has happened. Stephenie - booted. Damn. Not surprising, but stillÂ…damn. But it should be entertaining to watch these folks stab each other in the back over the next few weeks.

couldn't understand the Steph fear either. Other than outlasting her group, she has not won any immunity challenges and not even come in the top three in them.

Agreed. She should have stood up during tribal council and yelled, "Look at me, I haven't even won a single challenge - I'm no threat to you guys!!"

A chance to get rid of Tom and four people can't figure that out collectively????

Drunkard Tom should be first on anyone's hit list, followed closely by Ian, and then Greg, and then and only then Stephenie.
Oh wait .... that would require the four women to figure out that order, hmmm...
Calling, Earth to Caryn, Earth to Caryn . . . And not only does Caryn suck but she's an idiot! Do the math honey, Tom says he wants you to make his alliance "six strong". OK, and next week there's how many castaways? Six you say?!? Tom grates me. Instead of looking a gift Caryn in the mouth, he starts attacking her motives?? You're welcome, ass.

Speaking of foolishness, I give you Gregg, this season's obligatory strategist who can outsmart only himself. 7 left, Tom vulnerable, Katie shopping around for a new alliance, and he's still targeting Steph? "The Plan" is about as good as that ninth one from outer space. He and Jenn will be caught on the wrong side of a 3-2 split for sure, because Katie needs Caryn in the final 2 to have a chance to win so a G/J/K alliance won't happen. It's possible Gregg won't even make it that far.

Jenn would dump Gregg to go farther in the game, who knew? At the very least, she said she would, meaning she's a little more clever than I gave her credit for. She still doesn't realize she's letting Gregg and Katie lead her on to her doom thanks to the former's bad plan and the latter's aforementioned need to carry Caryn to the end.

So, in this world, why doesn't anyone look at Gregg and AnonJen as being a total threat, given that their block of two can swing any group vote aside from one that targets either one of them?

Dumb dumb dumb.

I hope somehow Steph's vote is the decider for the winner.
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Joe Nation
Reply Sun 1 May, 2005 05:15 am
Note to Xandrasky: we know nothing. Ask away.

Joe(faked it this far)Nation
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Duke of Lancaster
Reply Sun 1 May, 2005 03:09 pm
RfromP wrote:
Well the worst for me has happened. Stephenie - booted. Damn. Not surprising, but stillÂ…damn. But it should be entertaining to watch these folks stab each other in the back over the next few weeks.

couldn't understand the Steph fear either. Other than outlasting her group, she has not won any immunity challenges and not even come in the top three in them.

Agreed. She should have stood up during tribal council and yelled, "Look at me, I haven't even won a single challenge - I'm no threat to you guys!!"

A chance to get rid of Tom and four people can't figure that out collectively????

Drunkard Tom should be first on anyone's hit list, followed closely by Ian, and then Greg, and then and only then Stephenie.
Oh wait .... that would require the four women to figure out that order, hmmm...
Calling, Earth to Caryn, Earth to Caryn . . . And not only does Caryn suck but she's an idiot! Do the math honey, Tom says he wants you to make his alliance "six strong". OK, and next week there's how many castaways? Six you say?!? Tom grates me. Instead of looking a gift Caryn in the mouth, he starts attacking her motives?? You're welcome, ass.

Speaking of foolishness, I give you Gregg, this season's obligatory strategist who can outsmart only himself. 7 left, Tom vulnerable, Katie shopping around for a new alliance, and he's still targeting Steph? "The Plan" is about as good as that ninth one from outer space. He and Jenn will be caught on the wrong side of a 3-2 split for sure, because Katie needs Caryn in the final 2 to have a chance to win so a G/J/K alliance won't happen. It's possible Gregg won't even make it that far.

Jenn would dump Gregg to go farther in the game, who knew? At the very least, she said she would, meaning she's a little more clever than I gave her credit for. She still doesn't realize she's letting Gregg and Katie lead her on to her doom thanks to the former's bad plan and the latter's aforementioned need to carry Caryn to the end.

So, in this world, why doesn't anyone look at Gregg and AnonJen as being a total threat, given that their block of two can swing any group vote aside from one that targets either one of them?

Dumb dumb dumb.

I hope somehow Steph's vote is the decider for the winner.

I couldn't agree with you more. Tom is a big threat, but no one sees that. It would be nice to take out Tom but I don't see that happening any time soon, unless the girls stick together with another guy. Don't get me wrong, I like Tom a lot as a contestant and if he wins it'll be great, but if I were a player I'd take him out as well.
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Debra Law
Reply Thu 5 May, 2005 08:05 pm
This episode started with an alliance of five (Tom, Ian, Katie, Gregg, and Jenn) with poor Caryn (the weakest link) on the outside looking in.

Caryn tried to tell Tom that SHE was not a threat to him. She explained that he would be far better off in the long-term keeping her and voting Gregg out of the game. Tom rejected her comments and basically told her that she was on her own.

Tom and Ian thought they had Katie on their side. Once Caryn was gone, the plan was for Tom, Ian, and Katie to vote out the "couple" of Gregg and Jenn.

But, every season, the producers orchestrate a competition so that the players can get a feel for where they fall in the "pecking order."

Caryn was out first; Tom was out second; and Ian was out third. Oops . . . this gave Tom and Ian the opportunity to see how easily they could be OUT of the game and how easily the final three could be Gregg, Jenn, and SURPRISE: Katie.

Gregg won the luxury competition and he immediately picked Jenn to go with him. When given an opportunity to choose a third person, Gregg picked Katie. This was another insight for Tom and Ian.

So, while Gregg, Jenn, and Katie were off on their luxury reward . . . Tom and Ian had a talk about their standing in the tribe and how they could make it to the final three. They realized that they had to get Gregg out of the game NOW . . . before it was too late. They realized that they needed Caryn to keep themselves in the game.

Good thing for Tom and Ian that they decided to take their fate in their own hands because their reliance on Katie was misplaced. On the luxury reward, Katie agreed to throw her hat in with Gregg and Jenn. The three of them agreed to target Tom right after they voted out Caryn.

Tom and Ian explained their plan to Caryn and she was happy to play her part. When the others returned from their luxury reward, Caryn continued to play the depressed, despondent role of the next survivor who was certain to be voted off.

Gregg, Jenn, and Katie were gloating how they would be the majority in power once Caryn was gone . . . how this was THEIR game to win.

Ian won individual immunity again . . . which meant that GREGG was NOT safe. Right before tribal council, Ian talked privately with Katie and told her the plan was to vote out Gregg. If she didn't go along with the plan, she would face the purple rock of death.

Katie obviously didn't like the fact that Ian, Tom, and Caryn were planning and plotting while she was away on the reward planning and plotting with Gregg and Jenn . . . but OH WELL. It's a game.

It was a complete surprise to both Gregg and Jenn when Gregg was voted out.

Previews from NEXT WEEK: Katie throws an emotional temper tantrum because Tom and Ian made her vote out Gregg or risk the purple rock of death. Ian seems to buy into her emotional power play. Ian seems to forget . . . if he hadn't made the move he made . . . Caryn would be gone, then Tom would be gone, and then HE would be gone. Ian's loyalty to Katie is totally misplaced because she was more than willing to stab him in the back to better her own chances to win the million.
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Reply Thu 5 May, 2005 11:11 pm
I'm LMAO so hard - since remember way back when I said I had Caryn (local game) - she's got to be so out of there, it just cracks me up.
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Reply Fri 6 May, 2005 07:15 am
Tom and Ian did a good job getting rid of Gregg, but I think they erred in not getting rid of Jen first.

Gender has played a part in Survivor before.... Can the women pull an alliance together? Maybe not with Caryn.
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Reply Fri 6 May, 2005 07:23 am
Way back at the beginning, before the season started, there was an interview with Jeff Probst where he said that there was a contestant who was "a hot nanny -- not just hot, super-hot!" I kinda squinted at it and wondered if it meant anything and discounted it. Now I'm not so sure...

I have to do my demographic chart again.

I really like Ian, still think they're angling for someone with integrity to win, still hope it's him.

I did really like Caryn's academy award performance, though.

Don't like Jenn. Enjoyed her expression when Gregg was voted off.

Mostly don't like Tom. (He's more likable when he's not crowing about how strong he is -- genuinely felt a little sad for him when he realized he missed the family reward.)

Can't STAND Katie, which makes me think she'll be around for a while...
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