The short answer is no, it's not emotionally devastating. It's not in the same league as losing a pet (which I think is the point Punkey was making), getting a diagnosis of a terminal illness, a marriage ending, etc. There is no perspective here.
You say you've had a mental breakdown and regressed to a childlike state. Have these conversations with your therapist - and I would strongly suggest you find a way to get short-term disability for a while so you can get more full-time care and not have to deal with work.
I am not a doctor. None of us are here. You need one.
Continuing to post here when you have a therapist, when you don't listen to a damned thing any of us tell you, insisting you are the victim when your actions say the opposite, and constantly attempting to weasel out of anything you're told to do which would conform to societal norms means that we can't help you.
So posting here is a waste of your and our time.
You are not being kicked off the forum but I do want you to consider that you're not getting anything out of these topics. So why keep making them?