sakhi wrote:wise words, OCOMMBILL, as always
Ok, here's an update. My husband has been travellng quite often to bombay/mumbai over the past two months - he's told me that over e-mail. He's been seeing a therapist/psychiatrist in Bombay who, my husband says, has been helping him with his problems.
My husband asked me if I could come along with him for his next session. I agreed. Agreed because it will help me decide what i want to do - to carry on with my relationship or decide to separate for ever. The next session is this weekend.
Wish me luck...and btw, is there anything specific that I should keep in mind- when I go the therapist?
((((((((((Sakhi))))))))) Scary... and I'm so not qualified to answer... Brooklyn!
Until she gets here to give you the straight scoop, I'll blather a little. Caution, caution, caution. I couldn't know what he's capable of and I'm not sure you really could either. Is it possible to arrange your own transportation with a friend? And have him/her meet you after as well?
I'd also caution you to consider that
he's paying the therapist, so if you sense a bias; there probably is one. Don't under any circumstance allow the victim (you) to be blamed for the victimizer's actions, in
any way. This Non Sequitur rationalization tops the list of abuse-red-flags, so if you sense the therapist in any way buys into that; consider his/her therapy fatally flawed. I'm acutely ignorant of your culture, but suspect there may be an anti-female bias at work against you, as well, but that has no bearing on the preceding point.
Plan for the worst (and I mean specific steps you will take if an emergency occurs) while, of course, hoping for the best. Always err on the side of caution. You may recall that I believe there are two distinct groups of men in this world: Those who can abuse women, and those who can not. I don't believe they can ever
really change teams. I have virtually no faith in any counseling, of any kind, to that effect... so perhaps I'm not the best person to get advice from (unless I'm right... and I'd rather not be.

I would so prefer to read that you met someone else that you think is special... but it isn't about me. I do wish you the very best and hope you don't let your heart make decisions you will later regret. Take care of you.